"Let Go"

Letting go is always hard no matter the circumstances in which you do it. Whether it's moving to a new city, leaving the comfort and security of your parents' home to live on your own, or the end of a relationship, letting go of what's familiar, what's loved, what's comfortable is always hard.

In Ep. 84, "Un diagnóstico peregrino," the hearts of PepSi fans everywhere broke during what Dr. Booker refers to as "the helicopter scene." Silvia has just discovered that Pepa slept with Aitor. While Silvia knows that Pepa would "fill (her) house with flowers and come down from a helicopter to (her) bed and fill Madrid with (her) name on every bridge" she simply asks one thing from Pepa: for Pepa to let her go. Silvia cried, Pepa cried, I think even that "Cold Hard Bitch" Sara cried, and many PepSi fans cried with them.

Of course, Pepa, being Pepa, couldn't just "let go" like Silvia asked. At least not right away. In Ep. 86, "Un adosao con vistas," we learn that Pepa had been inundating Silvia with flowers and phone calls in an attempt to win Silvia back. In a last ditch effort, she filed mobbing charges against Silvia, seeing it as her only option of getting Silvia to talk to her. At the hearing, Pepa is her usual smug, rebellious self. That is until she learns that Silvia filed a sexual harrasment charge against her and was seeking a restraining order. Pepa is no loner smiling - the hurt and pain is obvious in her face. And when she tells the judge (and Silvia), "I'm not going to be able to comply with that order. Not because I don't want to, but because I can't. Because I can't stand the thought of being more than 2 centimeters away from (Silvia)" you know she means it. But I think this was the moment that Pepa realized she had to do what Silvia asked her - she had to let her go. She needed Silvia to have some time, some space. She needed to let Silvia come back to her on Silvia's own terms. And in order to do that, she had to let go.

Ep. 104 marked another period of letting go for Pepa and for PepSi fans. It's been over six months since that dreaded episode, and in one day we will all get to see how Pepa has been dealing with the fallout from her wedding. The promos have showed us that there will be grief, anger and vengence. But there are also signs that we will get to see remnants of the Pepa we love - a smiling, laughing Pepa - and as hard as it will be to watch her live without her pelirroja, her princesa, her wife by her side, this is a good thing IMO. It's a sign that while Pepa will never forget her wife or the love that they shared, she can still find the beauty and goodness in a world without Silvia. Perhaps S9 will be cathartic for all PepSi fans as we try to let go of Silvia and the loss of PepSi. Maybe watching Pepa's journey from her grief to finding a point of peace will help us do the same. And maybe, just maybe we will also be able to find some beauty in the breakdown. Even if it is during those few seconds when Pepa flashes one of her trademark smiles and we find ourselves smiling with her.


*The title for this lecture is based on the song "Let Go" by Frou Frou.

PS. I wanted to wish Dr. Booker a very, very Happy Birthday. It has been an honor for me to have been able to get to know you and bask in the glow of your wondrous brain.


Dr. Pied Piper said...

Awesome lecture as usual, KC.

"Letting go" actually has some physics behind it (Newton's 3rd law of motion):

Lex III: Actioni contrariam semper et æqualem esse reactionem: sive corporum duorum actiones in se mutuo semper esse æquales et in partes contrarias dirigi.

To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction: or the forces of two bodies on each other are always equal and are directed in opposite directions.

I don't think Pepa consciously let go, she loved Silvia too much. She just got tired of all her actions having equal and opposite reactions. She had to keep still, so Silvia could initiate the new motion / action - again, explained by Newton as the Conservation of Momentum.

Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Jess: Awesome lecture, K! And Dr. P... Very profound insight... :o)

acidburn said...

Awesomazing K! Loved your insight about how Pepa's journey of grief and eventual acceptance of the loss will likely mirror the fans' own journey. ATPP (TM Dr. P) better not screw it up!

I was actually thinking of that song from Frou Frou upon reading your title and was amused that it was in fact a reference to that song.

Anonymous said...

It will be great to eventually see a carefree Pepa flash one of her genuine million watt smiles. However, I believe the character will need quite a bit of time to come back to herself after the severe psychological trauma she has endured. And everything I've gathered from the recent interviews and promos is that her smiles are simply hiding her violent, vengeful and, at times, crazy impulses from her friends and loved ones.

Dr P: Have a safe trip!

Anonymous said...

Great lecture kalike GREAT JOB =)
loved the AE update as well THANX

Dr. Booker said...

Kris, a home run again. I love your thoughtfulness and that it is always tied to a song. What you have said about Pepa is truly a lesson for all of us.
And thank you for the good wishes. YOU are such a pleasure!

ilovepepsi said...

Very poetic and flawless Marian reading... but Madrid doesn' t have bridges, it is not a city known for bridges like Paris is. Another unrealistic take TP, forgiven because evoked wonderful feelings of loneliness, need and Marian was absolutely fearless to be vulnerable. I don't get this woman is not ruling Spain acting community like Meryl Streep or Cate Blanchett rule Hollywood.

ilovepepsi said...

I only want to add, maybe is the incondicional love and devotion for Marian, I truly love the girl— old enough to be her other btw— but I watch a lot of Spanish TV, She was really so outstanding playing Silvia, maybe she understood the character to perfection, maybe there is some Silvia in her, although she' s denied it. We were so lucky

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