Translation, notes, and smart-ass comments by Dr. Bekelauer
Drool-worthy pictures by Dr. PiperBlond lady introduces Bart Santana and Marian Aguilera. She first offers to start off with a test. They need to choose an envelope.
MA: Red!The envelop contains the text “Miquel’s senses”. Miquel, the guy, comes in and asks them if they’re ready. Miquel jokes that they might not even premiere the play if they’re in the show cause anything can happen. Miquel asks them if their senses are fine.

MA: They’re horrible... Horrible... Because I have no sense of smell.Miquel says that poor Marian woke up with a sore throat but that she’s working and doing the promotion for the play anyway and that they will forgive her if she misses due to her runny nose. He’s going to test their sense of touch and taste. Miquel blindfolds Bart and asks them if they get blindfolded often. Marian says yes. [Really?] So Miquel hands them the items which they have to identify.

MA: Underwear? Or a pair of shorts?

Second object - Bow and arrow.
MA: Yeah, a bow and some arrows. No, it’s not a whip, it’s a bow.Then Miquel asks if Cupid has treated them right in life. Bart says he’s a fucker.
MA: I am very happy. [with Cupid]

MA: It’s chocolate natillas. [Spanish dessert]Miquel asks if they use these objects very often. Marian does not answer [Haha!] Then they show a video of the press junket with the cast of the play and some very famous Catalan reporters and journalists. Piper's comment: They had the press junket at a sex shop? Really?
Blondie: Maybe the hardest part is the foreplay?Blondie interrupts to show another video. This time it is the “Surprise appetizer”. Mariona Tena, I have no clue who she is, recommends small olives as appetizer. [Random, I know]
MA: The show has everything.
BS: Everything.
MA: It’s 40.000 stories, so...
BS: Lots of characters, real stories... people are going to be able to feel their story on stage.

MA: Kids grow up too fast these days.So Blondie says that by the end of the show, they’ll have to answer to a question by the audience “When was the last time that...?” Bart does a little bit of history of Mi Primera Vez and how they have organized it.
Blondie: When they ask you about your first time, what do you say?
MA: I never reply.
BS: Mine was so fast I don’t even remember it.

Blondie: So people are gonna feel their story on stage? They might ask for copyright rights.Blondie says they’ve done what they do in the play – they handed little postcards so people could share their stories. And she’s offering them to read out loud some experiences from the TV set team.
MA: Well, people wrote their stories on the website so they could share them. People really want to explain things about their own lives, and yeah, many people wrote their stories. People really want to share and explain.
MA: My first time was on a class trip to the country side. We used to go there all the time. One night, among all the students who just couldn’t sleep... well, you can guess.

MA: I almost can’t remember it. It was many years ago, very romantic, with my now wife. I don’t think I did it so wrong.

How Cute!
And then the final test, the “Audience test”.
Blondie: When was the last time Marian fell in love?Piper's deep thought: She fell in love 2 years ago? Huh? But she's been with Himbo for over 10 years! Two years ago... that'd be 2008... when... yes... PEPA CAME ALONG!
MA: Hummm... two years ago.
Blondie: When was the last time you said “This is the last time”?
MA: I’ve said it, but I can’t remember now. I’ve said it many times
Blondie: When was the last time you told a lie?
MA: Can’t remember it.

MA: Bart, they should ask me your questions.
Blondie: Really? When was the last time you got a fine, Marian?
MA: Like a week ago.
Blondie: Why?
MA: I don’t know. Something. Might have parked where I shouldn’t.

Blondie: When was the last time you said “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry”?And it’s over. Short but intense.
MA: Bffff... I said that many times. But I just can’t remember the last one! So I say it now, “Sorry, sorry, sorry!”.

And if you want to watch the interview again... and again... and again...
(Two years ago, she says? Hmmm...)
(ummhmm she did say 2yrs)
Jess: Thanks for the translation... Now I'll have to go and watch it again, and again... *fans herself*
I love Marian sooooooooo much! She's just so unbelievably adorable in everything she does.. *Sigh* 8)
Thx for posting!
About the whole in love 2 yrs ago thing. I think she may have a new man. If you can cast your minds back to the pictures of her at the beach, she's with a totally different guy. Unless it's normal to flash your bits at male friends at the beaches in Spain! In that case he could have been a gay friend!
Sorry, I'm rambling! Lol!
According to the was with Mauricio (i.e., Himbo) in those pictures at the beach. He was even mentioned by name. However, one comment said the guy wasn't Mauri. So who knows.
Here's the link:
you think about it, Although when Maurition could be the gay friend too. Not the first time, right, that you end up best friends with your now-gay-ex. Happened to me.
I was always wondering if maybe they had broken up some time ago, but remained friends and just let people continue to think they were together so they'd be mostly left alone by the media/press/whatever.
But I guess there's no use in speculating. *shrug*
she looks good without putting too much make up....very simple...shes like innocent baby...very lovely...
i'm inlove....again! with this woman, she's ridiculously adorable
i love you marian....whewww..what a woman
She is so adorable even those rabbit teeth, probably the only feature not perfect or awesome. The thing is I have watched a lot of her other work ( only human, the last weekend, you should not be here, pradera de las estrellas) and her acting is all right, nothing particularly outstanding and she also looks great but not gorgeous like in LHDP. I think she is so adored as Silvia but nothing else, and not the lesbiqn thing either, Silvia pre- Pepa was astonishing.
For somebody with no sense of smell, she wears a sweet smelling perfume, very nice, suit her sweetness.
Also her recent pics like in some function, she wears a wedding simple ring on her right hand but her second or third finger and what that means? S she engaged? It s not an engagement ring. She is too private paranoid private, currently in instagram and asked people NOT to post in tweeter or fb.? Quirkiness extreme.
As of Oct 2015 she used to post instagram with a guy she called " friend" but no more. Now only her adored pets. I can' t avoid thinking what a waste but maybe she s happy alone, maybe she suffers when she falls in love, maybe she is in love with someone that can not be....sniff.
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