Good evening my darling students! You will be pleased to know I am back from rehab and all my AA meetings have been going very well so I will not show up to lectures smelling of vodka! You may ask me why I have been getting so drunk?? Well the truth is, as the new season draws nearer, I get sadder because my darling Silvia will not be making an appearance…However, the best way to get over a heart break is to enjoy one of the many pleasures in life …FOOD..or clotted cream to be precise! As you all know, I have a slight obsession with Clotted cream. There is sooooo much you can do with the stuff (including spreading it on various areas of various bodies).
In this lecture, we will be cooking with it, not using it in kinky sex games, vale?? I have emitted scones from this lecture for the obvious reason that azwombat posted a recipe on the thread already.
Three ways with clotted cream…
1. Slow baked clotted cream rice pudding
(does that sound sensual or is it just me?)
25g butter100g short grain pudding rice450ml full-fat milk ( no skimmed RUBBISH...I hate the stuff, it should be banned from supermarket shelves)

284ml pot double cream (ok so this recipe is not great if you are on a diet...)
227g tub clotted cream ( running for 5 hours will help burn off some calories)
1 split vanilla pod
85g golden caster sugar
freshly grated nutmeg
Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Lightly butter a shallow ovenproof dish. Wash the rice well under cold water, then drain. Bring the milk and creams to the boil with the vanilla pod, add the rice and sugar, then stir well. Tip the rice into the prepared dish, then grate a little nutmeg over the top. Dot with knobs of butter, bake for 15 mins, lower the oven to 160C/fan 140C/gas 3, then bake for 1 hr more, by which time the pudding should be golden brown on top and creamy underneath.
2. Clotted cream splits
(again these sound dirty)
150ml pot natural yogurt

3 eggs , beaten
1 tsp vanilla extract
175g golden caster sugar
140g self-raising flour1 tsp baking powder
100g ground almonds
175g unsalted butter ,
melted raspberry jam
raspberries clotted cream
Line a 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases and heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. In a jug, mix the yogurt, eggs and vanilla extract. Put the dry ingredients, plus a pinch of salt, into a large bowl and make a well in the middle.
Cut the tops off the cupcakes and set aside. Spoon a dollop of raspberry jam on top of each one. Top with a few raspberries and generously heaped teaspoons of clotted cream from a 550g pot. Put the tops back on( nooooooo, all tops should stay off in my opinion), then dust with icing sugar to serve.
3. Blackberry and clotted cream shortcake
FOR THE CAKE300g self-raising flour

1 tsp baking powder
140g butter , chilled and cut into small pieces100g golden caster sugar
75ml buttermilk
1 egg , beaten
500g blackberries
3 tbsp golden caster sugar
275g pot clotted creamicing sugar , to serve
Heat the oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Tip the flour into a mixing bowl with baking powder and a pinch of salt. Add the butter, rub everything together with your fingers to make a reasonably fine crumbed mixture, then stir in the sugar. Make a well in the middle of the flour mixture, then tip in the buttermilk and egg. Gently work the mixture together until it forms a soft, sticky, dough. On a lightly floured surface, knead the mixture a couple of times and mould it into an 18cm round. Put the dough on a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake for 30-35 mins until golden and risen and a skewer comes out clean when inserted into the middle. Leave to cool.
For the filling, lightly mash the blackberries with the sugar. Split the shortcake in two and spread the bottom half with the clotted cream. Spoon the mashed berries over the cream, then top with the shortcake. Dust with icing sugar and serve in slices. Add the yogurty mix and melted butter, and quickly fold in with a spatula or metal spoon - don't overwork it. Spoon into the cases (they will be quite full) and bake for 18-20 mins or until golden, risen and springy to the touch (haaaaaa). Cool for a few mins, then lift the cakes onto a wire rack to cool completely.
te han cerrado la cuenta de afterellen??? es que no me lo puedo creer que sepas que si es asi pues no me sale más que en español decirte que estoy muy cabreada...menuda mierda es afterellen no??por qué hacen eso??yo creo que es esa tal harpy que os tiene envidia y no folla con nadie...primero el de lizzie ahora tú no no no no no nooooooooo. mañana me beberé todo el bar a vuestra salud
por cierto que ricooooooo!
Well, it's about time for a new lecture!!! Thank you so much, awesome as usual.
One of these days I'd try some clotted cream, although the idea of unpasteurized milk doesn't seem so appealing.
Jess: Yum... Those look delectable, however, will there be a lecture on HOW to obtain/make clotted cream because I have a sneaky suspicion, it's not available everywhere...
So I finally found some time to check this place out... I am curious... what on earth is 'clotted cream'? I don't think I have ever heard of it before, and I love food...
B-Your recipes are beautiful and delicious...just like you! Te queiro! azwombat xxx
Glad =) i can still enjoy your cheif talents
THANX for da recipe btw will miss ur comments over @ AE
Jesus! What's going on in here? juney mentioned the Pepsi University before but she never said anything about "rub everything with your fingers" and "spread the bottom" pastry porn! gaaah! Is that you my future wife? Sooo many talents, so little time!
miss u, BMF
Can someone tell me what happened to BMF? She was one of my favorite posters on afterellen.
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