By Dr. Pied Piper
(with translations and smart ass comments by Dr. Bekelauer)
(If you want to watch the episode without downloading it, the link is at the end of the post)
It is raining in Madrid and the Miranda family is at the comisaria's locker room. Paco and Lola are livid, worried, and talking Sara out of being a cop after the prior episode's mission gone bad (when Curtis smoked them out of the van). They eventually capitulate and let Sara pursue her cop ambition. One of the toilets flushes - Aitor is taking a dump. Awkward scene when he comes out with toilet paper hanging out of this pants and sees Paco, Lola, and Sara.

Silvia: Both the truck and the car have fake license plates, but we know the brand and model.
Montoya: Plus, with this rain and the state of the roads, they could not have gone further than 100 miles.
Mariano: If you want I can draw with the marker all the places they could have gone to.
Don Lorenzo: Mariano, do you want me to tell you what you’re gonna draw on me? Eh, should I tell you? You’re gonna draw with a big fuck-off marker. And do you want me to tell you where…
Silvia: Dad!!
Don Lorenzo: Sorry, Silvia, tell me. Please call all petrol stations, the DGT [Translator's Note: Department of Transportation], to the control points in all the motorways around, please. Let’s see, Mariano...

DL is bitching at Paco for the Curtis-induced smoked mission, when Interpol guys come in to bitch some more on DL. I guess shit flows upwards at San Antonio. There are more luggage containing exotic animals - you know this is for maximum comedic effect. A dripping Lucas walks in and is honestly surprised to find that Pove is not there yet. DL summons him to the briefing room.

Lucas: No… I don’t know where Povedilla is. I have no idea. I know he is alive, because I handled that, but I don’t know where.
Don Lorenzo: If you handled that, why is he not here with you?
Lucas: I had to abandon him in a forest. We had to pretend his death. He started running and I shot him from behind.
Don Lorenzo: You are crazy. Absolutely crazy.
Lucas: Don Lorenzo, if I hadn’t shot him, they would have shot him, and they were not gonna miss.
Don Lorenzo: You’re not Dirty Harry, Fernández. There are police regulations that you cannot just ignore [Translator's note: Line in Spanish is “saltarse a la torera”, literally “to jump (skip) like Matadores do”]…
Lucas: What do those rules say when a bunch of mad bastards force you to kill a colleague? What do they say? Nothing, right? They don’t say a fucking thing!! And you should know that, with all the bloody medals you have. You know where Povedilla’d be with your rules? Dead.
Don Lorenzo: Don’t piss me off [Translator's note: In Spanish, “no me toques los cojones”, literally means “Don’t touch my balls” – this time they aren't holy, though!], Fernández, don’t piss me off. Or I’ll take disciplinary action against you… with a dossier longer [Translator's note: Literally means “with more pages”] than The Da Vinci Code. What do you want? You want me to take you off the case? [Translator's note: Not sure that’s the right expression!] You want me to?

Paco: You cannot take Lucas off the case, Captain. Let me out, or Mariano, or everyone. But Lucas is giving it all [Translator's note: Literally “leaving his skin”] in the street, and he’s got balls to do things that neither you nor me would ever do.Piper's Snark: Seriously, how many times do they have to do this "I'll turn my badge in" exercise (with requisite dramatic music)? What is this? A union? Whatever happened to chain of command? Insubordination? I know they have each others' back, but seriously, this is getting a tad too dramatic.
Don Lorenzo: What are you trying to say, Miranda?
Paco: Don Lorenzo, Lucas is right. You control all of us from a chair as if we were pieces of a chess set: a bishop, a rook, a pawn… But life is not a bloody chessboard, and this man has the balls to do whatever it takes, and I’m with him.
Mariano: And me.
Curtis: I’m with him too, Don Lorenzo.
Rita: And me, Don Lorenzo, I am with Lucas too.
Quique: And me.
Aitor: I’m also with him.
Don Lorenzo: Very well. I see that in my absence you have developed a beautiful sense of solidarity, so we are all a bit too nervous, and we’re all going home. Everybody’s out of the case, now.
Paco: What?
Don Lorenzo: I said you’re all out of the case. You too, Lucas. I don’t want you to go to the safe house, I don’t want you to pick up Salazar’s phone calls, I don’t want you to do anything at all. Is that clear? You understood?
Lucas: Fuck!

[Povedilla walks in with the most hilarious old man costume]
Rita: Where are you going, dressed like that?
Povedilla: Where am I going, dressed like this? Don Lorenzo, I took two buses, a short distance train, the subway and then I went home to dress up like this, undercover. Don Lorenzo, you have to give me a new identity. And you have to give me a safer flat, if you have one in La Moraleja [Translator's note: A posh neighbourhood in Madrid] then that will be great, and a bodyguard, no, two bodyguards, two… Don Lorenzo, they have tried to kill me – have they not, Lucas? Tell him yourself. How could you abandon me in that forest, so far away…

Povedilla: They let me in the truck. It was full of screens, numbers, letters… Maps, there were tones of maps.
Don Lorenzo: Maps? Maps of what?
Povedilla: Don Lorenzo, maps of… like… maps…
Silvia: Dad, stop it, his tension is going up.
Don Lorenzo: I’m sorry, daughter… But you didn’t pay attention to details? Any details, I don’t know… Post-its, bills, a detail!!
Povedilla: A detail, a detail, Don Lorenzo… It smelled like air freshener. They had sprayed it [Translator's note: Literally “It smelled like fru fru” which is not even a word]

Don Lorenzo: Fuck, Povedilla!!
Povedilla: Fuck, Don Lorenzo! I was surrounded by assassins! Do you think I was in a state to pay attention to details, evidences or post-its? Well, no, no, I wasn’t. I was gonna die…! Because when I handed them the virus, I saw in their faces that they wanted to kill me… That they wanted to…
Silvia: Papa, Papa!!... His heartbeat is speeding up!!
Don Lorenzo: Calm down, daughter, please… Did you give them the virus?
Povedilla: Yes, I gave them the virus.
Don Lorenzo: And what happened?
Povedilla: Let me see, I gave them the virus, and they phoned the Kaiser.
Don Lorenzo: And what happened? What, what… what did they say to him? What did they talk about?

Povedilla: Well, I don’t know, Don Lorenzo, I don’t know. How do you want me to hear what they talked about? No, I couldn’t…
Don Lorenzo: The number… Did you pay attention to the number?
Povedilla: Don Lorenzo, no, no, I did not pay attention to the number… How could I? I only saw that they were calling the Kaiser and po-po-pi-po… and that’s it.
Silvia: Wait. Repeat that. The melody, repeat it.
Povedilla: Popipopipopapapapapi.
Don Lorenzo: Are you sure?
Povedilla: Popipopipopapapapapi. Since I was a kid, I’ve always had a gift for music.
Silvia: That’s it. We got it.

Like my older brother who used to bring stray cats and stray friends to my parents' house, Paco brings Lucas and Mariano to his house to feed them. Sara is in the living room studying. Lola brings out tapas - are those jamon iberico? Piper starts drooling.

And in one of the weirdest scenes ever in the history of TV, Paco tries to reconcile his 18-year old daughter and his 36-year old partner. Mariano and Lola even help. WTF?

Silvia is at the lab trying to decipher Kaiser's phone number using Pove's tonality from memory.
Silvia and Pove: Popipopi…
Povedilla: The first four are perfect, okay? Let’s see the next ones…
Silvia: Okay, let’s see, look… 91. It’s a number from Madrid. 51… Go ahead.
Povedilla: Okay. Papipopi… pooooo [Translator's comment: this scene cracks me up! It’s hilarious!] Ooooo… let’s see, half a semitone higher… pooooo… No. Let’s see. And what if instead of B Flat we try G sharp? Papipopi…
Don Lorenzo: For the love of God, Povedilla, for the love of God, we’ve been two fucking hours and a half with the fucking Casiotone [Translator's reaction: muahahahahhaahahhahahahahhahahha!], cojones!!! We sound like kids from Colegio de San Ildefonso [Translator's note: It’s a very posh school in Madrid. The students of a certain age range, I think 10-14, are the ones to extract and “sing” the winning numbers in Christmas lottery, which is a very traditional lottery ceremony], for the love of God…! Were you not specially gifted for music?

Povedilla: I am, I am…
Don Lorenzo: Good, then find the fucking note!!!
Povedilla: I would find the note if you were not interrupting us every now and then, because it’s very difficult to work this way, because you interrupt us and I get distracted, I get confused… and I lose it, I lose it. And I can’t do it this way… I…
Silvia: Let’s see. Papipopi…
Povedilla: Poooo… No, no, no… Papipopipopopopopi… That’s it very well…
Don Lorenzo: Is that it? Are you sure?
Povedilla: Yes, that’s it, papipopipopopopopi… [Translator's comment: I think Pove is changing the melody every time!! Haha!!]

Rita: Don Lorenzo, just a tiny thing. I understood what you said, what you said before but, where shall we put all the stuff?
Don Lorenzo: Rita, I don’t know, in the shooting gallery, in the common areas, in my office, wherever you want. But please, let us do our job. For the love of God.
Rita: Okay.
Don Lorenzo: Okay.
Montoya: Okay, let’s see. Reparaciones Sancho could not have subscribed to the line 4 months ago because the company disappeared two years ago. So it’s impossible.
Don Lorenzo: Perfect, print all the information for me. Go home, boys.
Montoya: But, what are you gonna do? I’ll stay with you…
Don Lorenzo: No, this is something I have to solve by myself. Let’s go.
Montoya: Okay.
Don Lorenzo: Go home.

Since he is bloodied, tranquilized, and electrocuted, DL asks Mariano and Paco to meet Montoya at the warehouse where they all look around for Olmedo. We see someone getting off from a car, gun drawn, ready to confront the Pacos.
Mariano: Maybe there’s something more…
Pepa: Freeze!! I swear to my mother that if any of you move, I’ll kill you!! Throw away the gun. Now, fuck it, now!! [gun shot] Everyone, to the floor. I’m a cop!!
Paco: Calm down, we’re colleagues. I’m Inspector Miranda, from the San Antonio precinct.
Pepa: Fuck… Paco?
Paco: Pepa… Lower your gun, Montoya, lower it. She’s my sister. What the hell are you doing here?
Pepa: I’m coming all the way from Seville. I’ve been following Julio Olmedo, aka El Sevillano.
Mariano: Fuck…
Paco: You are…
Pepa: …like you, Paco. A cop.
Mariano: Fuck… Paco!! Come see this!!
Montoya: Fuck… But this is Julio Olmedo.

Watch clip in HD
"Silvia walks in wearing my navy blue Catholic grade school uniform."
hahahahahahahaha.... You guys crack me up with the smart ass comments. Love it!
And hooray! It's the start of PepSi-mania...
That Catholic school uniform comments is priceless! xD
Povedilla and Silvia trying to decipher the numbers by sounds...bwahahahaha...
And yeah, Pepa!
the snarky comments are funny they remind me of those two old cranky muppets that sit in the balcony ha ha ha & YIPEEE PepSi-mania on the way.
silvia's uniform always reminded me of the outfit she wore in the "perfume commercial" she had moved to the next grade.
and I wondered in the scene with jose luis, if marian was going to show off her piano sexy to have those fingers playing the piano. but alas, no.
thanks Dr P.
Q18: Happy happy joy joy Silvia has a new toy toy! Great lecture Dr. P and Dr. Beke!
Booker wrote "silvia's uniform always reminded me of the outfit she wore in the "perfume commercial" she had moved to the next grade."
no no no, the perfume commerical one, Silvia was wearing a SEXIER outift. The colors are the same but the overalls just do it for me.
I notice that these cops don't really like their job if they keep turning in their badge. If they really hate it, just quick. Oh wait, LHDP is trying to be over-dramatic and have the family of cops stay true to their loyalty among each other. Even if there is lying, cheating and bizarre events that happen. They still forgive each other in the next episode.
(Please note, I love the loyalty and family commitments LHDP displays as it hits home for me. But some things are a bit too much)
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