La Ratonera (The Mousetrap)
By Drs. Pied Piper and Bekelauer
(If you want to watch the episode without downloading it, the link is at the end of the post)
The episode begins with Lucas and Dr. Shrink Felix arriving at the cabin. Dr. Shrink Felix tries to convince Lucas that he needs professional help because kidnapping Sara shows some mental instability. Lucas says he’s just in love, and since he is in love, he has very shitty days but also fucking amazing days (“días de puta madre”). He enters the cabin and notices fresh mud footprints and realizes that they’ve been sent to a mousetrap. So he gets all the cleaning products and gas cylinders [Tranlator's snark: Seriously, who cleans that cabin that much? Cinderella’s rats?] and sets them up as boobytraps around the cabin.

In the cabin, Felix tries to persuade Lucas that he should go and talk to the baddies when they arrive. Lucas tells him anyone can come cause he’s an undercover agent and the bad guys only understand the language of bullets. At Los Cachis, the director is still unhappy with his models (too fat, big teeth, gay) when PepSi, Montoya, Aitor, and Sara arrive. Director guy perks up. Pove overhears his unflattering comments about the original models.

The bad guys arrive at the cabin. They surrround it, and Lucas shoots one of the gas canisters blowing it up. Dr. Shrink Felix gets all worked up and tells him he’s getting the fuck outta there but he gets shot in the bullet vest so stays. Bullets start to fly.

Montoya: Do you come here often?
Pepa: Sometimes. What about you, gorgeous?
Silvia: Yeah, me too.
Director: Cut! Cut! Good. Much better, that conversation was awesome.

DL: But Lola, what are you saying?
Lola: I’m saying that here you are just one more, and when you sit down at the table to have dinner in my house, you’re also just one more, just like Paco’s sister. I’m tired of being embarrassed by you.
Paco: Well, embarrassment...
Lola: Paco... Yes, embarrassment. I’ve been embarrassed my entire life. Embarrassed when you insulted the taxi driver. Embarrassed when you insulted the waiter because the meat is not gently cooked. Embarrassed when you yelled at the neighbours because they play the music too loud. Dad, the world is the way it is. It has its whites, its blacks and its dark browns, but no, you only see it as either white or black, and the white has to be yours all the time [Translator's note: Meaning “you always have you be right”].
Sara: Dad, Lucas has called. He needs for you to call him back as soon as possible.
Silvia: Lola, I’m leaving, I got to perform the autopsy on Julio Olmedo. I already told the director.
Pepa: I’m leaving as well, Lola, if the Captain allows me to. See you!
Silvia: Bye!

Silvia: The second bullet entered the body through the occipital region and left the body from the front part of his neck, and finally got stuck in his right knee. According to the trajectory, we can deduce that the victim was sitting when the crime occurred. What?
Pepa: Nothing, nothing. It’s... I like listening to you. Being able to work out that many details from the trajectory of a bullet... You get all professional. Sorry.
[Silvia cuts Olmedo’s skull, gets all soaked with blood]

Pepa: Oh, leave it to me. You’re such a mess, Silvia! Let me see, lift your head, like that. That’s it. And your thing with Lucas, why didn’t it work out?
Silvia: Because he cheated on me. But well, when they don’t cheat on me they leave me, when they don’t I leave them for stupid things, or because they are arrogant, or because I get scared. And that has been going on for ages... with a long collection of boyfriends. And you?

Pepa: Me? I fell in love looking through a window. Yes. I was a secretary, and I worked on a second floor in an office. And when I wanted to smoke, I smoked on the window, so the smoke wouldn’t get in. And one day, looking through the window, I saw a girl crying in the next building. She cried inconsolably in front of the mirror. But she tied her ponytail, she put on her jacket, impassive, and she left the house, all calm. And I saw her go away. The next day I saw her cry again, and the day after, and the day after. I started leaving early for work, and then left later in the afternoon, and I saw her having breakfast, I saw her doing her hair... and cry. She always cried. And that made me feel... tender. So... I began to follow her. And that’s how it all started.

Silvia: And why did she cry?Silvia looks back at Pepa and gives her a reassuring smile. We squeal in delight like little girls.
Pepa: Because she had killed a man.
Silvia: Well, shall we go on? [Resumes the autopsy] After separating the solar plexus we can observe that the brain has a normal colour and appearance.

You can tell that at this juncture, Silvia's curiousity is more than piqued by Pepa's story. She was uncomfortable talking about the women in Pepa's life, and Pepa was treading on egg shells, carefully balancing candor and sensitivity: she has to be open enough to let Silvia in, and yet not too open to chase her away. And we know how easy it is to do just that with Silvia.

At the cabin, Felix is suturing Lucas up and also scolding him for putting his love story before his own security. He says “You know whose fault is it?” Lucas says “My father, no?” Felix replies “No, it’s Bruce Willis’s fault. And Richard Gere’s and George Clooney’s. Because they sell us a fake love story, and we believe in it”. Lucas says that the only thing that saves his world is having her, because otherwise it’d be a black hole. And the bad guys start shooting them again.

Silvia: The tests run on the corpse’s vitreous humour let us establish the approximate time of death, which was about 30 days ago, and that the victim died because of the second shot, made at a distance of 2 meters... This is just a conjecture, as we are waiting for the results from ballistics.

Pepa: Done! Do you wanna eat something?
Silvia: All right.
Pepa: It’s just that autopsies have always made me hungry.
Silvia: Pfff. Hey, and that’s why you became a cop?
Pepa: Yes. The girl who cried was a sub-inspector... and I’m a romantic fool.

Silvia: Mhhh, hey Pepa. I don’t know why I’m going to tell you this but, well, maybe it’s because of what happened, I don’t know. You do know that I don’t like girls, don’t you?
Pepa: Sure. We’re never gonna have any problems when we go out and pick up.
Silvia: Good.
Pepa: Good.
Piper's Translation of English Translation:
Silvia: Hey Pepa, you know I'm telling you now that I don't like girls because I will play hard to get later on. I might not like girls, but I do like you and want to have babies with you.
Pepa: Sure. I'll pretend that you are straight as an arrow and let you fall madly in love with me, because the PepaForce is with me and you'd later find out that you do not stand a chance.
Silvia: Good.
Pepa: Good.

At Los Cachis, Mariano is still dancing on the rigged DDR machine. The ad shooting is over but thank God Mariano is so stubborn that he wants to keep dancing. Everybody begins to cheer for him. He gets baptised “the Michael Jackson of San Antonio”. Ouch. At the cabin, Dr. Felix is now all hung up in the “we are in a movie” feeling and starts rambling about what a good team they make. Lucas thinks he knows Arrieta. Dr. Felix cheers when Lucas kills another of Salazar’s men. What happened to the nice psychiatrist? At Los Cachis, Aitor leaves the ad filming and is now making out and going onto third base with Carlota until she stupidly tries to sexy talk and slips it’s her first time. So Aitor convinces her it’s just not nice to do it on her brother’s couch and tells her he’ll be back in two hours to pick her up.
At the cabin, Dr. Felix is going really Rambo and kills a few men. Lucas searches Arrieta and sees the schematic for the bomb in the dancing machine. So he phones Paco using Arrieta's phone and tells him about the rigged DDR. Now they all realise it can explode anytime. Paco, with his oh-shit-but-smiley face tells the gang, DL organises everything to get the bomb deactivated. It’s too close to the wall and they can’t reach the system. But of course Sara can, cause she is sharp as a tack. Now both actions merge – Lucas torturing Arrieta to find out how to deactivate the bomb, Mariano getting very short of breath while furiously dancing. Salazar's gang leaves Arrieta to his fate and Dr. Felix is getting reaaaally into the Bruce Willis thing, he actually seems to enjoy holding a gun. Mariano says one of the funniest lines in the episode: “Why did I ever start dancing? I am fat because I was born fat and you cannot just go against nature!!”
Arrieta tells Lucas it’s the red cable, but when Sara is about to cut it, Lucas stops her thru the phone and Arrieta bursts out laughing. He is a sick bastard really. Despair fills the air as they don’t know what to do to diffuse the bomb. But Dr. Felix Willis is not done and he gets a pair of car pegs (Translator's note: I really don’t know what’s the real name for that, I just know they are clipped to the battery) and starts giving Arrieta electroshocks. I guess he did a stint at the Guantanamo Bay School of Medicine. Under torture, Arrieta blurts out that it's the yellow cable. Sara cuts it and well, the DDR nightmare is over. They all hug and cheer. But while Dr. Felix and Lucas are congratulating each other back at the cabin, Arrieta escapes. In the final scene, Alison makes it to Lucas’s place to find her sister and tell her that she is the upstairs neighbour and that she needs to check the leak in Carlota’s kitchen. So she lets her in.
Watch the clip in HD
Piper's Commentary
First of all, I cannot say how proud I am of Dr. Beke - she did all of the translation and most of the sarcasm and has proven herself a worthy successor of my snarks. So thank you.
Now, onto the show: what the hell was Pepa doing at the autopsy, other than to look pretty and stare at Silvia? She holds the voice recorder, she wears her protective goggles, she wears a white lab coat, and she follows Silvia around. I guess the lab is a good venue to have the conversation that they had. It is amusing to see Pepa still wearing her goggles while Silvia has already taken off hers. And the surgical mask - it is on, it is off. But of course, Silvia has to take them off mid-autopsy or she won't be able to give Pepa that sweet smile.
And I am admitting that I am a Silvialogist, so you will see more screen caps of Silvia than Pepa. And of course, they are not in order. The pictures are here to remind us how beautiful PepSi are. They are not here to help you follow the story - so suck it and enjoy.
My theory has always been about the lab scene, that this was Silvia's comfort zone and where she was most comfortable. And basically, Pepa became the focus of the scene with her story, that mesmerized Silvia. The seduction began over blood splatterings and gloves.
Thanks Dr Piper, a treat as usual.
Jess: I absolutely loved the additional translation in English, Dr. P! That was hilariously apt! And yes, the lab is a magical place indeed!
I to am a Silvialogist SO THANK you & I am enjoying =D
Awwwww, thanks Boss :) The truth is I am enjoying a lot more this longer, more complete vision of the translations because it gets me to understand the show better, and I think that helps PepSi fans a lot more too. Even if some parts of the episode make me sick (see Sara & Lucas' weird Mr and Mrs Smith relationship)...
And I agree that screen caps are just put there so we can enjoy the PepSi beauty. Because they're just too pretty :)
I like the scene at Los Cachis...Silvia seems so charmed by Pepa's question *g*
Thank you for the recap!
Great commentary boss! I especially loved your translation of the English translation - it's pure win! And thanks for pointing out that scene w/ DL & Lola and its significance in relation to PepSi. I miss Lola.
As weird as it was, I loved how excited and into it Dr. Felix got. Torturing Arrieta may have been excessive but it was also kinda funny. Not so funny? Lucas. The idiot had been trying to reach Paco and the hombres on the phone, but when Sara gets a hold of him he plays it off like nothing's wrong? I get that he didn't want her to worry, but how hard would it have been to say "Is your dad w/ you? If so, can you put him on the phone?" Whatever. I always thought the Kaiser story was lame.
Thanks again boss (and Dr. Beke). Great job!
Q18: Yes I will suck it and enjoy it....wait what are we talking about. Well until I figure that let me talk about the lecture. Great job Dr. P and Dr. Beke. Awesome and yes I am enjoying the more details to this episode because it make its much more clearier. Well I hope you both enjoyed the new year.
You get to the brain through the solar plexus? The writers having fun with non anatoical correct viewer? Anyway, it s all a way to advance the girl' s relationship, and I think Silvia fell for Pepa badassness, and Pepa fell for Silvia's awesome brilliant mind as well as those eyes, that hair and that compact perfect body. LOL
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