LHDP 4x10
By Drs. Pied Piper and Bekelauer
(If you want to watch the episode without downloading it, the link is at the end of the post)
This is the official start of PepSilogy lectures - Pepa and Silvia together. Until now, all the lectures have been Silvia-centric. We are going to intersperse PepSilogy lectures with early Silvia episodes but now with dialogue translations provided by Dr. Beke. Others have done awesome and probably better recaps than the one we will undertake, but we do not put the polls out there for nothing, and an overwhelming majority said they would want us to post Season 4 episodes. Thank you to all who participated in our flash polls.
Las últimas palabras de Julio Olmedo
(Julio Olmedo’s last words)
Aitor and Carlota are watching a scary movie and they start making out. Lucas arrives, Aitor gets the point that he’s got to leave. Lucas tells Carlota that the next time “
they want to watch a movie” she should text him and let him know so he goes for a walk. I guess his moral compass as a big brother is shot because he started banging Sara when she was 16, so who is he to tell his sister?
Earlier, Lucas is outside smoking as he sees Sara,
who is still mad at him, take out the trash. Lola goes and talks to him. She says she doesn’t understand it: before, it was all obstacles in their relationship and they suffered, now there are no obstacles and they still suffer. Lucas cries. She asks him to either talk to her and fix it or leave her forever. In the house, Lola talks to Sara and asks her to talk to Lucas. She says she doesn’t want to hear him because she’s tired of suffering and because “she has chosen to love Aitor” - who happens to be in Lucas' apartment
trying to round the bases.
The body of Julio Olmedo is at the lab being examined by Montoya, Mariano, and Paco. Montoya is clearly smitten with Pepa to the point of giddiness as he tries to fish for information.
Montoya: So Pepa is your sister, isn’t she, Paco? No wonder... The Miranda genes are amazing!
Mariano: How many years have passed since the last time you saw her? Did you know she had become a cop?
Paco: No fucking clue.
Mariano: Well, you’ll see when Don Lorenzo sees her, he’s gonna make a fuss... After all that happened.
Montoya: What happened?
Paco: Nothing, nothing at all. It was a family quarrel, but nothing serious. And this is not working, not working. It’s like trying to defrost an iceberg with a camping stove.
They keep examining the frozen body. They manage to get Julio Olmedo’s phone and wallet. Mariano feels something in Julio Olmedo’s crotch and they argue about the dead man’s privates. Mariano finally gets his hand there and takes out the Rubik cube, and keeps it
[Translator's smart ass question: Excuse me? You take home a piece of evidence??]. He then washes his face and it is now wet and then he gets too close to the frozen corpse so he gets stuck. Kinda like putting your tongue on a frozen flag pole.
Funny if you are 12 years old.
Curtis, Quique and Aitor talk to Povedilla who says he wants to be a secret agent, because he’s scared of Salazar. They make fun of him. He answers that he’s got a medal awarded by the Interpol and solved a difficult case while the others form the “junk patrol” of the Police Force. Quique, et.al, didn't take kindly to this remark and they plan a revenge.
Don Lorenzo gets in the lab, calls Mariano a ganso, and pulls him off the dead man. Too funny. They find a watch. Silvia walks in, she found fingerprints of Olmedo and Monzó, Salazar’s homie [Translator's note: I thought Pove had killed him at the train tacks? How much does it take for some characters to get killed in this show, really?]. DL asks Montoya to bring the formerly dead homie dude to the precinct so he can interrogate him. Montoya shows him an audio tape and plays it. It’s the Kaiser, telling them to kill when they get the virus.

Montoya: ...the guys at the sound lab say that the tape is so altered that it’s impossible to retrieve the original recording.
DL: Another thing... Paco?
Paco: What?
DL: Can you tell me what the fuck this is? [DL takes a picture of Pepa from Olmedo’s wallet]
Paco: It’s my sister.
DL: Your sister...?
Paco: Yes...
DL: And what the fuck is your sister's picture doing in this son of a bitch’s wallet?
Paco: I don’t know, Don Lorenzo, I don’t know why, I can’t tell you...
DL: I want her in my office in an hour, is that clear?
Paco: Yes, sir.
Montoya: Fuck, she is pretty, huh?
DL: For fuck’s sake, go!!
The Interpol people come in and ask to take the corpse somewhere else so their units can examine it. Don Lorenzo gets all cocky and demands answers and says they’re keeping the body in San Antonio
Paco and Pepa are heading to the break room to catch up and fill in the blanks of the last 8 years.
Pepa: I was in a mission following Olmedo for three months and I guess that picture was taken in Sevilla, while I was tracking him down. Your sister is not as good as she thought she was. Well, what’s the older brother got to say to the disobedient daughter that split the family in two?
Paco: Well, it wasn’t really your fault either, I think. That, I mean, what the... the splitting... the trigger of the situation maybe yes, but no... no... I don’t... Look, Pepa, you know that I’m not good with words, so like a couple of months ago I started writing a letter... a letter for you. And maybe I think it’s time for me to, to, to read it to you... I got, I got it. Well. I read. “Dear Pepa, when we were kids you asked me to...” this, not this. Cause this is like, like an intro and it has nothing to... What I really want to say, the heart of the question, and I think it’s in 8B, I don’t know where 8B is... Here, well, so... “When dad left, and I was left alone with mom...” no... Neither is this... It doesn’t have what I want to...

Pepa: Okay, calm down. Let’s read it from the bottom, huh? Cause it’s in the end where the important things are written, no, Paco? Can I read it?
Paco: Sure.
Pepa: "And I hang up because I didn’t know how to ask you to come back to us, for us to forget all the bad things that happened and be your brother again. The big brother who took you to school hand in hand. The one who went with you to buy sweets. The one who taught you how to fly the kite in the beaches of Huelva, in La Higuerita. The brother who loves you, Paco”. Take that, man, you left the pen all dry.
Paco: Well, I just write every once in a while...
Pepa: Paco, do you really want me to stay here with you?
Paco: Of course, Pepa.
Pepa: Fffff... Too much information. I need to... process it, you know. *inaudible* What the fuck! [Comes back and hugs Paco]
Lucas brings Mariano his dancing machine. Mariano tells him off because he should be acting and living like an infiltrator. They chat about Lucas and Sara. Monzó, Salazar’s homie, is in the precinct and sees Lucas, so now he knows he is actually a cop.
Silvia is getting ready to do practice shooting - she puts on her protective glasses, loads her gun, and gets into the position when the window next to her starts firing and hits 6 perfect shots. It's Pepa. YAY!
Pepa: Hola!
Silvia: Hola... [Translator's observation: Fainting?]
Pepa: When did you quit medicine?
Silvia: I didn’t quit medicine, I am a forensics doctor. It’s been so long! How are you?
Pepa: I’m fine. You?
Silvia: Wow, it’s been a long time since we last saw each other, at least since... Well, since that time...
Pepa: What a mess we made... Maybe, maybe I have to say sorry for everything that happened, I really lost it that day, Silvia...
Silvia: No, we both lost it. But it’s all right, we were young girls.
Pepa: Rather naughty, but girls anyway.
Silvia: Well, give me two kisses at least [Note: "Dos besos" - it’s the Spanish way of saying “hi”, not that she especially wants two kisses]
Pepa: Sure [They kiss – in the lips!!!]
Silvia: Woop!
Pepa: Oops, I’m sorry! [Ha, sure!!] I’m so happy!
DL: Officer Miranda, I was looking for you. Come to my office immediately.
Pepa: Right away. Buf!
Silvia: Good luck!
Pepa: Yeah, I will need it, please. [She does the sign of the cross] Hey, see you around, okay?
Lucas goes to the parking lot, sees Rita and Montoya, who clear off as soon as they see that he’s going to try to talk to Sara. He does try, but Sara doesn’t want to.
Ugh! They start hitting each other and getting rather physical. Mariano and Paco get there and Sara starts yelling for help so Lucas gets her in a car and ties her down to muffle her cries. He puts her in the trunk of the car [WTF??], she gives him the finger, he closes the door and takes her away.
Kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment, anyone?
Pepa is talking to DL in his office. Montoya is hovering, obviously smitten.
DL: Fine. So why were you following him?
Pepa: Because he had robbed with some dudes: Salazar and Monzó. A private security company and an architect’s office. When I was about to catch them, I was ordered not to intervene.
Montoya: I’m bringing your coffee, officer. Black, with milk...?
Pepa: Black, black. Thanks.
DL: Who gave you that order?
Pepa: Captain Requena. But the order was from up above... Olmedo disappeared a week after that, I was left out of the case and nobody worked in it any further.
DL: And why did you come...
Montoya: Sugar, saccharine?
Pepa: Sugar.
DL: Why did you follow him here?
Pepa: Two weeks ago, Captain Requena called me back and asked me very secretly to get back to Olmedo’s case. To find him.
DL: Why...
Montoya: One spoon, two, three...?
Pepa: Mhhh... two.
Montoya: Two?
Pepa: Yes.

DL: Why?
Pepa: No, no, no. I wasn’t told why. He just asked me to find him, full stop. So I went to see Olmedo’s wife and something really odd happened. The lady said that she got a call a couple of months earlier, some sub-Inspector Raquel Insausti, asking for some building plans she should have among her husband’s belongings.
DL: Why is that odd?
Pepa: It’s odd because Raquel Insausti does not exist. Then I asked for a warrant, I tracked the phone calls received in that period of time and I discovered that some of these calls were made from the warehouse where we found Olmedo. That’s why I’m here.
DL: However, it’s rather obvious that...
Montoya: Officer, your coffee.
Pepa: Oh, thanks.
Montoya: It’s rather hot, let me change the cup for you.
DL: Montoya, please, stop playing the goose, cojones, this is not the Astoria [Translator's note: A famous hotel, as in Waldorf Astoria in NYC]. Come on, give her the coffee, cojones. Excuse me. Do these faces sound familiar? Mignon. Alison Morris.
Pepa: No.
DL: The Kaiser?
Pepa: No.
DL: Are you sure, Officer Miranda?
Pepa: Why would I lie to you? We play for the same team, no? And we are family!! [Translator's note: My comment in Spanish to this was “LA PUTA GRACIA QUE LE HACE AL COMISARIO” – literally the Captain finds this extremely fucking funny]

Salazar introduces Arrieta. Monzó phones Salazar and tells him Lucas is a cop. Quique, Curtis and Aitor prepare their revenge – they want to prank Povedilla and make him sing a song in DL’s office. They tell him DL wants the song that day so they can infiltrate a music festival. In the meantime, Salazar et. al., start searching the Police database to find out if Lucas is really a cop. Povedilla tells the junk patrol that he’ll talk to DL and convince him not to make the guys write a song.
Lucas gets to the middle of the forest and tries to talk to Sara, after he unties her. But she kicks him, yells “¡¡CABRÓN!!” and runs away.
In the precinct, trying to get on with the prank plan, Aitor gets to DL’s office and tells him they have found a tape with Julio Olmedo’s last words recorded. They end up convincing Pove to record a song for them.
In the forest, Lucas and Sara are still running and throwing cobbles to each other until Sara grabs a big fuck-off rock and hits Lucas in the head, leaving him unconscious.
Carlota talks to Lola at Los Cachis. She tells her she likes Aitor and that they were about to do the dirty, so she asks for advice. Lola’s face when Carlota says “Oral sex” is priceless.
[Translator's Trivia: Now on a side note, the actress playing Carlota was also in Hospital Central a couple of years ago and, ta-dah, her name was also Carlota!! She is not a spin-off tho, because HC’s Carlota left the series “to go to study languagues in Dublin, Ireland” and LHDP’s Carlota is Lucas’s sister and not the daughter of two doctors. Random? Yes, I know!]
In the precinct, the junk patrol are still going with the prank on Pove. They are making him record a song in the interrogation room. Pove’s song is very melodic and tender, but they insist he’s got to make it harder and add some swear words because they’re going to a “techno punk festival”.
In the forest, well, yes, they are still running. Sara has a sick right hook! Pove evolves into San Antonio’s next Mick Jagger and composes a rock song with a lot of “
mis cojones" in it. Paco and Mariano get home and try to open the Rubik cube they sneaked out from Olmedo's corpse, thinking that might be the solution to the Kaiser case.
With a hammer. You're trying to open it, not smash it into smithereens! Mariano has second thoughts about the method and picks up the thing just as Paco is about to smash it; Paco ends up putting a hole on the kitchen counter.
They go to Mariano and Lucas's
lovenest and see funny looking Lucas sitting like an autistic kid on the sofa.
In the forest, Lucas has told Sara everything: how he has never felt home until she started to love him, that she is the only place where he feels safe, that he thought that the best for her was to stop loving him... they cry. Sara doesn’t give a shit and tells him “Are you finished already?”. Lucas gets all heartbroken. Sara gets to the precinct and talks to Rita. FUNNY HAIR HERE, WTF?
Rita tells her she’s lucky to have someone so in love with her so as to kidnap her. Rita helps Sara see that she is still in love with Lucas. At Mariano's, Lucas confesses that he’s not feeling all right anymore, that he feels he’s crazy. Mariano scolds him and tells him he’s right, he’s a fucking lunatic, but that’s nothing new. He starts telling him off about all the crap Lucas has ever done in his life, so he gets very mad and kicks Mariano’s PlayStation and breaks it.
At home, Paco tells Lucas he’s sorry because he should have seen that they loved each other and not meddle. Lucas says he’s crazy. Paco assumes he’s the one who drove Lucas crazy, so tells him he’s gonna make him talk to his psychiatrist.
Salazar et. al. find out Lucas is a cop. Luca is trying to make amends with Mariano so he orders a big archade-type dance-dance revolution (DDR) machine for him. Salazar taps his phone and overhears what he says. Arrieta gets the idea of putting 5 kgs of Chloratite in the error mechanism of the DDR, so as to make it explode when someone gets a step wrong. Sara sees Lucas and touches the back of his neck
a la Pepa and Silvia perfume commercial scene.
Povedilla brings Don Lorenzo the tape. He’s expecting to hear Julio Olmedo’s last words so they babble a lot before Povedilla plays him the tape. DL’s face is confused when hearing the rock song. Povedilla goes
“This part is for you: Don’t touch mis cojones”. Junk patrol is having a laugh outside DL’s office. Povedilla explains the lyrics of the song. DL sees the junk patrol outside, gets all ballistic and starts yelling
“Motherfuckers! Geese!! Idiots!!” and all sorts vintage insults.
Lucas gets home and talks to Paco, who is supervising the man who is changing the kitchen counter. He says he bought Mariano the DDR unit and it will be delivered to the bar the following day. He sees Sara, they share some eye contact. Pepa arrives for the long-awaited family reunion.
And of course we all know what happens in those.
Sara: Holaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! The auntie!!!
Lola: Hey, what’s up!?
Pepa: Hey, Lola, it’s been so long! You look beautiful, I’m so happy!
Lola: I’m so glad you came!
Lola: Come on, you can all start!
DL: Well, what are we celebrating?
Lola: We celebrate that we are alive and kicking. Not enough for you?
DL: Good heavens!
Paco: It’s for my sister, Don Lorenzo, cause it’s been a while since the last time we were all... together.
DL: There must be a reason, huh, Paco?
Lucas: Mariano, can you pass me the bread please?
Sara passes the bread to Lucas since Mariano ignores him. He touches her hand and
Castaway is played in the background – as if nobody saw that?? How self-involved are they?
DL: Well, can anybody tell me why have I been invited for dinner to this house?
Lola: Papa, let’s have a peaceful party.
Mariano: I'm getting a beer.
Lucas: I do, I’ll get it for you.
Lucas and Sara sneak into the kitchen and talk. They kiss. We boo. Lola tells Sara that Carlota is with Aitor. Sara is all happy. No wonder! When Lucas returns, he puts his hand on Pepa's shoulder. I think that's very sweet and definitely lends to the theory that Pepa and Lucas shared a friendship long before.
Paco: She needed a change and I told her “Why don’t you stay here with us in Madrid?”, because, since she is one of us... well... in the precinct...
DL: Sure, Paco, sure. And, what’s the chat? You mess up in Seville and now you’re planning to mess up in Madrid? [Translator's note: “Liar la parda” is a funny new expression to indicate “to make a mess”]
Pepa: No, it’s just that I was... I had a girlfriend, a sub-inspector, and we broke up. And I said to myself “Why wouldn’t I spend some time with the family?” cause it’s been so long.

Sara: I’m off to the bathroom.
DL: With a sub-inspector? Oh, nice, man, a sweet tender love story in the patrol car, like in the movies. What, did you get bored in the stake outs?
Pepa: Bored, bored... not really. I am not going to deny it was kinda hot.
DL: Kinda hot... Leitmotif of your life. And now it’s time for family reunion, huh? Because... I didn’t see you at your father’s funeral. What, what happened? Did you have a stake out then?
Lola: Papa, please, you’re being unfair, eh? Stop it.
Pepa starts getting angry at this point and tenses up. The million dollar smile is gone and the Dark Force is threatening to get out. Silvia
calms her down from across the table by looking at her and subtly shaking her head, as if to say "
don't engage him."
DL: I’m just as unfair as this brainless idiot made a mess [Translator's note: “Zipi and Zape” are two naughty comicbook characters from the TBO, the 50s Spanish official comicbook. To make a mess like Zipi and Zape, that’s what it means] in Sara’s first communion. Because I don’t know if you remember well, but that night Paco’s parents separated.
Paco: Well, that’s enough, Don Lorenzo, that’s enough. Do you think you can blame an 18-year-old girl from her parents’ separation? Because I did it. And I was wrong.
[The beer explodes]
Mariano: I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Don Lorenzo.
Lucas: I’ll go grab some towels.
Lucas finds Sara in Paco and Lola’s room [I think]. They kiss again. Beke pukes. Then they kiss and hug and are all over each other. Beke now gets very sick. They decide to start all over again (for fuck’s sake, it's about time!!). They also agree not to tell anyone this time because they don’t want anyone judging them again. “
Solos tú y yo”
[Literally "you and me alone"], that’s what Lucas says. And they kiss again. And Beke pukes again.
In the meantime, Don Lorenzo is going very much ballistic in the dinner from hell, much to the amusement of Pepa who has now been silently calmed and reassured by Silvia that they're cool. They're okay. That despite what's going on with DL's cojones, everything will be alright. Yes, Silvia conveyed all those things with one look. And with just one look, Pepa understood.

Lola: We have all been 18 once, we have, all had our rebel moments. So then, why do you...
DL: For the love of God, Lola, she showed up at Sara’s first communion dressed up like a punk, with her tights all torn... half a breast popping out... She drugged Silvita with cannabis. And if that was not enough, she made a lesbian scene in front of the orchestra and 200 guests, oh yeah, just like that, with her santos cojones, never better said! And that’s not being a rebel, daughter, that’s being a retarded... de profundis [Translator's note: Very very very Don Lorenzo vintage!!].
Silvia: Dad, she didn’t drug me! It was I, I smoked a tiny joint! What’s the matter?

DL: For the love of God, what are you saying? You smoked a joint? A joint here, a joint there and there we go, the sisters-in-law French kissing making a lesbian scene...!!!
In Spanish: Por el amor de Dios, ¿cómo que te fumaste un porrito? Un porrito, otro porrito y ¡¡a comerse la boca las concuñadas haciendo el número lésbico…!! Literally to start eating each other's mouth.
Silvia: Dad, I was having fun, I was dancing about and we kissed. So what?
Lola: Dad, the fact that you don’t understand it doesn’t give you the right to disrespect or insult anyone!!
Mariano: Hey, Lola, the peppers are delicious, really, they really are good, why don’t you all eat? Eat please...
Lola: Eh, thanks. So then... why... why does it matter that much to you?
DL: The little girl receives God in her body and her aunts are away creating a lesbian scene!!
Lola: Why are you mixing...
DL: How do you want me not to mix...

Paco: I SAID THAT’S ENOUGH!!! Don Lorenzo, you are in my house, and I demand two things: Education and respect. And if not, you’re one too much [Translator's note: Literally "You have no room here"]
DL: Good evening. Good evening, gentlemen.
Mariano: Come on, Paco, fuck, no one is too much here. Paco, damn it! Don Lorenzo, please stay for dinner...
Montoya: Hi, Don Lorenzo, good evening. Hello family! Good evening... Well, I took the courtesy of buying some cakes... Hola Pepa!
(Who wouldn't be calmed down by this?)
Rest of the episiode: Paco talks to Felix, the psychiatrist. He tells him about kicking Don Lorenzo out of the house and that he needs him to talk to Lucas because he kidnapped Sara. Lucas comes in looking all radiant and has cut his hair. The dance-dance revolution machine has arrived and Arrieta is the technician – half-way thru he realises the machine is not for Lucas so Salazar et.al., call him and tell him to leave some explosives (I take it it’s an arsenal) in their cabin in the Sierra, so they can “eliminate him”. Salazar says the cabin has been empty for over 6 months. Paco insists on Lucas talking to Felix, so he tells him to bring him along to the mission given it’s not apparently too dangerous. The guys to shoot the ad come in.
Watch clip in HD
Piper's comments:
Great intro to Pepa. In one messy swoop, the retarded LHDP writers managed to explain Pepa's history. The
LucaSara storyline is overdone, as usual.
Stick a fork into it already! And the PepSi nuances - how happy Silvia was when she saw Pepa for the 1st time, how DL knew immediately what this meant to his daughter even if she had been married and engaged and been with guys for most of her adult life, DL knew the power of the PepaForce. He saw how his daughter's eyes lit up at the sight of Pepa, and even though deep inside, he knew he did not stand a chance in preventing the
inevitable, he had every intention to at least slow it down. And in case you're wondering, yes, a lot of the pics are out of order. Their sole purpose is to behold the beauty of Pepa and Silvia, and sometimes to aid in the story. Sometimes. But mostly to showcase their hotness.