There's been too much bad memories forced upon us lately by the dickheads at Globomedia, so we decided to resume PepSilogy lectures of happier times. As usual, the screencaps may or may not correspond to the story, since their main purpose is aesthetics.
Sara does the introductory speech, in which she talks about fears and the different kinds of it. Apparently she is happy so she is not scared anymore. Whatever. Lola is talking to Paco about her art lessons while Pepa is cutting some jamón when Sara gets a text and smiles. Pepa is nosey and tries to find out who sent Sara the message.
Pepa: What about that smile?
Sara: What?
Pepa: You sooo have a boyfriend eh?
Sara: No!!
Pepa: Give me your phone.
Sara: Don’t be so nosey, I’m not gonna show it to you!!
Pepa: Show me the phone!
Sara: Look... I’m gonna take out the garbage.
And Sara promptly took herself out. Haha!
She goes to see Lucas, who’s all emo thinking about his sister. She gives him a coin with two heads for goodluck. Also because she wants to give him head... probably. Paco is telling Lola that he can’t pose as a model, but she tells him that she only wants to draw him from life (i.e., as in so naked). Pepa laughs and spits her water. Paco says he’s too busy and Lola complains that they only share Sunday afternoons watching Real Betis play football. Then one look from Pepa, and Paco agrees to be Lola’s model. Ah, the power of the PepaForce. Pepa is totally rolling on the floor laughing.
Pepa: Just one thing Lola... I just think Paco doesn’t know that “a model from life” means “butt naked” you know?
Lola: Of course he doesn’t know.
Sara and Lucas start making out at the storage unit.
Blugh blugh. And she ties him up -
to give him head, maybe. Paco goes to check on her and when he’s about to enter the storage unit, DL comes and starts talking to him about a meeting with the Interpol, who’s beginning to suspect that Lucas is not clean. At the precinct, Paco and Mariano argue with Lucas that Sara has boyfriend and he is losing her and has to “intervene”. They are then called in to DL’s office to talk to DeGaulle. They’re going to arrest Salazar, et al. Lucas argues and is really pissed off
(since he doesn't have his sister yet and still working for El Kaiser). In the briefing room, Aitor is all depressed because of Carlota and Sara tries to comfort him by hitting on him, I guess. Pepa enters the room.
Oh yeah. Uncle Curtis goes
“I don’t need to go to the cinema to see special effects”.
Aitor: Fake blonde, dark bush!
Povedilla: Hey Carrasco, show some respect. Those ladies are professional dancers, eh?
Quique: Well said, Povedilla. It must be hard to open beer bottles with your butt cheeks!
Silvia: Gentlemen! Gentlemen!... Ladies (looks at Pepa, who immediately straightens up)! These girls are between 16 and 18, and they work as dancers in the FLASHDANCE, a show club.
And just like that, "FLASHDANCE" becomes one of the sexiest English words ever uttered in Spanish.
Montoya: The girls’ papers are legal, but we have been tipped off. Apparently some of them are hookers and they record their sexual encounters with hidden cameras so they can blackmail their clients.
Silvia: The clients are businessmen, aristocrats, judges... well, really high profile individuals who prefer paying instead of denouncing that they’ve had sex with minors. And we have no evidence, no warrants, nothing.
Montoya: So guys, no need to say... absolute discretion.
Curtis and Aitor tell Rita that she cannot go undercover. Quique says sarcastically that she can, since aristocracy also likes “the weird and fat”. Povedilla yells at him that she is so attractive that she could be a prostitute... as a cover. Montoya says it’s Paco’s case, so he has to decide. Silvia then announces that Sara begins her internship with the Miranda unit. Everyone claps. Yay!
DeGaulle says that the Interpol suspects of Lucas of being a counter infiltrator. Paco and Mariano decide to get the Kaiser by themselves... Yeah, that is so going to happen!. They organise everything. Paco sends Povedilla home to model for Lola, since he'll be
busy plotting how his new mission.
In the locker room, Sara sees that Lucas is lying in the shower
[how unhealthy and dirty is that?] and enters all naked to comfort him. Montoya and DL go in for a wee and almost catch them. Povedilla goes to Paco’s house as Paco's model proxy, to Lola's annoyance. He gets naked and well... I think Lola’s face says it all:
Pove is more than you would imagine!
Silvia staring at Pepa during the briefing
At Paco’s office, the musketeers chit chat. Yeah, they’re going to solve the case. Sara is in the locker room phone flirting with Lucas. Pepa gets out of the toilet and Sara gives her that “You so listened to that but I am so innocent” look.
Pepa: You’re still gonna be that cheeky so as to deny that you have an affair?
Sara: No...
Pepa: Tell me...
Sara: I said no…
Pepa: Then let me see your phone.
Sara: Why would I let you see my phone?
Pepa: I am your auntie...
Silvia then comes in, followed by a crying Rita, followed by the Junk Patrol.
Sara: Hi...
Silvia: Hi.
Curtis: Be sensitive, be sensitive. Rita, I told you honey, you cannot go undercover as a hooker. Well, as a hooker or as a cleaning lady. Did you not realise that the jet set goes there? So what the fuck are we gonna do now? What the fuck?
Silvia: What happened, Rita?
Aitor: She went undercover to the Flashdance and she didn’t even made the casting, isn’t that right, Rita?
Rita: No, I didn’t go thru the casting, but nobody would have gone through... Cause that was more difficult than the casting of Fame. They made me do a pirouette and it didn’t come out right...

Silvia: And where’s Paco?
Sara: With Lucas. The Interpol is chasing him and he’s giving him a hand. We have to help him. I can go undercover.
Curtis: Over my cojones. Girl, if you infiltrate as a hooker, your father cuts off my cojones.
Silvia: Sara, are you crazy? You don’t even have the badge... Do you want them to take disciplinary action on us all?
Sara: If not, they’re gonna take action against my dad, Silvia. I overheard my grandfather saying it, he doesn’t know it. His future is in our hands, Curtis.

Pepa: We’re going to do it. Sara is the only one who can pass as a minor, so we make her a fake ID and I go undercover with her. As a dancer, as a hooker or as whatever you need.
Curtis: Very well, certainly everything changes in that case.
Quique: What fucking difference does it make?
Curtis: Everything changes, Quique.
Silvia (after Pepa looks at her for support): All right, I’m joining you. If Sara needs to be escorted, she should be escorted by her two aunts.
Aitor puts his hand over his eyes and shakes his head in unbelief.
Sara: But we can’t tell my dad, Silvia.
Curtis: Very good, go to the casting now. We’re going to start getting the mission ready by looking at the archives of judges, bankers, and everyone...
DL, Lucas and Paco get home and see... Povedilla’s parts. Lola tells them all off. Awesome.
Back at the precinct, history's most seductive dance practice ever is about to begin.
Pepa: So, Silvia? You ready to go to Flashdance?
Silvia: I don’t think I’m ever going to be ready for old men to put bank notes in my underpants while I dance.
Pepa: Oh come on...
Silvia: No, and the casting was awful. I’d embarrass anyone.
[There’s a deleted bit that never aired in the real show where Pepa tells Silvia she can move and she pushes her against the table and makes her move arse... Legend! The deleted scene is included in the video clip at the end of this post]
Silvia: Dance with me... I mean teach me the moves. For the mission, if they pick me, no?
Pepa: All right, I’ll go get some music. Don’t you move from there.
Pepa goes to get her little boombox, while Silvia looks at her reflection on the 2-way mirror, with that
"Oh fuck, what did I just get into" face. BTW, this scene is something that only Marian and her awesome facial expressions could have pulled. Meanwhile. Paco sends Pove home and assumes his nude modeling commitment.
Curtis and Montoya are watching from the 2-way mirrow with their mouths hanging. Look out, hombres, you might catch flies!
Montoya: So Paco is not in the case?
Curtis: He got the day off for personal reasons. And he has left me in charge of the mission.
Montoya: If you want I can give you a hand. I’m going with you... supporting you. You’re still in charge. All right?
Aitor: Curtis, Curtis. We have talked about it. The best thing is to abort the mission.
Rita: Curtis, I’ve been in that place. That’s no place to send the little girl.
Quique: To send Sara or any of us. That is a place for the well-heeled and we’re rather short [Translator's note: Kinda saying that it’s a place for the aristocracy and the rich and they’re not]
Curtis: What the cojones are you telling me? You can be sure that Sarita is going to be all right. We’re all gonna go to that club and we’re gonna infiltrate it. The Inspectors as exotic dancers (glancing at Pepa and Silvia who are dancing in a world of their own on the other side of the 2-way mirror), and us as beautiful people.

Quique: Beautiful people? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? You look like the one in the middle of Los Chichos [Translator's note: A very very hairy and tacky Spanish flamenco group from the 80s/90s]. Judges and magistrates go there, and we couldn’t even pass for fourth division football linesmen! And don’t you even get me started on those!
Curtis: What about them, Carrot Boy, what about them? (Again, looking at Pepa and Silvia still dancing in their own private ballroom) They dance really really well... They look like professional strippers!
Quique: And what do you look like? I’m gonna tell you what you look like... You look like fucking perv in a sex shop. The only important one in this mission is Paco, because he’s about to get fired!
Aitor: Curtis, Curtis, we’re the Junk Patrol of this fucking precinct. And every time we have something at stake, we blow it.
Rita: I think we can’t do that to Paco. I think the best is to tell the girls that the mission is cancelled and that’s it.

Just about then, Sara bursts into the room, to the delight of her 2 aunts who spontaneously give each other a hug. Because they've been dancing really well.
Yeah, that's it. They all go out to the other side of the interrogation room - with Pepa and Silvia holding hands. The Junk Patrol is waiting outside.
Curtis: Gentlemen, the mission is on. Aitor, Quique, you go to the mobile unit. I want all cameras in that club tapped. Ladies, you have four hours to nail that choreography. Rita, go get dark dresses, but real classy, silky ones.
Montoya: Curtis, come to the central precinct. I got you a Mercedes for the mission. Confiscated. If that’s all right for you?
Curtis: It’s all right for me, Gonzalo. Oh, one more thing, very important. I want Sara, Silvia and Pepa with microphones on them, in case something unexpected happens.
Pepa: Sure. And Curtis, where are you planning on putting us the microphones? Not that I disagree, but at the end of the act, I don’t think we’re gonna be wearing a lot of clothes, are we?
Silvia is staring at Pepa throughout this exchange and finally smiles when Pepa mentions their lack of clothing at the end of the number.
Silvia's mission is also so on.
Paco and Lucas are analyzing the case while Paco is naked and posing for Lola. Silvia walks in.
Paco: Fuck, Silvia.
Silvia: Are you becoming a naturists?
Lucas (very sarcastically): Yes, that’s it.
Lola: No, no, no, I’m just sketching him.
Silvia: Ah. Hey Lola, can I speak with you for a second?
Lola: Yeah, sure. Don’t you dare moving or I might lose the reference point.
Lola: Tell me everything, sister.
Silvia: Sit down. Promise me you’re not going to judge me and you’re going to listen to me. I have a problem.
Lola: Let’s see, sister, what is your problem?
Silvia: I think I’m flirting.
Lola: Good, so what’s the problem?
Silvia: I think I’m flirting with Pepa.
In the meantime, Paco solves the case butt naked while in the next room. He just realizes that El Kaiser does not exists. Good for you! Then he calls out to Lola in the kitchen.
Paco: Lola, honey, would you hurry up? I am frozen like a tiny bird.
Lola: Well, Paquito, calm down, I’ll be back in a second. (Turns back to continue her discussion with Silvia) Well, let’s see, let’s see. Are you trying to tell me that you are flirting with Pepa or are you trying to tell me that you’re tightening your friendship bond with Pepa?
Silvia: Eeehhhm. I am flirting, Lola. I follow her around the precinct, I tell her I don’t know how to dance when I’ve been taking lessons for 3 years...
Lola: And why did you tell her that?
Silvia: So we can dance together. Lola, so she can touch my hips... Well, and on top of that, I gave a green light to a case that... not in a million years! Oh well. The other night, when we went out, I left because I was jealous.
Silvia then sits back, relaxes her shoulders, lets out a sigh, like saying,
"there, I've said it", and waits for big sister to talk her off the ledge. It is not coming. So you can jump off the ledge now, Silvia.
Lola: Well. Maybe you’re trying to tell me that you like Pepa.
Silvia: Lola, are you telling me that I’m a lesbian? Because you’re wrong, Lola. I’ve been with thousands of guys (Piper's snark: Or five), if you would remember.
Lola: So then why did you come here? For me to tell you that you can’t fall in love with a woman because you’re straight? Sara fell for Lucas, he was twice her age, he was his uncle, my ex-brother-in-law... I forbid her to be with him, and she suffered a lot. I was wrong. And I don’t think I can tell what to do to anyone anymore.
Silvia: Yeah, but it’s not the same, Lola.
Lola: “But it’s not the same”, why? Because she is a woman? Or because she’s also our sister-in-law and our father can’t stand her? It’s the same. We don’t choose whom we fall for. And if we let it go... we might regret it for the rest of our lives.
Silvia ponders what her sister just said, and she does the
180-degree eye roll to signify that she's thinking. But this eye-roll sequence is different, because she is also trying to contain her smile.
180-degree eye roll (TM Silvia)
Sara and Lucas meet in the patio and Sara scolds him for chickening out about his sister’s kidnapping. He confesses he’s blocked by fear. She tells him that when she’s scared, she runs. So that’s what they do. Oh and they go make out in the shooting gallery. In the meantime, PepSi get ready to rumble.
[Translator's IMO: They don’t even need to say anything... It’s the best scene of the episode by far!]
Puede que esto dure tanto
como una noche lunar
No te sueltes de mi mano
No nos vamos a estrellar
Por eso sube a mi cohete
y flota en el espacio
De luces florescentes
Quien quiere ir despacio?
Y Seguir a tanta gente
Pudiendo ser corsarios
Vivir contracorriente
Es fácil, se puede
Juntos podemos...
No hay porque pisar el suelo
Ni dormir para soñar
No se trata de un deseo
Hay mundo sin gravedad
Por eso sube a mi cohete
y flota en el espacio
De luces florescentes
Quien quiere ir despacio?
Y Seguir a tanta gente
Pudiendo ser corsarios
Vivir contracorriente
Es fácil, se puede
Juntos podemos..
Lola and Paco have a tender moment. The mission in the club begins. Curtis contacts Silvia. Mariano solves the Rubik cube by taking off the stickers and finding a microfilm. Rita goes to talk to Paco about her not being able to go undercover as a hooker. Mariano goes and tells him about the microfilm. Rita tells Paco that Sara has gone undercover to the club. He is livid, gets dressed, and goes to the club with Mariano and Lucas.
At the club, Quique tells Curtis over the microphone that he doesn’t listen to anybody else now that Pepa is in San Antonio. Jealousy scene.
And then...
Pepa: Are you having a good time? Maybe you want to go out with me some time?
Silvia: Are you asking me out on a date?
Pepa: Yes.
Quique, Curtis, and Aitor hear this little exchange over their earpieces. Montoya, who's still got a big crush on Pepa, did not have an earpiece. Paco, arrive at the club and see Pepa and Silvia dancing. Then Sara comes out to do her number, and Paco clutches his hankie.
Lucas gets 50 euros to talk to Sara and tells her to get the microfilm from Paco’s jacket. After that, PepSi remove their bras
[Translator's pervy comment: Is it me or you can clearly see one of Silvia’s boobies? Piper's reply to pervy Translator: It is just you.]. Paco takes Sara out of the club and takes her to Confecciones Puri. She yells at him that he’s going to be fired. Tender moment. She steals the microfilm.
Here's Silvia's breast shot
Pepa and Silvia go backstage in what's left of their outfit, to apprehend the blackmailers in action. Seriously? Couldn't they have put something on?
Silvia: I can see him. Do you want us to follow him?
Paco: Silvia, forget about that guy. Go to the staff corridor and get in. Curtis, don’t do anything until we find out whether they have minors or not, if there are minors, we proceed.
Bad Guy (to Silvia): Freeze! Freeze!
Pepa: Freeze! Police, drop your gun you arsehole. (Winks at Silvia)
Silvia: Freeze! Against the wall! Turn around! Paco, we’re good, I got the guys with the cameras. Look Paco, I can see the screens... A minor around 16, with a 50-year-old dude in a room.
Lucas phones Salazar and tells him that he wants to negotiate in his conditions, because he’s got the blueprints that the Kaiser has been looking for (the microfilm). End credits with more stripping dance.
Dancing cheek to cheek
Piper's commentary:
One of the best episodes ever, so pardon all our superlatives. You can already see the chemistry between these 2 actresses. Silvia's confusion, vulnerability, innocence, and all the myriad of emotions she could be feeling, are all palpable, so kudos to Marian, the Queen of Facial Expressions. The gratuitous almost naked shots were overdone, so thank you ATPP (TM Piper).
It's nice to be reminded of once upon a time when this show was funny and sexy and sweet. Who would have thought that Pove was well endowed, obviously a projection by ATPP (TM Piper). Even Lucas was funny when he saw his friend and ex-wife dancing exotically. And who could not fall in love with Pepa and Silvia as a couple at this point? By now, all you want is for these 2 to get together. You've formed a cheering squad, you've joined Spanish forums even though you don't speak Spanish, you've Googled Marian Aguilera and Laura Sanchez repeatedly, you've spent way too much time on YouTube, you're so ready for them to get together.
That's how good this story was. It really was
THAT good. And it's always nice to be reminded of what LHDP gave us 2 years ago. Especially during these uncertain times, both in TV land and real life.