Pepa's past is somewhat of a mystery to us. No one even knew Paco had a sister until Lola uttered her name in Ep. 57. What we have learned about Pepa's past is that she was a fearless, wild child who ran away from home when she was 18, she became a cop when she fell in love with a Sub-Inspector, and prior to her relationship with Silvia, she had roughly 52 sexual partners.
What does all of this mean? Personally, I think it means that prior to her return to San Antonio, Pepa was even more of a loose cannon than the person we saw in S6-S8. As many people, including myself, have mentioned, Silvia changed Pepa's life for the better. And not just because she was the love of Pepa's life, but because of the role she played in her life. Silvia was a calming presence amidst Pepa's chaotic lifestyle, the one person who could restrain some of the craziness within Pepa. She quelled Pepa's fears, such that the idea of
"(kissing) on the same couch for the rest of (her) life (and) sharing a mortgage...(and) choosing a school or a place to retire" no longer scared Pepa. Instead, it filled her with
"the adrenaline rush of a roller coaster speeding down an incline"; it filled her with
"real joy". And that's why Silvia's death has had such a profound effect on Pepa. When Silvia died, everything Pepa held dear, everything she valued, the person she loved most in the world was ripped away from her.

Many of you keep saying that the Pepa of S9 is not the Pepa we know, and, to a point, I agree. In Ep. 105, Pepa was acting on pure hatred. She turned her pain and hate into a weapon and unleashed the rage within her when she shot El G point blank in the head. Since then, she's been acting like everything is normal, putting on a smile whenever she's around Paco, Aitor, Don Lorenzo or anyone else. But behind all of her smiles and her laughs, she's still hurting. This is not the Pepa we knew, but perhaps it is the Pepa that existed before Silvia came back into her life, albeit a more extreme version of it. If a pre-Silvia Pepa was reckless, I suspect it was because she lived like she had nothing to lose. A post-Silvia Pepa probably feels the same way, but even more so given how much she's actually lost.

And this is why I think Pina & Co's
La Femme Nikita rip-off is a perfect fit for Pepa. She's the perfect hybrid of Michael and Nikita - the two title characters of
LFN. When Michael first joined Section, he wasn't the cold, emotionless man that Nikita meets years later. Michael became that way after the apparent death of his wife Simone, a fellow Section operative. He completely shut down when he thought she was dead, and it wasn't until Nikita showed up that he started to open up and feel again.
To me, Pepa is experiencing what Michael went through. Silvia got Pepa to open up, to feel, to love. With Silvia, Pepa laughed. She smiled more. She joked around by making Top 5 Fantasy lists and pointing unloaded guns at her friends. With Silvia gone, Pepa probably feels broken, powerless and tortured by what she couldn't do on that fateful day, what she can't change. She's shutting down. She doesn't want to love or be helped - she doesn't want to feel anything, because it hurts too much.

All of these emotions that Pepa feels and, more importantly, the ones she doesn't feel any longer, become more prevalent when you throw in the fact that she's being blackmailed by the CNI, and that's where her similarity to Nikita come in. Pepa's trying to hold onto the little part of her that remains - the little control over her life that she feels she has left, which is being threatened by the CNI. And deep down I think Pepa
wants someone to help her, which is why she's relying on Aitor. Granted, I wish she'd rely on someone else (maybe Curtis, who would actually make a good Walter to her Nikita), but the point is that Pepa is looking for a way to hold onto who she was. But with all of the pain and darkness she's surrounded in, she just doesn't know how.

Yes, this is not the Pepa we've seen in seasons past, but perhaps that's the point. Pepa was never going to be the same when Silvia died. She's trying. She's trying to breathe, trying to feel something other than powerless, but at the moment she's simply...lost.
*The title for this lecture is based on the song "Je Me Perds" by Jena Lee
well done
I completely agree! enough said!
i simply wanna ask K do you drink awsome juice? You ALWAYS bring it, i really appreciate & ENJOY your work.
Delurking myself to thank you for another great post!
Laura Sanchez! How I love her! She is totally believable as Pepa. Her body language is awesome. Notice how she sits when she meets up with Salgado in Ep 109? (She just crossed her leg to the other side and sat without pulling the chair out!) What an attitude!
What I don't understand is why she needs Aitor as a confidante. He's just a brat half her age, (and wisdom.)
Wow K, a great post! And I know you and I have talked about the Salgado/Pepa dynamic. It is a great dynamic, but just so gutwrenchingly hard for me to watch since Pepa's in so much pain having to follow through on Salgado's orders - simply because Pepa's always been my favorite character, so when she hurts, I do too. (Which is a testament to Laura's incredible performance.) First the death of Silvia and now being blackmailed into using her skills as a weapon for the CNI - that part in ep 109 where she broke down in the bathroom just killed me. Because Pepa's still struggling to hold onto what's left of her humanity - she doesn't really want to kill but has no choice. Sigh. I guess the writers can't give anything happy to Pepa this season (except for the lil' PepSi scene) - but I almost expect them not to, since they killed Silvia off in the first place.
really fab lecture! you're totaly in my head with this LFN angle... but siiiigh. all this s9 is so damn sad. :(
i hope the news about MA coming back again is real so pepsi land can be rainbows and sunshine and "angst" = a stupid "should we have a baby" fight :/
My liver hurts for Pepa, if there was a real Pepa person. I really cannot imagine losing someone in the way that she did, just when they were supposed to start the rest of their lives together.
And I will pontificate now, but a loss this great only makes sense with Faith. Faith that love transcends death itself, that life goes on beyond the grave. Without it, je me perds, like you said.
A life without that last hope of Heaven, when she could hold Silvia again, and this time, never have to let go... it could make for a very dark world.
Jess: K, what can I say that has not already been said? Awesomazing lecture again and a pretty great understanding of Pepa's character...
As much as it may not be the Pepa that we first met, deep down inside, it is still her, just driven with different motives (or even a lack of motivation for that matter...)
Thanks for an awesomazing lecture, K!
swiftly: Yes, yes I do drink awesome juice. Morning, noon and night. You might ask why since I was born this way, but I figure you can never be too sure :)
Seriously, thanks everyone.
Oh and Con, Aitor is her confidante b/c this show is secretly called Los Hombres de Aitor remember, silly?
Well said!
Pepa is broken, I am not sure she will be redeemed in some way by the end of the series :( Plus I hate that the one closer to her is Aitor (of all people!)
I 'd like to commend Laura Sanchez for her portrayal of Pepa, she has done an excellent job, as well as for her genuine support of LGBT issues :)
I just watched the most recent episode of LHDP. Not impressed. Pepa and Deker? YUCK
Well it was in the previews of the next episode. No Pepa in this one/
Wonderful lecture Kalike. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the subject. :)
First, Pepa did not RETURN to St. Antonio. The first episode is clear Paco was sent to St Antonio as some kind of punishment, under his father in law command, so Pepa who left home at 18 ( or 15 as she told D.L. while Silvia was dying, damn writers) left home from their andalucian original home, went to Seville and finally Madrid, final destination with Silvia. And yes, she hard a darker side never explored in sunny funny LHDP or even during that last episode. I wouldn't doubt she was in gangs, using drugs and even prostitution to survive--lesson to Aitor at the dentist how to fight, to Silvia's horror. Her love for family, for a place in her family and love for Silvia redeemed Pepa. Even after losing Silvia she was sort of struggling to maintain what was good in her life: her brother, her love for Silvia. Her letter to Paco is heartbreaking, even made Salgado break down in sorrow. All the good moments are Pepa's only. And Aitor was perfect as her buddy, I don't understand peope dislike for Aitor
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