by Dr. Bekelauer
with additional snark and picspam by Piper
Funny story… So remember how Silvia did the introductory speech... Ah yes, back in 103, when MA had already decided to leave the show and Silvia was going to die in her own wedding? Guess who gets to do it in his third episode... Deker!!! He’s talking about death, about how forensic doctors are used to the fact that some things just don’t match. At the same time, Blackman wakes up all covered in blood and emo, abandoned in what looks like a shipyard. [But it’s not in Madrid since Madrid doesn't have a shoreline, much less a ship dock]. Deker is actually giving a lecture to the newbies, when DL walks in and tells him to forget about the cannibal case, which has been closed already. Paco is searching through Pepa’s things to find out why Pepa was smoking Italian cigarettes. He sees a train ticket from Chamartin to Almeria dated 2 days after the wedding massacre. Pepa wakes up and sees him, but says nothing. Mariano overhears everything Deker says.

LHDP Intro
DL arrives next morning at the precinct and sees Reyes dressed up in all her hotness [Is it just me?] in proper cop outfit saying that she’s gonna be back to patrolling. DL makes a Yorkshire joke, but it seems they get along well. Then Blackman bursts in and grabs DL by the neck and asks him why he is looking for him, or why he has his licence number carved in his arm [Just me again or this is just a rip off of Memento?]. Reyes points at gun at Blackman's head, but DL says he knows him. Blackman is feeling all emo.

At Paco’s, Salgado wakes up while Paco has been up all night. [Piper's snark: Salmon-colored sheets? Really?] They have a tender moment, Paco says he’s going to buy bagels and food for breakfast and that they’re spending the whole day in bed. Too bad that when he gets out of the room, the entire precinct is waiting for him saying there’s a big problem.

Salmon-colored monstrosity - Lola had better taste!
Paco makes his way to the briefing room, saved from a whole day wrapped in salmon-colored sheets with Salgado.
Rita: He’s here.Povedilla is explaining lovemaking to Win-E. Goyo enters Confecciones Puri and sees Dani controlling Win-E and asks him what the fuck is he trying to get by recording conversations with Povedilla. Dani argues that he might just blackmail him, seeing that he treats him like shite. [Piper's snark: Because you deserve it, dumbass!]
Aitor: Paco, we have to go to the precinct.
Paco: What’s the matter?
Aitor: We have a serious problem.
At the lab, Deker is still examining the body of the cannibal while listening to music. DL storms in and says that the cannibal case is closed and whoever speaks about it again will be suspended. Apparently, Deker is too fascinated with serial killers as he wrote his dissertation on them when he was at Harvard. Yeah, like I would believe that!
The whole patrol enters the precinct and Aitor is caught by Lis, who flirts BIG TIME with him. She gives him IOUs and a love live CV – what kind of bitchy moron does that anyway? Aitor kinda dismisses his first IOU by drinking water in front of her – “Having a drink, looking at each other’s eyes” date.

They’re all in the briefing room, Mariano is next to the white board.
Aitor: Come on, Mariano. Show them.Reyes walks in and sees the scene. Paco points at Mariano’s legs. She understands.
Mariano unzips his trousers [everybody looks funny] and turns around to discover two new scribbles in his legs.
Mariano: I think they are like the ones I had on my back.
Rita: Holy Madonna [Well she actually starts praying by saying “Virgen del camino seco” – “Virgin of the dry road”], the dead man has continued his sermon in his legs...
Paco: Fuck the damn Latin. We need to tell Povedilla, and ask him to bring a dictionary, we got to translate that.
Deker is sewing up Blackman, who is emo-er than EVER. He doesn’t remember anything. Deker says that he had a huge dose of some alkaloid that numbs the nervous system in the brain, so that it’s normal that he doesn’t remember. He also says that Blackman cut himself trying to get rid of the drug in the blood and that he also carved DL’s licence number in his own arm so as to remember whom to go to in case he forgot everything. Okay, that is VERY Memento. DL sees Amaia outside and asks her to come in and help. Amaia and Blackman are googly eyeing each other like in some sort of emo cheesy movie.
They’re all still in the briefing room, translating. [Somehow I feel very honoured, because it’s what I do, and because in my university entrance exams, I also had to translate a text in Latin. Haha].
Rita: That’s it, prudential prudentiae, sobriety.
Povedilla: Yeah, but it’s from the first declination, so it’s in dative case. So it means “With sobriety” [Translator's pedantic comment: Which is WRONG, the dative case is for indirect objects, so it would mean “To the sobriety”, but whatever!].
Rita: What else? Tell me.
Povedilla: Triangle.
Reyes [to Aitor]: You still have an IOU, remember?
Aitor: Yeah.
Paco: Are you all right?
Mariano: How can I be all right, Paco? I was branded and tattooed by a killer cannibal, fuck. I look like his secret diary!
Paco: Listen to this, Mariano. Maybe this is only a lie, a little trick, Fr. Sistiaga said so: Evil is just an appearance some times.
Mariano: Paco, I know I was with him for two hours, and I also know that he didn’t kill me. But I’ve been constipated for three days, maybe he put an egg into my rectum too, fuck. Maybe he wants me to be the next virtue.
Paco: What virtue, what...? What virtue do you think you could be? [Piper and Translator in unison: BWAHAHA!]
Paco’s phone rings. It’s Salgado.
Paco: We’ll talk later, all right? Breakfast...
Paco goes out of the room, Pepa follows him.
Paco: I’m sorry, honey, I’m sorry, they phoned me from the precinct, sorry.
Salgado: No worries, I understand.
Paco: Ehmmm, maybe we can leave the "quarantine thing" for another day.
Salgado: Well, don’t worry, Paco. I also have to work.
Paco: Sure, sure.
Salgado: I’ll see you later? Paco, I love you.
Paco: I love you too. I do. A kiss, honey.

Pepa: I thought you were gonna play a Santa Claus trick on me last night, brother. And I woke up this morning and there was no present. So I guess you were only there to spy on me. What were you looking for, Paco?In the interrogation room, Blackman is watching himself on a TV while DL explains everything he knows about him.
Paco: Anything to believe that my sister didn’t kill El Gordo.
Pepa: That’s what you think? That I killed him? Of course I would have done it, Paco. One and a million times. I’ve dreamed about doing it every night. But it wasn’t me.
Paco: And since when do you smoke Italian cigarettes?
Pepa: In Almería, Paco, I had an affair with a girl from Milano [Translator's comment: I have my doubts about this verb. According to her explanation, it fits as a one night stand. But then how could she use that she has been smoking her cigarettes if it was only one night stand and she was the first thing that came along? Surely if she screwed her in her fake first month in Almería, she wouldn’t be able to use the fact that she was smoking her cigarettes six months later? So let’s leave it as “affair”, but don’t read too much into it, what she means is that she only had her for sex – coping mechanism. Let’s not forget tho, that she is lying to Paco]. The first one that came along, so I could stop thinking. But I am as fucked up as I was when I left.
Paco: Come here, it’s enough.

They’re all sitting around the table, working on the cannibal case.
Reyes: Charity does not exist anymore, that was the first virtue. And if Deker is right, justice would be the second with the cannibal’s suicide. And now with sobriety, the first triangle is closed.Blackman just can’t believe everything that’s been said about him: the day that the 9mm jammed when he tried to shoot himself or when he jumped off a building and fell on a canopy. He thinks he might be just a nutcase. DL and Curtis leave and Amaia is picking up all the Best of Blackman videos when she confesses that she's a nutcase too. Basically she tells him that she dreamed of being a fish, cause fish don’t have memory, so that way you can live each day like it’s the first time. Blackman says that Amaia is the only familiar thing. But she storms out.
Pepa: It says that the first triangle is closed. That’d mean that if there’s a third victim he or she is already dead.
Rita: So he left us a Christmas present before crushing his brains against the mirror, and he’s been dead for at least 3 days God knows where!
Mariano: And the closing victim is me. The one who closes the circle, he wrote it very clearly on my back. And now we’re going for the triangle.
Reyes: Peláez, bring me a map of Madrid, please.

HAHA! I was doing the exact same thing, reading what's on Mariano's legs
Back in the briefing room, they are still discussing the cannibal case, which is ALREADY CLOSED, PER DL!
Reyes: What if the message doesn’t mean a crime? What if it’s a place? Why a triangle? Let’s find something with a triangle shape.
Rita: The Pyramid disco in Pan Bendito. I know that cause I used to go there some evenings. [Piper's Rita adulation: I love this woman!]
Reyes: Let’s see, the first victim appeared here. And the second executed himself in San Antonio. We can draw a triangle...
Povedilla: Yeah, but inspector, here, here, here... Any place I point at, forms a triangle, it’s impossible.
Paco: Let’s see, this guy is always playing with religious icons. The Trinity, the three denials...
Pepa: The triangle of virtue... the one with God’s eye in the middle. It’s a perfect triangle.
Reyes: An equilateral triangle.
Paco: Exactly.
Aitor: There.
Reyes: Manuteras warehouse. That’s where the cannibal wanted us to go. And we’re going. Povedilla, I want an exact triangulation on satellite. We don’t know what we’re gonna find there so take bulletproof vests, ammunition and we’re going in two cars.
Aitor: Wait a second, wait a second. There’s another spot. This spot is San Marcos’ square.
Reyes: But this square is really small. Nobody can put up a Satanic party, have it there for three days and not draw any attention.
Aitor: Well, the priest told Paco that Satan was a sparky dude [meaning witty]. Well, I don’t know, but maybe he has put up something where everyone can see it but nobody notices it.
Reyes: Very good. Take Peláez and an intern. The Inspectors and Povedilla are coming with me.
Povedilla: Inspector, I can’t...
Reyes: That’s fine.
Pepa: And in what group am I?
Reyes: The only thing I know about you is that you’ve been on a leave for six months. Reapply for a position here and when you’ve sorted out your papers, you can join us.
Pepa walks out really angry.
Paco: Pepa...
Oh, how I miss the thousand ways Silvia uttered "Pepa", each one having a different meaning...

Back in the lab, Blackman decides to try his luck and shoot himself again. But Amaia starts singing a song thru the speakers, a song he remembers and likes. She enters, they start talking. He says that if he’s so lucky, he will survive the shot. Amaia knocks the gun, and the shot smashes the clock. Oh, she is the one. He keeps getting flashbacks.
On the mission, both groups are at their destination. Mariano is sick, so he’s going to stay in the car while Paco and Reyes proceed. At the very last minute, he stops them and says maybe they need sobriety and a more accurate plan to enter the warehouse, so Reyes phones Povedilla to very reluctantly get to the mission with Win-E. Povedilla is at Lizarrán with the brats, who are flirting with the new redhead server they called Pelirroja! Sin verguenza! NOBODY ELSE deserves to be called "Pelirroja" after they butchered the original! Pove orders the brats to go get Win-E ready. Reyes is hot and strict, man!
Lis and Aitor are in the car while Rita is still taking pictures outside. They talk about failed relationships and I want to be sick cause Lis is so Sara! That’s the “second date”. I think Aitor is falling for Lis’ bullpoop.

[Translator's pervy comment: Can’t stop drooling at next scene. Yay for badassness!]
Salgado is chopping veggies in the kitchen. Pepa walks in. [Translator's snark: I wonder, all right, now she’s got to reapply for her position but does Pepa ever get to do any proper cop activities? Have we ever seen her work?]
Pepa: What are you doing, sister-in-law?
Salgado: Ratatouille. [Pisto]
Pepa: So I’m gonna help you. Four hands cut faster than two.
Salgado: Do you want to cut the pepper?
Pepa: All right. Thanks. [And Pepa starts chopping at the speed of light showing badassness and dyke skills – that’s my kind of woman!]
Salgado: You’re really energetic.
Pepa: I just love ratatouille.
Salgado: Shouldn’t you be fed up of it already? I mean, six months in between the Murcian vegetable garden and the fields of El Ejido. Where were you exactly?
Pepa: In Mojácar. I rented a small house in a place near the lake of Puerto Rey. You should take Paco there, you’d love it. For a weekend.
Salgado: Didn’t you hit the beach at all? I can’t see any bikini tan marks...
Pepa: I just like to sunbathe naked. You know how a bad tan can ruin any dress you wear.
Salgado: Well, you’re not the dress kind of person, are you?

Pepa is fed up and stabs Salgado.... Well no, Haha. She stabs the chopping board. Badassness yeah baby.
Pepa: Are you trying to say something, Marina? I think I’m getting tired of you being cool while you interrogate me. You’re in charge of the case of El Gordo, and you live with suspect number one. A chick with a gun, time, and enough reasons. I am your fucking little candy [meaning that she is the easy person to blame], right, sister-in-law?Win-E is scanning the warehouse.
Salgado: I just want you to understand that it’s my job, Pepa.
Pepa: And what are you gonna do, apart from suspecting? Are you gonna press charges without a bail? Or are you gonna arrest your boyfriend’s sister?
Salgado is shitting in her pants... but then gathers the strength to pick up a confidential report on Pepa, and gives it to her.
Salgado: Open it. We have receipts, passenger lists, GPS trackings, videos, pictures, how you got the reports from the Italian Prosecutor, how you followed Isabella Giardelli... We even know when you have your period, Pepa. We know you killed El Gordo.
Deker is injecting Blackman with some drug to help metabolize the alkaloid and get his memory back, but he can suffer severe brain damage. Blackman starts to shock and then he flatlines. He needs to be revived. DL is ultra mad at Deker.

Reyes asks Win-E not to record and if it can keep a secret. With that, Win-E recalls and displays the prank video in which Pove is talking about his hoohoo being too big. The newbies are kicked out of Confecciones Puri by Paco. They go and cover the door of the warehouse when Goyo goes ballistic at Dani. He goes “You never see anything”, and tells him that with that attitude, he’s just gonna end up being a shallow fuck-up for the rest of his days. I like Goyo, he says the truth! Take that superbrat!
Salgado and Pepa are sitting at the table.
Salgado: Probably, Italy will ask for your extradition. Spain has an extradition treaty with Italy which will guarantee that we will turn you in to the Italian authorities.
Pepa: What’s the conviction? [Literally "how long is the sentence?"]
Salgado: Between 15 and 20 years. But, there’s a chance. An alternative to jail. Do you remember the reasons that lead you to kill El Gordo? We have the same or even more reasons to kill this man. Pepa, you don’t need to know who he is, what he’s done, not even his name.
Pepa: I’m not gonna kill anybody, Marina. This conversation is over.
Salgado: You’re not gonna do anything you haven’t done before. And you’re not gonna be anything that you’re not already. This is the best I could get you. This is your only escape, believe me.

Blackman wakes up from the dead and says he needs to go back there (to the other side?) to see what was happening, but DL says no. Deker is reluctant. DL leaves, Blackman turns his head and sees the cannibal's cadaver. He says he has seen him in his memory.
Salgado is still trying to turn Pepa into an assassin.
Salgado: If you accept, both the Spanish and Italian Intelligence drop El Gordo case and you can get your life back.I'm putting down a hundred on Pepa.
Pepa: I am not an assassin, Marina. I killed El Gordo for personal reasons. And if I have to put up with 20 years [she says “eat 20 years”], I don’t mind, for me they can be 40. I am not gonna murder again.
Salgado: In an Italian prison, you’re not gonna last over a week.
Pepa: We can bet on it.
At San Marcos’ square, Rita sees parked truck that looks suspicious. It’s been parked illegally for 3 days. At the warehouse, Win-E continues his search. They find something that looks like a person. At the square, Aitor is about to enter the truck. He does, and finds the victim, just in time for Win-E not to shoot a homeless man.

Pepa throws a pair of handcuffs to Salgado [Translator's pervy remark: I soooo wish I was Salgado right now!!].
Pepa: Come on. I’m not gonna put up resistence [Seriously? Are you trying to kill me here?]. Call the CNI and tell them to book my ticket. And later you can go out for dinner with Paco.Paco, Mariano, and Reyes leave the warehouse and Povedilla is left with Win-E and the brats. Win-E says he’s sorry. Of course Win-E has no idea of what being sorry means, it’s dickhead Dani controlling it.
Salgado takes out another envelope containing pictures with Aitor in them... Oh fuck. Pepa gets the message
Pepa: What a big motherfucker you are. [¡Qué grandísima hija de puta eres! sounds so much better!]
I think this is a scene to remember, so I’ve translated it as well.
Win-E: Are you scared of them making jokes about you?Paco and Mariano arrive at San Marcos’ square to see a girl inside the truck hanging with her arms in a cross, and her feet almost touching a vase of water and a vase of sand, with a triangle branded on her chest. Lis tries to flirt with Aitor in the middle of the crime scene [are you kidding me?]. DL arrives. At the lab, Deker is talking about killing Blackman to get his memory back. Perfect, really. Rita tells Paco that the victim was still warm when they got there, and the forensics doctor said that she must have been dead for only 3 hours, so he decides to run to the precinct and check.
Povedilla: What the fuck do you know about fear, Win-E? You just went there like a little lamb having no idea of what was in there. You have no idea of what fear is!!! You’re nothing but a bag of cables and circuits!!!
Win-E: Fear – anxious perturbation of mood.
Povedilla: You don’t know shit, Win-E. Fear is not a definition. Do you want me to tell you what fear is? Fear is a breath in your neck that leaves you scared shitless, that turns you into a puppet. Fear is seeing your friends die right next to you, and not being able to do anything. Fear is not having the balls to go out so as to not get shot. Fear is grabbing a stick and faking to be limping for six months so you don’t have to go on a mission. That’s what fear is, Win-E.

Deker says that it might work or not. So he kills Blackman with drugs, and the tough boy remembers everything that happened to him. Magic? No, drugs! It’s apparently some Russian gang [Translator's show off: This is when my degree pays off - want to know what they say? Basically one of the ladies says she’s not moving from there (offering resistance) and the guy goes “What did you say?” and shoots her. They told me when I picked Russian that most of sentences would be like that – and they were right! Haha] who’s trafficking women. Blackman survives. Povedilla shaves his beard and gets his old glasses back. Pepa goes to Salgado, who’s in the pub, and tells her something inaudible – that she’s gonna do it? Aitor accepts Lis’s date. Alternative metal Spanish band Sober is playing. Salgado gives Pepa a confidential report. Salgado is looking very “oh my god what I’ve done?” – cheeky bastard!
Paco runs to the precinct frisking garage, where they are moving the corpse of the cannibal. He opens the body bag and finds a dummy doll. Oh, shit.
Next week!
Pepa blindfolded with an AK47. Are all my perviest dreams coming true? Haha!
Piper's commentary:
I miss Silvia. I really, really do. But we all do. So let me just get this out of the way:
Then who killed fallen angel girl, since the ME said she's only been dead for 3 hours, when Hannibalo Lectero has been dead for 3 days? Two explanations: a) either the ME is wrong and dead girl has been dead longer but just appears to be dead for a shorter period of time because she was in a refrigerated truck, considering that it's been parked illegally for 3 days (see the true case of Richard "Ice Man" Kuklinski who froze his victims to disguise the true time of death, and if so, another ripoff by ATPP™), or b) Hannibalo Lectero was not the murderer. My money is on the priest.
Fuck you, Alex TinyPenis Pina!
Now to this horrendous storyline. I don't want to believe that ATPP™ and company have gone all supernatural on us. Despite the notion that Spain is generally a very superstitious country, I'd like to believe that there is a logical explanation for this cannibal / serial killer / 66.6 crap. In the preview, we see that Hannibalo Lectero (Spanish version of Hannibal Lecter) is back from the dead. Ah! But we only see him via closed circuit TV. So, is he really dead or not? He's dead, we saw his autopsied cadaver with the Y incision on his torso. I guess we can safely establish that he's dead as dead could be and his appearance on closed circuit TV could be a recording.
Then who killed fallen angel girl, since the ME said she's only been dead for 3 hours, when Hannibalo Lectero has been dead for 3 days? Two explanations: a) either the ME is wrong and dead girl has been dead longer but just appears to be dead for a shorter period of time because she was in a refrigerated truck, considering that it's been parked illegally for 3 days (see the true case of Richard "Ice Man" Kuklinski who froze his victims to disguise the true time of death, and if so, another ripoff by ATPP™), or b) Hannibalo Lectero was not the murderer. My money is on the priest.
But he's a priest, Piper! Remember that old saying, "nobody can quote from the scripture better than the devil"? Well, then it follows that the 2nd best quoters would be none other than priests and preachers. So far, Fr. Bigotillo seems to be the best suspect: he has motive, opportunity, and means. Motive? Yes, he might want to bring more people to church, because you'd be surprised how many Spaniards do not attend Sunday mass. A LOT! (I'm looking at you, Beke and Nika!) And of course, he has plenty of opportunity and means.
The only sorta-supernatural occurrence so far was Hannibalo Lectero impaling himself against the wall hook - and I say this only because I doubt anyone could have that good an aim, and because I didn't think a wall hook would have enough tensile strength to plaster an adult against the wall. But there is always a logical explanation, right? Maybe the wall hook was really that strong, and maybe HL really had a good aim. The method of his death was improbable, but not impossible.
Okay, I've solved the case, can we now leave the Twilight Zone?
So Pepa being an assassin - is the Italian government on board with this? Because she'll be committing murder on foreign soil. I guess Salgado had no choice really because all the evidence point to Pepa, so I'll give her a free pass. And Pepa will be the Spanish Le Femme Nikita, because you know, ATPP™ has a quota of 3 ripoffs per episode, or 15 per season, whichever is higher. It's in his contract. I can only hope that Pepa experiences the necessary moral quandary angst as she pursues this path, because it is written that "killing tears a soul apart" (quoted by the late and great Professor Dumbledore, referring to Voldemort). And Pepa, please don't create any horcrux or you'd never be able to be with Silvia!
Partial list of episode rip-offs:
Dexter / Ice Man (Documentary)
Jess: Hooray! Thanks for such a speedy translation! Can't wait to actually watch the episode myself but, man... I really hate Marina already....
oh wow you're quite fast Dr. Beke ;) you seriously rock!!! ok, start watching now :)
Well, I have never been a church girl really, don't think I'm a Catholic either... I'm just suck a freak according to the Church that I'm scared a stone might fall off the ceiling if I walk into one and kill me by accident. True story. So I better not play my chances.
And I have to say I miss Silvia, but I love Pepa. <3 <3 <3
thank you for the speedy translation.
Well... I have some questions...
"The CNI have receipts, passenger lists, GPS trackings, videos, pictures, how you got the reports from the Italian Prosecutor, how you followed Isabella Giardelli... We even know when you have your period, Pepa. We know you killed El Gordo"
If the CNI could do all that with Pepa, why they didn't find El Gordo before?
The CNI have very good pictures of Pepa and close-ups (WTF?), why nobody saw the CNI people?
If they followed Pepa and Aitor and they knew they going to kill him, why they didn't do anything about that?
And most importantly:
If the CNI knows and does all these effective techniques... Why they didn't do anything about the marriage of Silvia and Pepa??? :(
It's me once again...
I just want to say: please forgive me for my bad english :P
Your English is good, so no worries.
Point 1: I don't think the CNI was looking for El Gordo as much as they were trailing Pepa, probably because they knew that she would lead them to him.
Point 2: When a surveillance team is really good, you'd never know they're there. There are professionals with super-duper high powered cameras probably disguised as a button. This is high tech espionage.
Point 3: Well, the role of intelligence agencies all over the world is to gather data. They probably have a bigger case on hand, and stopping Pepa and Aitor could have compromised the bigger investigation.
Point 4: CNI screwed up on protecting its own agent (Jota), they screwed up in securing assets (Bravante's wife)... they screwed up a lot. Salgado was actually demoted and that's why she had time to attend the wedding.
But remember that this is LHDP - realism has never been one of their strongest suits.
Thanks for writing in.
OMG! Laura does badass so well. The thing with the knife and the handcuffs and the indifference THUD! I is ded
welcome ebdaly, I have read you and COM and it is great to see you here. I agree with your questions, if they spent so much time watching Pepa after the fact, they should have done something to prevent the blood bath and to find El Gordo themselves. But it is what it is.
I am wondering how Silvia would feel about this?
...It was also a rip-off of the "Ice Truck Killer" in season one of Dexter.
I had the same questions as ebdaly and Dr. B...if the CNI were trailing Pepa (for her to lead them to El Gordo), why wouldn't they have had some plan to swoop in once he had been located? You know, so they could actually apprehend him and avoid having the grieving widow do something stupid? It's all pretty retarded.
I understand that this show has never been really big on realism, but with the new serious tone they're taking this season, I wish they would have just a liiittle more coherency in their plotlines.
Kuklinksi was the original, true-life iceman murderer. He's been ripped by Law&Order several time, Crossing Jordan, Dexter, etc.
I don't really know the whats and whys of the CNI. If it is anything like our CIA, then we know how "effective" and bureaucratic it is.
As for bigtime screw-ups, CNI has the Miranda-Castro wedding, CIA has 9/11.
But the hell do I know, really? Not much, not much.
I am from China,and my english is poor... But I want to say : I love Pepsi, and thank you for the translation!
Do you know how difficult to browse the Internet in China? We can't browse many websites, so we have the largest LAN in the world! Aha ~ This is the biggest joke of the 21st century, isn't it ?! Now I can browse PepSi University is lucky, though the process is cumbersome and unstable ...
I saw the cap 108's promo, Aitor stroked Pepa's cheek, this picture made me down ... I have to say I don't like to see Pepa fall in love with anyone,except for Silvia...
I know that MA will not come back the show, but I really miss Silvia ...I miss the pelirroja... I really do ...
Q: As to why the CNI didn't swoop in and save Pepa from killing El Gordo??
A: Why would they? This way Pepa gets rid of El Gordo at no risk to them, and they get to blackmail her and use her for their own nefarious purposes now. Very smart move on CNI's part!!F*ckers!!
Thanks for translations, Beke and Dr. P!
okay I have a question as the show never has been too realistic, got that, but I mean isn't it just wrong to allow a person killin g another? in this case pepa is kinda forced to murder. Which security/police/.. department would actually kinda offer someone to murder legally? that is so wrong, on several levels. I mean even if someone is an evil mass murder, I mean I defenitely like to see him dead, but I am not the one to kill him, no one is... otherwise we would just be as bad as this guy,... it's a moral thing, something that divides us from the the question is "how is this "offer" justified? is there an exception of law or sth?"
I hope you'll get what I'm saying... would be great if someone could answer me...
well, regards from germany =)
oh and I'd like to say that I really appreciate all the stuff you guys do here.. I mean my spanish is not too good so I'm greatful for all the translations =) °-°
I am not a big fan of this season but I love your reviews. Keep doing great work! *staying tuned*
Anonymous 2:18
I don't believe in murder, I don't believe in the death penalty or abortion, I don't believe in hired assassins. "Thou shalt not kill" was non-categorical.
Morally, for me, there is no redeeming value when Pepa killed El Gordo, and there will be no redeeming value when she kills as directed.
We've already established that LHDP is a moral vacuum. I won't get into the minds of the writers because Salgado's offer to Pepa was neither fair nor just. Pepa could have been guilty of murder in the 2nd degree, or temporary insanity (the flashbacks could have clouded her judgment), or manslaughter, and she acknowledged that she'd rather be in jail than kill again. But she felt responsible for Aitor.
I believe that Salgado's offer was a bigger crime, because she's in a position of authority. She should be guilty of conspiracy to commit murder.
But again, this is LHDP, where they made a love story out of a 16-year old tramp who broke her own aunt's marriage because she's in love with her ex-uncle.
Objectively, without the sentimental attachment to PepSi, this is really a bad show, from which any lesson onmorality is entirely subjective.
Thank you Dr. P. and Dr. Beke for the translations, picspam, snarky remarks, Dr. P's awesome commentaries and for all your hard work. You guys are Awesome. :)
First of all, thank you, Dr. Beke for all the work you do in putting these recaps together (and so quickly). And of course, thanks to you, Dr. P, for adding your snarky commentary.
Secondly, I realize I've been lazy and neglecting to comment (Dr. B, I promise I will comment on your post), but this one started a convo that I want to add to.
Unfortunately Dr. P, Pepa's guilty of 1st degree murder and nothing less (at least under US law). Insanity defenses are extremely hard to prove/win and Pepa's grief doesn't count. Manslaughter also doesn't apply b/c she acted w/ malice, and the reason why it would be 1st instead of 2nd is b/c there was P&D (premeditation and deliberation).
As for why the CNI didn't do anything if they were tracking Pepa the whole time, their failure to do anything actually fits very well into the LFN rip-off. *SPOILER if you've never seen the series* Nikita was recruited into Section b/c they believed that she was a killer even though she wasn't. You later learn that Nikita was framed for the purpose of being brought into Section, and in the series finale, you learned that the reason was for her to take over Section. So, in taking a page from LFN, one could argue that the CNI did nothing to stop the attack at the wedding or stop Pepa from killing El G, b/c they recognized her talent as a cop (how they saw that when she barely does any police work is a mystery) and this was part of their plan to recruit her.
Also, one of the main themes in LFN was morality. Specifically, it dealt a lot with whether it really is okay to sacrifice a few innocent people to save hundreds/thousands more. After awhile, you started to wonder whether Section was the good guy or the bad guy b/c they often allowed some terrorist groups to succeed in their mission or protected corrupt/evil leaders to serve their own agenda under the belief that in doing so, they were protecting the world at large. The clearest example of this was at the end of S2 when Adrian was trying to take Section down. She told Nikita what would happen to the world if Section remained and Operations told her what would happen if it didn't. According to Operations, some dictators had to remain in power b/c w/o them, there's even more chaos and destruction. Actually, it kinda foreshadowed RL events in the Middle East.
Basically, Nikita struggled with that issue throughout the series. She didn't want to join Section in the first place. Once she was there, she was forced to kill again and again, and she struggled throughout the series to keep her humanity, compassion and sympathy alive amongst the ruthless tactics employed by Section. I think LHDP is going to attempt to do the same with Pepa, which is why I'm kinda okay with this rip-off. Pepa comes into the situation with more experience than Nikita (she's not a complete innocent like Nikita was), but it's Pepa's compassion/sympathy that will make it interesting to see how she struggles to maintain her humanity with what she'll be forced to do. It'll be angst to the max, but will provide Laura with some excellent acting opportunities that I'm actually looking forward to seeing her in.
thanks so much for the translations and snark!
Also the discussion in the comments is interesting. if ATTP (TM) is going to be lazy and rip off any story line for Peppa i agree with Kalike that LFN is a good fit. Its a solid story line (and i loved the series) I think the fabulous LS will bring it in the acting department. I mean really the delivery of that last line with Sadalgo... badass hotness perfection :D
in this case pepa is kinda forced to murder. Which security/police/.. department would actually kinda offer someone to murder legally?
it reminds me of the UK show "the fixer"... guy goes to prison for killing his uncle after watching him molest his sister (a$$hole paedophile uncle!) and gets out quickly thanks to TPTB that want him to kill for an organisation that does not officially exist (read: out-law policemen or something like that).
once again, thanks for the recaps. I have a strong urge to re-watch pepsienglish's videos of P&S...
"Objectively, without the sentimental attachment to PepSi, this is really a bad show, from which any lesson on morality is entirely subjective."
lol. So true! I swear, especially for people who aren't fans of Spanish TV in general, PepSi was LHdP's redeeming relationship, and they literally threw away the one thing that made the show objectively watchable! ;-)
Jason Bourne comes to mind. The difference, Jason was a highly trained CIA agent, a license to kill sort of whereas Pepa was a lowly cop grieving widow. Doesn t make sense. The wedding masacre either. The least the CNI could do was stake the Casona, put snipers on the roof or better, tell them to have the wedding in Central Madrid were they were not isolated. E
All the reasoning goes against the reason for being: Marian left, but why she left and at what point she let them know so Silvia could be dealt with? Or they had the stupid 666 already in mind so the masaccre was only a sideshow--Pepa, as usual has no working cop scenes-- to give people like me the satisfaction of seeing Michael Corleone killed the cop who tried to kill his pappa--No, another show, another mafioso. Pepa had to kill El Gordo, the only think a good defense attorney had to convince a very sympathetic and non homophobic jury that she intendedto capture him and bring him to Spain, what she told Aitor ( but was she telling the truth? I' m not sure) prove that she was crazy because she truly was, bring exhibit A, the bloodied wedding dress, the testimony of all the witnesses, and she avenged Silvia, her love, but there were Gonzalo, Kikd, Nelson, a bonafide massacre. I dare any jury find her guilty. She continued suffering because El Gordo dead didn't bring Silvia back or any peace, which is the mai arument against the death penalty, I think.
The whole "Jota" thing, the last person with him in the comisaria was Pepa who had custody of him and wss ordered to take him back to the cell, but next he was in a car with a gun at the place Paco wss to kill that mafioso. All very Michael Corleone if you ask me. That episode was very weird with Pepsi wearing matching horrible yellow tops first holding hands ( unconvingly in front of DL, Salgado and Paco, and next Mariano wit Lucas house gift to Sara mess and Pepsi visibly upset with each other but WTF? happened there? BIG GAP!!!
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