Mariano enters the second crime scene and sees an apparently dead man lying with his arms in cross over pentagram drawn with white sand - very Da Vinci Code. He steps on an eyeball on his way to check if the man is alive or not; he promptly scrapes it off his sole with his flashlight. Yuck! The psycho wakes up and bites him.
Multi-action. At the precinct, the priest is being taken to the interrogation room. Mariano is coming there with the psycho. At the bar, Pove and Dani are arm-wrestling for power. The priest is saying that Satan wanted to kill the first virtuous man. Curtis tells Paco, et. al., that Mariano has the murderer, so the priest starts praying. Very creepy. Povedilla wins the arm-wrestle and therefore gets to treat super brat Dani as badly as he can.
Mariano is at the lab, where Deker sutures him. Mariano tells them what he saw. Paco walks in. Deker jokes about Mariano’s health saying he’s “good and horny”. DL scolds him saying it’s not the place for such jokes. Reyes walks in saying that the fingerprints are not enough to prove the cannibal's guilt, that they need a confession – Mariano says he'll do the interrogation.

Deker is not as pretty as Silvia
Dani is trying to prove that his hoohoo is bigger than Povedilla’s so he is training by doing 200 press-ups. The others scold him saying he’s never going to make it. I guess he didn't see Episode 4x15.
Mariano is about to interrogate the creepy psycho, but he is too intimidated that he can’t get through it. Dani is still doing the press-ups and Lis scolds him even more. The psycho says he’s following the path marked by Satan’s father. He also says “You’re alone, and alone you will die”. He’s taken to the holding cell. Lis pushes Dani to the sofa and they kiss. Then she tells him that she doesn’t want to be with him. Right now, she's just giving out a Sara vibe. And l hope she takes Sara's cue and just DISAPPEAR.

DL is in the briefing room watching a video with the WIN-E developers. Reyes is with Deker in the lab, and he’s specially sarcastic. He actually drinks the water from the glass where the lamb eyes (from the crime scene) are marinating. Reyes is losing patience with his antics.

Because WALL-E is already taken
Reyes: I am gonna leave for a while and I’m gonna crack up at your jokes – HA HA HA! (Very sarcastic laugh, not so different from Piper's) But when I come back, I want you to tell me that we can put the psycho in jail. Get his DNA, run some blood tests, just get me something! Let’s see, Deker, I brought you to this precinct, and I’m still waiting for you to show me that you’re worth it, because I know you are. Yours in not an easy task – do you know who was the former forensics doctor? Captain Castro’s daughter. I gotta go.

So Reyes goes to the briefing room with DL and the Win-E developers. DL is raging because she left him alone. He says “Do you know whom I learned my English with? With your fucking mother, with your fucking Irish mother”. Reyes got teary, since she's obviously not used to DL yet. But she takes revenge. When the video is over, she excuses herself, in perfect Queen’s English, and leaves DL alone with the Irish guy. I love how DL replies to what they ask him “Beautiful”.

Povedilla finds Win-E in the lift. Aitor arrives at the precinct (presumably from his Italian trip) and tries to freshen up in one of the restrooms. He gets El Gordo flashbacks – guilty subconscious kicking in? Reyes walks in to kiss and hug him.
Povedilla is in the lift with WIN-E, and when he gets out, DL tells him that he’s gonna have to take “care” of the robot. Paco tells DL they have a problem. Reyes gives Aitor a present, and the tiny fucker puts it in his pocket without even opening it! Reyes tells him there’s no commitment between them and that she knows that she is not the woman of his life, and that he’s doing her to get over Sara. Dani runs into Aitor and then sees Reyes coming out of the toilet.

WIN-E and his American cousins Johnny 5 (from Short Circuit) and WALL-E
At the briefing room, they analyse Mariano's tats. Mariano’s report says that he was at the crime scene for a second and everything went really fast. They want to investigate without telling him, but Deker disagrees – he’s got nothing to say really, he just wants to disagree. Deker is going all Silvia about the fact that Mariano is now an evidence in the investigation. He also asks them if they want him to forge evidence or hide them – that used to happen a lot when Silvia was around, no?
DL gives out assignments. Mariano walks in and Rita tells him that the image is from a murder in 1998. Deker is not a happy bunny as he was trying to keep Mariano out of the loop – oh, welcome to San Antonio! Rita then says that they have been informed of a guy who is up a tree with a rope around his neck. Of course that’s a mission for Mariano, and Aitor is going with him. In the corridor, they find Lis, who tries to flirt with Aitor again [blugh!]. They say they’re going to deal with a possible suicide and she starts bragging about her negotiation skills in the academy, blah blah. So Aitor buys it and tells her she can come with them. On a side note, why are they playing Barry Gledden in the background?
Amaia talks to uncle Curtis and asks him to pull some strings for her – oh, come on, I thought you were the only good one among the brats!! Povedilla is in the shooting gallery with Win-E, and he tries to find out if Win-E knows anything, which apparently, it does! But Win-E doesn’t know what a sweetie is... Pove wins. Goyo and Dani walk in and Pove orders them to study the robot's manual (which is rather thick) and asks them to summarise the main points.
Paco is talking to the priest, who tells him that he’s got to believe, otherwise there’s no way to solve the case. They take a pause, and thru the PA system, the voice of Pepa bursts in.
Pepa: Attention please, this is a very urgent announcement, I repeat, this is a very urgent announcement. Will the agents Naranjo, Peláez and Povedilla make their way to reception, as well as Captain Castro and Inspector Francisco Miranda. His sister has come to see him.

Curtis: Pepa...
Pepa: Curtis...
Rita: Tall lady!
Povedilla: Inspector...?
Pepa: Povedilla...
DL: Pepa... [oh my god, I am crying here!!]

Pepa: Brother...Deker soon gets freaked out about the way the cannibal is looking at the group hug outside the lab. The cannibal is too Hannibal Lecter creepy. And the ATPP™ ripoff of American shows keeps on coming...
Deker: So that’s the widow dyke...
Mariano, Aitor, and Lis get to the location where a man is threatening to off himself. Mariano asks them to get the crane they have seen along the road. Aitor asks Lis to get it – but she argues that she doesn’t know how to drive [WTF? You need a driving licence to be a cop!]
Paco and Pepa are having lunch at Lizarrán
Paco: And what else?Pepa: Hum?Paco: What else?Pepa: Just that, Paco. I left for only 10 or 15 days and I found a really cute countryside house, very tiny, and I stayed there six months. And I never thought that summer was gonna last that long in Almería.Paco: And what’s the matter? There’s no network reception in Almería? Or phone booths? Pepa, you didn’t even come to the funeral...

DL: Gorgeous, you are really gorgeous, those chill out days have made miracles in you. You’re gorgeous. You missed the family, didn’t you?
Pepa: You can’t imagine how much. A lot. Don Lorenzo, leave the wine and eat your salad. I’m sure your cholesterol is rocketing.

Dani and Goyo are studying the Win-E books. Dani is all emo because he doesn’t understand why Lis only wants to be his friend. Goyo tells him that he’s a horndog and not boyfriend material and that he has no contact with anyone he has fucked. Dani says that he still talks to Amaia and Lis – so Goyo finds out that Dani has screwed the girl he loves.DL: So you have come here to scold me about cholesterol, to forbid me from drinking wine, to take care of me?Curtis: I got two pictures from the CCTV of a jewelry shop in Miraelsol Street. The first one indicates that Mariano entered the house at 17.21... but he never left until 19.32.
Pepa: Well yeah. You, and Paco. Brother, how many tenants do you have at the moment? Is there room for me?
Paco: Always, honey. Always.
Pepa: What happened to Mariano?
Paco: So Mariano was in the house for over two hours?
Curtis: Aha!
Deker is talking to the cannibal, and about to take a mould of his teeth. He and Amaia freak out when Pepa just walks into the lab out of the blue. Pepa finds the grotesque image of Deker taking off the gag from the cannibal’s mouth. She looks up and sees a box labeled “Former forensic doctor”.

Deker: That’s it, easy.
Pepa [Takes off her gun, points at the cannibal]: If you move, I’ll blow your brains up.

Deker: You heard her, right? Mould, please. Thanks. Open your mouth.
[Deker is looking at Pepa funny, as if trying to get some compassion, or a friendly look. But Pepa is not there, at least that’s what it looks like. Her mind is lost]
Deker: Okay. That’s it. Gag? That’s it. I’ve been dealing with the death so much that the living are starting to creep me out.
[Pepa grabs the box with Silvia’s stuff, sees Silvia’s ID card. She has a tear in her eye]

Pepa: I, on the other hand, am more disturbed with the dead.
Deker: Shall we introduce each other?
Pepa: Not today
Deker: Amaia, how many people do you love?
Amaia: Dunno. Many.
Deker: You are very lucky. The lower mould, fast.

Mariano climbs up to the tree via the crane. The guy, Domingo, says that he wants to kill himself because they’re gonna build a motorway in the land where he grew up. Aitor tell Lis that Mariano is the best at talking - he can talk for hours. He puts his hand in his pocket and discovers Reyes’ present – it’s an IOU for a Christmas dinner. Lis asks him if he’s got a girlfriend, to which he says no, and she says that it must be a cool girl cause she gave him an IOU. HAHA! It's your mother!
The superbrats manage to remote control Win-E and are planning on pranking Povedilla. DL, Paco, Curtis, and Rita are arguing about how Mariano could have spent 2 hours with the cannibal and not remember. Reyes walks in saying the dental moulds match and that she’s called the judge to arraign cannibal guy. She and DL argue again. She tells him that he has the Yorkshire dog syndrome.
Paco is talking to the priest when Deker walks in and asks him about the lamb eyes. “Satan never walks in a straight line”. Paco says the important thing is that there’s no victim.
Mariano tells the suicide guy that people hang themselves because they feel lonely. Lis says that she thinks Aitor is no boyfriend material. He says that he had a girlfriend who left him. So to celebrate, Aitor shows her how to drive. Whatever.
The priest tells Paco that he knew about the crimes because the cannibal (or Satan, allegedly) had confession in his church eleven years ago. (Piper's snark: And, did you give him absolution?) At Confecciones Puri, the Super Brats are pranking Povedilla by remote controlling Win-E. Povedilla’s manhood is discussed – I thought we had kinda established that after 4x15?
So Aitor is teaching Lis how to drive... like a maniac. Mariano tells the man that he is lonely too – he has already convinced him not to give up. Aitor does some rally thing and Lis is all over him... They’re about to kiss... but no!
DL, Reyes, and Deker are trying to solve the case together again. So Mariano was unconscious but the cannibal didn’t want to kill him, he wanted to kill someone from the precinct: the judge. Then the most random and creepy scene ever in LHDP. The cannibal is taken to the interrogation room with the priest, Paco, and the judge. After DL, Reyes, and Deker have figured out that victim is going to be the judge, they run to the interrogation room. They get there in time to save the judge, but the cannibal has locked all the doors – or that’s what it seems. The priest and the creepy cannibal start talking in Latin about opening the Door of Darkness and blah blah. He starts banging his head against the mirrored glass and ends up jumping backwards and impaling himself against a wall hook. He’s dead – but not before he declared that he’d be back to continue his work. Wow, that's a really strong wall hook, huh?
In the new bar, Pepa comes back [from the toilet?] and is having a beer with Paco while the new band, Pol 314, is playing a song.
Mariano: Paco...Paco: How are you?

Mariano: I just saved a man’s life. I don’t want to be alone anymore, or bet anything with you. I don’t want you to leave San Antonio, and I don’t want to leave myself. Hi Marina.
Salgado: Hi.
Mariano: I’m really glad to see you. Let’s have a drink, no? [Hugging Pepa] How are you, honey? You all right?
Pepa: Of course.
Salgado: Hi Pepa.
Paco: Honey…

Pepa wearing her wedding band
Salgado: I’m glad you’re here. Well actually I’m glad you’re all here. I have some news. Yesterday, at 4pm, two unidentified individuals entered the place where El Gordo was hiding, in Pieromonte, Genoa [Translator's very snarky remark: This information is actually NOT true. Pieromonte does not exist, and if she's referring to Piemonte, she is making a huge geographical mistake - Genoa is a city in the region of Liguria; Piemonte is a region north of Liguria. So, Marina, fuck off], and blew up his brains. The Italian Prosecutor has asked the CNI to collaborate, in case the murder was related to El Gordo’s business in Spain. They assigned the case to me.
Pepa: Hi Marina.

Pepa: I’m gonna get another round.
Aitor: I’m coming with you.Pepa: Can I have five beers, please?

Pepa: I burnt the hammers of our guns before I got rid of them, so they can’t catch us from the ballistic point of view. In case that helps you sleep better.
Aitor: Don’t you worry, I sleep tight. What about you?
Paco sees the cigarette packet that Pepa just got rid of, which has the inscription “Il fumo uccide” – smoking kills, in Italian. And realises that Pepa has lied to him and might be involved in El Gordo’s assassination. He grabs the packet and destroys it.
Next week!
Pepa tells Salgado “You have the El Gordo case and you live with suspect number one” and throws a pair of handcuffs at her and saying “What a big motherfucker you are”. Roleplay? Hummm maybe not! Badassness is required!
Subtitled clip has been posted by PepsiEnglish at the Audio Visual Department.
Piper's Commentary:
Pepa... as some of you may know, Piper is not very sentimental and not prone to bouts of tears whilst watching a stupid show - but the reunion scene did bring me almost close to tears. Almost, but not quite. The last time that happened was Episode 104, and I have no intention of a repeat performance. But this leads me to ask: what was so sentimental about Pepa coming back to group hugs? I mean, this is fucking LHDP, where they group hug as much as they go to the bathroom. I think it was a compendium of several things.
First, we see Pepa at the comisaria for the first time, and Silvia is not around. We are reminded of what Pepa, and we, lost. Marian said something interesting in one of her interviews: that people like to mourn, and that's what Alex TinyPenis Pina wanted. People like to mourn???!! Where the fuck did he get that idea? We mourn, because we have to, as a coping mechanism. But I do not think any single person would consciously say, "I'd like to mope today". And if they did, they could take medication for that. Because it is NOT FUCKING NORMAL TO WANT TO MOURN!!! When you think of that for your audience, you're just thinking with your tiny penis, and you should NOT dabble in ENTERTAINMENT.
Second, we see how the rest of the gang: Paco, DL, Rita, and Curtis, are hurting for Pepa and for themselves. Their loss is palpable, and from this moment on, any attempt at comedy is just Alex TinyPenis Pina flipping his finger at us. Because we all know that comedy is no longer tenable under the circumstances.
Third, we know the shared pain of Pepa and DL. There is NOTHING that could surpass the pain they endured, and yet here they are still breathing and loving, drawing strength from each other. Pepa tells DL to eat salad and watch his cholesterol - that's what Silvia would have done. And so we are reminded again that Silvia is no longer around to fret around her father.
And lastly, we find out that Pepa did not go to the funeral. I could understand that. She needed to get as far away from everything as possible, only to find that she could not get away from herself. I read once that civilization began when humans learned to bury their dead. Funerals are a necessary ritual for us, not because we like to mourn, but because it's what separates us from the rest of the animals. And the knowledge of Pepa's absence at Silvia's funeral strikes us like lightning.
But we should remember that LHDP has never been keen on realism. Pepa didn't attend her father's funeral either. PepSi celebrated their wedding with only about 20 people - that's even sadder, when you think about it. They only have 20 friends? When you realize that these scenes are meant to sustain our mourning, because afterall, we like to mourn, then you simply disengage and say fuck you to Alex TinyPenis Pina.
Not this time, dickhead.
Subtitled clip has been posted by PepsiEnglish at the Audio Visual Department.
Piper's Commentary:
Pepa... as some of you may know, Piper is not very sentimental and not prone to bouts of tears whilst watching a stupid show - but the reunion scene did bring me almost close to tears. Almost, but not quite. The last time that happened was Episode 104, and I have no intention of a repeat performance. But this leads me to ask: what was so sentimental about Pepa coming back to group hugs? I mean, this is fucking LHDP, where they group hug as much as they go to the bathroom. I think it was a compendium of several things.
First, we see Pepa at the comisaria for the first time, and Silvia is not around. We are reminded of what Pepa, and we, lost. Marian said something interesting in one of her interviews: that people like to mourn, and that's what Alex TinyPenis Pina wanted. People like to mourn???!! Where the fuck did he get that idea? We mourn, because we have to, as a coping mechanism. But I do not think any single person would consciously say, "I'd like to mope today". And if they did, they could take medication for that. Because it is NOT FUCKING NORMAL TO WANT TO MOURN!!! When you think of that for your audience, you're just thinking with your tiny penis, and you should NOT dabble in ENTERTAINMENT.
Second, we see how the rest of the gang: Paco, DL, Rita, and Curtis, are hurting for Pepa and for themselves. Their loss is palpable, and from this moment on, any attempt at comedy is just Alex TinyPenis Pina flipping his finger at us. Because we all know that comedy is no longer tenable under the circumstances.
Third, we know the shared pain of Pepa and DL. There is NOTHING that could surpass the pain they endured, and yet here they are still breathing and loving, drawing strength from each other. Pepa tells DL to eat salad and watch his cholesterol - that's what Silvia would have done. And so we are reminded again that Silvia is no longer around to fret around her father.
And lastly, we find out that Pepa did not go to the funeral. I could understand that. She needed to get as far away from everything as possible, only to find that she could not get away from herself. I read once that civilization began when humans learned to bury their dead. Funerals are a necessary ritual for us, not because we like to mourn, but because it's what separates us from the rest of the animals. And the knowledge of Pepa's absence at Silvia's funeral strikes us like lightning.
But we should remember that LHDP has never been keen on realism. Pepa didn't attend her father's funeral either. PepSi celebrated their wedding with only about 20 people - that's even sadder, when you think about it. They only have 20 friends? When you realize that these scenes are meant to sustain our mourning, because afterall, we like to mourn, then you simply disengage and say fuck you to Alex TinyPenis Pina.
Not this time, dickhead.
Partial list of episode rip-offs:
Silence of the Lambs
Dr. Beke, thanks for all your hard work.
Thank you very much for the translations!
Thank you, dear! You need more snark, though! And where the fuck is Leo?
Jess: Muchas gracias again! Argh... Can't wait to actually WATCH the darn episode... Buffering takes too long...
*delurking* thanks for the caps and translations! :) Laura is just...ufff. Didnt think i would like the blond but its growing on me.
Thank you so much for taking the time to translate for us. I appreciate all the work you do.
Damn, i really miss Silvia even more after watching that episode.
I am really scared for what they will do with Pepa.
This sleeping with guys thing is really disturbing me.
If only Silvia could magically come back to life.
thanks for your hardwork Bekelauer, a lot. thanks!!!
thank you. appreciate your translations.
Thanks a lot,
Stupid snarky remark... Does Silvia have panda eyes in her ID picture? Plus she looks very un-her, really.
Thank you Dr B. Great job as usual !
By the way am I the only one to think that they changed the place of Silvia's lab ? Since when does it offer a direct view on the comisiaria hall ?
Very "66.6" indeed ...
I didn't realize that Pepa had been promoted to inspector.
"Povedilla: Inspector...?"
Have you noticed that Pepa isn't wearing her wedding ring in the restaurant scene?
thank you dr piper and beke for making so many things clear. I think that pepa became DL's daughter in this episode and he loved it.
I have no joy in these two episodes, I miss Silvia way too much. I feel like they have moved on, and I have not accepted Marian's absence from the show.
Thanks Dr. B--its great to see Pepa but I hate that Syliva is not there. It takes all the joy out of all of it. :( I think Pepa needs to kill some more bad guys, I know I'd feel better. Knowing Alex SmallPenis Pina's evilness he'll have Pepa sleeping with someone in two episodes. Killing me! Love the ring at beginning but the fact its already off does not bode well for future.
yeah what girlechicky2k said, since when is pepa
inspector? loved how pepa looked in this ep. DAMN!
First of all, thanks to Dr. Bekelauer and Dr. P for their work.
And that thing with Pepa being an Inspector's not just Pepa, Aitor is a full Agent now, with his badge and all.
I think that, after all the happenings of last season finale, a lot of them have been promoted.
Thank you Dr. Bekelauer and Dr. Piper for the translation!
thank you so much and big kiss from SERBIA
Marian said something interesting in one of her interviews: that people like to mourn, and that's what Alex TinyPenis Pina wanted. People like to mourn???!! Where the fuck did he get that idea? We mourn, because we have to, as a coping mechanism. But I do not think any single person would consciously say, "I'd like to mope today". And if they did, they could take medication for that. Because it is NOT FUCKING NORMAL TO WANT TO MOURN!!! When you think of that for your audience, you're just thinking with your tiny penis, and you should NOT dabble in ENTERTAINMENT.
Dr. P, all your snark/commentary in this post is spot-on, but this is really on-target. If Marian and Alex really thought that people "like to mourn", I have to say that I kind of doubt their sanity. To kill off so many major characters, including two extremely well-loved ones, *is* putting your audience at a huge emotional risk, and if you're going to play with your audience's emotions like that, that privilege comes with responsibility. If you're going to put the viewer through that kind of extreme angst, the payoff better be worth it, and the angst better be resolved satisfyingly. Unfortunately, we know this did not happen, which is why the LHdP character deaths ultimately left us with a sense of nihilism, defeatism and meaninglessness. No wonder so many of us refuse to respect canon after episode 103.
Their loss is palpable, and from this moment on, any attempt at comedy is just Alex TinyPenis Pina flipping his finger at us. Because we all know that comedy is no longer tenable under the circumstances.
Heh. Episode 104 had fans so depressed that many of us didn't get over it for months. And that's just the audience watching from the third-person perspective. In real life, when police officers endure gunfights, EVEN if they ultimately survive the gunfights and defeat the bad guys, they often end up with depression and PTSD. The kind of massacre of loved ones portrayed in episode 104 could only be followed up with severe and lifelong depression and PTSD in real life characters. Which is why the attempts at comedy in S9 just came across as kind of unbelievable and mostly fell flat.
All their attempts to make that massacre seem "beautiful" seemed utterly contrived, fake and insincere. The audience felt emotionally manipulated and gutted, which, of course, we were.
Well, I watched because I knew Pepa was going to kill the motherf... and I needed to watch it. The rest was crap. The wedding, you say 20 attendees? No, 12, Lucas arrived late and Curtis never made it, or Lola, to her only sis' s wedding. I kept asking where is Rocamora? And Pepa' s friends from the Gaybar? Upon announcing Marian was leaving, it' s clear for a while they wanted to turn away from the comic cops, either that or the lesbians turned the general audience away. They couldn' t marry, have Silvia take that posicion she once wanted in Barcelona and have Pepa alone in St Antonio newly wed. Worked for Sara because there was Aitor, Lucas absence, but not Pepa, Pepa came in to be Silvia' s soulmate, or have Satan and Salgado run amok while Silvia worked in Barcelona. There was no way out. What happened to Silvia' s house? Pepa goes to live with Paco...again. At least she could have said " I can' t live there without her" and ask D.L. to dispose of the property she crearly inherited as her widow, I think.
I think Pove called inspector everybody in rank over him, except Curtis, but also that was never clear. I remember the scene when Silvia tried to talk to Pepa but Salgado said, no, you sub- inspector, wait here. I was like WTF? Silvia is Inspector, not sub, but maybe it was Pepa or maybe Salgado blew her line and they were behind schedule and couldn' t shoot the scene again, very LHDP. The funeral. Pepa did not attend her father' s because they were estranged, she wasn ' t talking to Paco at the time either but Silvia was her love. The only explanation is her own wild and crazy personality, she told DL when Silvia was dying, : I CAN' T, I CAN' T! So the badass made fragile like porcelain because of love, and Silvia dying in her arms like that. I think Pepa won' t allow herself to fall in love again, not only her love for Silvia is forever but she can' t be hurt again. She ll be having affairs, having sex and fun and games but a very special woman would have to come along, and she already had THE special woman of a lifetime.
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