We see some summary of the past weeks – the inexplicable death of the cannibal, Blackman and his memory, blah blah.
So Deker has killed Blackman and the superboy is remembering everything that happened to him in the fake ship dock. (Fake because we've already established that Madrid is smacked right in the middle of the Iberian peninsula and is nowhere near a sea or an ocean.) He’s also telling a story of a chieftain who tells his tribe that he’s feels there’s a battle between two wolves inside of him – good and evil. (Ripped from the Twilight saga) We see little images of what’s gonna happen in the episode. Amaia tries to bring Blackman back... but Deker insists on the 4 minutes. Then, you know, some adrenaline to his heart and he is back. (Ripped from The Flatliners)
LHDP Intro
Aitor enters his room, puts on his PJs, and gets a Skype videoconference call from Reyes. They flirt bla, bla. Aitor says he lost his phone during a mission and asks her to look for it under her pillow. She finds a black night dress. Of course she’s gonna try it on live on stream! At that moment, Lis gets to his place and Mariano lets her in. Mariano walks in to tell Aitor and sees naked Reyes on screen.

This is the same set they used for Silvia's bedroom
At the lab, DL walks in and kicks out Amaia, who finds Goyo outside waiting. She says Blackman was so cute and Goyo understands what that means. She decides to stay the night. DL is raging because somebody stole the cannibal’s corpse.
Paco is reviewing the CCTV recordings, and finds that the cameras went off for a couple of hours while the robbery took place. He phones DL, who is back home, to tell him. He is sitting on the table with Salgado and Pepa - who looks at Salgado like she’s about to chew her head off.

DL: Tell me, Paco.
Paco: Don Lorenzo, something really weird is happening. All CCTV recordings have stopped working.
DL: Well, well, calm down, don’t worry, check the cables.
Paco: The cables are fine, Don Lorenzo. What I’m trying to tell you is that all CCTV activity stopped at 6.43pm. Everything!
DL: How?
Salgado: You have a Slipper 365K under your bed. It is disassembled and not loaded.
DL: Review them all in case there’s any information still left. It’s probably an electromagnetic problem.
Salgado: You have to be able to assemble it and load it in the dark in less than twenty seconds.
Pepa: Marina, how can you sleep so well with my brother while you’re sending me to a slaughterhouse?
Salgado: And you, Pepa? How could you sleep well the day you phoned Aitor to make him accomplice of a murder?

Lis wants to give Aitor his phone back, he has six missed calls and she understood the message. She leaves her purse, they have some intense moments but nothing.
Paco is still checking the CCTV when the cannibal starts talking like a priest...oh, and he’s alive! But no, Paco wakes up from his nightmare to see that the CCTV are working again but didn’t record the robbery.

Pepa goes to the garage / storage unit to start working on her assembling skills. She’s... far too hot for me to comment.

Reyes is giving a press conference about the cannibal case. At the lab, they’re all watching it when Blackman wakes up. Deker asks him about the cannibal but he said he lied so Deker would kill him. He remembers that it’s Albanian women who are in danger.
DL gathers them all in the hall and they start brainstorming. DNA results confirm that there’s blood in the last crime scene which belongs to the cannibal. At the same time, Pepa is getting damn good at the assembling thingy. Deker bursts into the conference room and shows a picture of the cannibal and asks for help to identify him. Blackman spills all out about the women trafficking. DL is gonna go on a mission to the fake ship dock.

Next morning (I am assuming) Mariano rags on Aitor about mature women but Aitor isn’t laughing. He tells him that he is in a triangle, like with Sara – so if you don’t want anyone to go thru what you went thru, don’t do it!! He storms out and finds Pepa in the patio.

Aitor: How are you? Are you all right, Pepa?Paco and Deker go to Father Sistiaga’s church. At the precinct, everything is a chaos. Dani phones Lis and tries to convince her that he is the boy she needs. Goyo phones Amaia to declare his love, but Rita picks up instead.
Pepa: Yeah, yeah, I was putting Sara’s stuff away. I’m a little too old to sleep amongst teddy bears, huh?
Aitor: Pepa... You can’t be all day home doing nothing, you know you’re gonna go crazy, eh? Look if you don’t feel like going back to the precinct yet, we can go have lunch together, dinner together, to the cinema, to the races... whatever it takes. But you have to do something. Little by little.
Paco interrogates the priest who admits he was wrong about the cannibal. He’s got something to hide. Crows - normally associated with death - burst into the church... I’m guessing someone is escaping from there too: the cannibal?

At Lizarran, Aitor breaks up with Reyes. Pepa walks in and gives a folder to Reyes.
Pepa: Inspector Sánchez Bilbao, I’m back from Central. I have forfeited the rest of my leave. I am active again.
Reyes: Very well, welcome.

Deker and Paco arrive at the frisking parking garage and Paco leaves to interrogate the cannibal’s mother in some random town. Deker takes the corpse of the sobriety victim to the lab.
Deker: She was pretty, huh? If I had met her when she was alive, I would have asked her out. But Satan met her first. Do you believe in the devil, agent?
Pepa: Are you asking me if I believe in a bloke with horns and a tail who lives in hell?
Deker: No, I’m asking you if you believe in evil, as a school of thought. For twenty centuries, the ruling thought has been the good, but what happens if the scales are reversed and evil becomes the ruling thought? You know? Do evil... swindling, lying, raping, killing... a moral oppressed by the good, but that lies inside every man and that is now trying to surface?

Rita, Goyo, Paco, and Mariano get to the village where the cannibal’s mom lives. Rita and Goyo leave the car, and she starts telling him that he’s not trying hard enough (with Amaia) because as long as he has not been rejected, he still has a chance. So she tells him to be brave.
Paco is totally flipping and has started to believe that evil is behind the crap he's going through, Mariano convinces him that it’s better to remain mentally sane.
Deker: Hello?
Paco: Deker, do we know the cause of death?
Deker: I don’t know, there are no obvious signs of violence.
Paco: Well, investigate, cut open the corpse.
Deker: I’d love to, Paco, but that’s not the protocol. We have to track first...
Paco: Do it now!
Rita: Inspector, Inspector, we have found it... The cannibal’s mother’s house.
Pepa (searching for dead girl's record): We got her, Elena Mintegui, 31 years old, she was a psychologist in the army’s intervention unit. She was a negotiator. She had handled the liberation of two prisoners in Gaza, and she had participated in the liberation of two ship kidnappings in the gulf of Aden.
Deker: So she was really sober. Did anyone report her disappearance?
Pepa: I’m gonna check that.

Paco’s team finds the cannibal’s mother and ask her if she knows where her son is. At the precinct, Aitor and Lis are looking through a stack of tarot cards for the right depiction of sobriety. Aitor asks her out and she says no, he tries to convince her, she still says no. Is anyone else having a strong Sara vibe at this moment?
Back at the lab, Deker is cutting the corpse open.
Aitor: He has based his work on a tarot card.
Pepa: She spent Christmas Eve with her family, had dinner with them. Next day she was supposed to fly to Santo Domingo. She checked in for the flight, but never boarded the plane.

Curtis and Amaia are CSIing the ship dock, Curtis tells Amaia to forget about Blackman because he’s trouble. DL is chatting to Dani and asks him why is he worried about a girl. DL is ace. DL sees a dude next to another container and follows him.
Mama Cannibal takes the Pacos to the cemetery and we find out that the cannibal son has not only been dead and alive for 3 days, he’s been properly buried for eleven years! Take that! Paco needs some air, walks about a bit and sees that someone has written “Satan lives” on one of the tombs. (Or maybe whoever wrote it is dyslexic, and would have written "Natas lives"...) Paco is giving up on logic and starts believing in the supernatural.

DL goes to deal with the two Albanian men (Translator’s very pedantic remark: I keep wondering why I can understand them if they’re indeed Albanian and they’re allegedly speaking Albanese, because they’re not, they’re speaking Russian!!], he disarms them but there’s a third man. Dani jumps in to help but gets shot in the leg. (Piper's reaction: BWAHAHA!) Curtis and Amaia also show up, as well as the SWAT squad. But the bald man takes Amaia hostage and brings her into a shipping container with the rest of the trafficked women.

Back at the lab, Peker are still working on the cadaver when Pepa sees Aitor outside.
Deker: Forceps.She goes outside where Aitor is waiting. Deker’s face is funny somehow - as if he expects to sleep with Pepa at some point given that he’s got the same job as Pepa's late wife but sees that he’s nothing compared to Aitor. Men are so daft.
Pepa: Just one second.

Aitor: Nah, I just came to tell you that if you don’t need me, I’m leaving. Okay?
Pepa: Aitor... I haven’t yet said how sorry I am for tricking you into all that stuff. For everything.
Aitor: Look Pepa, if you have called me, dunno, asking me to bring you a flute [WTF???] , I wouldn’t have known what I was getting into. But I knew it. I knew what I was getting into. So, apologies accepted.
Pepa: I’m sorry, Aitor.
Aitor: Pepa...
Pepa: I’m sorry, I went mad. If I had stopped for just one second to think of the consequences...
Aitor: Enough, it’s enough, okay? Look, listen to me. Forget about it, forget about it, it’s over.
Pepa: Thanks. Thanks for looking after me.
Aitor: Dunno, I like looking after you.
They hug, then Pepa walks back into the lab.
Deker: Cause of death: her heart exploded.
Pepa: Exploded?
Deker: An intense emotion provokes a reaction of the hypothalamus, that releases high levels of adrenaline in the blood. It provokes such a powerful chemical reaction that the heart contracts like in the rigor mortis – death by aortic arrhythmia is immediate.
Paco goes back to the church to talk to Father Sistiaga. Intermitent scenes between church and lab. Don't they believe in the separation of Church and Lab?
Pepa: So the cause of death is an arrhythmia?
Deker: No, the arrhythmia wasn’t the cause, but the consequence. The cause of death is fear.
Paco: Father, I’ve come here to be baptized.
Pepa: Fear? Deker, are you sure?
Deker: The body has levels of adrenaline over 400 mg. I have never seen such a high level of adrenaline, not even in victims of plane crashes. What is that? Oil used for extreme unction, applied post-mortem.
Pepa: He made the victim take communion.
Deker: It’s part of the ritual of extreme unction. All hosts are made in religious congregations. They all have a mark. Even hosts have DNA.
Pepa: All right, thanks. We got it! The convent of Carmelites marks all their host with two crosses, and they only supply nine parish churches – Father Sistiaga’s is one of them.

Pepa phones Paco to tell him all that stuff when Paco is asking Father Sistiaga everything about Amadeo (what a name!) The Cannibal. I don’t know how religious this is, but Father Sistiaga knocks the crap out of Paco hitting him with a crucifix in the head. Surely not one of the 10 commandments?
Lis knocks at Aitor’s door and asks him to go out. They do, and you know how the rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain? Well, it starts pissing down with a passion even though Madrid is not in the plains - in fact, it is 646 metres above sea level - so they go back into the flat. And the rest... I swear I haven’t been able to watch it – Aitor’s bare ass kinda puts me off the whole thing. It’s porn.

At the fake ship dock, the SWAT team is getting ready when the bald Albanian pimp asks Amaia in perfect Russian to phone someone from outside. Of course Amaia understands many languages I suppose, because when the baldie starts shouting “Быстро, быстро!!” (Bystro, bystro), meaning “Quickly, quickly!” she seems to get the message. Maybe this pedantic comment wasn’t really necessary? Oh well, let’s give some value to my worth-for-fish-wrapping degree! Blackman does speak Russian, or he seems to. The baldie is going to kill all women in 90 seconds if he doesn’t get what he wants (i.e., for the shipping container to be removed and taken out of the country).
At the church, Deker is being really CSI and Pepa is wrapping up Paco’s head to make him look like a South Park character.
Pepa: Does it hurt?Baldie starts counting down.
Paco: No.
Pepa: Father Sistiaga cracked your head open and then ran away. Brother, the autopsy puts him at the crime scene.
Paco starts getting (hot?) flashes and finally understands what he has to do.
Pepa: Paco, where are you going?
Paco: To exhume a tomb.
Pepa: Paco...
Paco: Mariano!
Pepa: Paco!!

Countdown at the ship dock, and Blackman is so cool that he decides to shoot the guy inside the container... He kills him at the last second.
Aitor is lying in bed with Lis when Reyes calls in. She sees the shoes and realises what has been going on, hugs him, tells him that Lis is her daughter, and leaves crying. Aitor flips out. He goes after Reyes and gets in the police car with her and tells her that he wants to be with her, and that he would have never screwed Lis if he had know she was her daughter. What else can you say!! Then they start making out in the car and Lis is now outside walking in the rain, looking for Aitor, but she doesn't see them. Seriously, he fucked your daughter and you still want to kiss him?? Tut tut tut... (That's the Translator clicking her tongue)
At the ship dock, Blackman leaves and Amaia is all broken and emo.
Next week!!
SILVIA BABY!!!! The first speculations are that Silvia appears to Paco, who’s going very much mental and I think he is going to see her a lot of times. I just hope that 1) she has time for a mental quickie with Pepa, and 2) solves the damn Satanic plot with her supernatural forensic skills.
Piper's commentary:
I have nothing.
Nah, just kidding, of course I have something, and still trying to make some sense out of this clusterfuck of a season. So Cannibal guy's mom said he died in a car accident 11 years ago. But did she say that his body was properly identified? Or was it burned beyond recognition? Maybe somebody else is buried in Cannibal guy's tomb. Oh, and he has an identical twin, or a clone, or clones.
And it couldn't have been a coincidence that dead girl worked for the military. As a PSYCHOLOGIST! There's probably a secret project somewhere, most likely in conjunction with that evil American CIA, and she became privy to it and she had to be eliminated. What's the secret project? Cloning!!!
Or maybe Paco has been dreaming this whole season. He's been in in a coma after getting shot at the wedding, his soul is in limbo where it is pondering good and evil. He will wake up and find Silvia and Pepa, along with Lola, Montoya, Quique, and Nelson - they're all alive! He dreamt the whole thing!
I'm not so much into horror movies, so I cannot properly identify all the ripped films in this episode.
Partial list of rippoffs:
Twilight Saga
The Flatliners
Did you know, what song when Aitor enters his room, puts on his PJs and gets a Skype videoconference call from Reyes..and liz come to his apt..tx
You know, I was really hoping that Silvia would only be gone for this season, you know, they somehow saved her life, but she's in hiding cause this el gordo guy was still out there and once it was safe, she would return and then everyone would find out she was actually alive, and pepa and silvia would live happily ever after.....i'm still hoping...BUT, seeing Silvia in the preview as a "ghost" has me questioning my delusional denial that she's really dead...just wanted to say my 2 cents! cheers.
awesome work here. thanks so much Dr Beke :)
and i agree... sweaty pepa in that tanktop... tohotforwordsomg!! yeah i've watch that lil scene to many times already
Jess: Again! In record time AND with added picspam and snarky remarks. Thank you so much for your speedy updates and translations! The picture with Pepa dressed all in black with a big duffel bag reminds me SO much of Sydney Bristow on Alias, with the hair tied back tightly. Gosh, that IS on hot scene...
Best snarky comments every--tears in eyes I was laughing so hard (I agree striking someone in head with cross got to be on bad list). Don't understand this season except using Pepa as untracable government tool--actually not a bad, evil idea. Does Paco know his wife is an evil, manulative bitch? My question-where the hell is Pepa going she needs to assemble a gun blindfolded?
Maybe Silvia's not a ghost but Paco is just dreaming???? Maybe Silvia's part of government project and is just projecting herself?? Hey, stuff like happened all the time on X-files, a show with a hot redhead. I really want her back on the show.
Thanks again for hard work
all I know is that I will volunteer to be a Ghostbuster next week and take care of the ghost of Silvia. Who you gonna call?
love pepa in black...my oh my.
gracias for all of this.
thank u SO much for the translation. I'm giddy about nxt wk. I know they say it's NOT a PepSi reunion BUT just to see the pelirroja again ....
Thank you as usual, dear. You are getting really good at this!
I just do not see Aitor as a beefcake chick magnet type, so I don't buy the whole triangle thing. And the way he described it - he is not the male Sara with 2 women fighting over him.
well i have been trying to post a comment under my name but i guess i will have to stay anonymous. I totally agree with everything. I don't speak spanish but I am getting the gist of what is being said and I wonder what it happening with this show? I watch just to see. I miss Silvia. It isn't the same. Thanks for the translation by the way
I forgot to say that I love the snarky comments
Thanks, thanks a lot. Not having a job is being really positive for the PepSiverse, I see. Ha ha.
Given she's only appearing in one episode, I hope ghost Silvia solves the Satanic plot cause I'm rather sick of it and she also has time for: a) kicking Deker and making him fall on a particularly stinking corpse (I like Deker, I just think he needs to be shown who's boss), b) performing a lobotomy on Lis, c) chopping off Dani's shot leg and d) let's not forget about the mental quickie with Pepa. Will she be able to handle all this? Of course, Silvia can do anything!
I don't know what else to say aside from saying Thank You so much. Looking forward for the next epi. Especially that La Pelirroja is appearing. :)
I look forward to the next translation!
Of course thank you for the translation Dr Beke.
And thank you for reminding us that "once in a time there was a frisking parking garage with a beautiful (read charming, hot, smart, alive etc ...) princessa and her beautiful (read the same as above) partner-soon-to-be-wife/widow who were performing frisking related activities".
"Pepa goes to the garage / storage unit to start working on her assembling skills. She’s... far too hot for me to comment."
oh yes!
"I just hope that 1) she has time for a mental quickie with Pepa"
I'm glad the quickie idea is sinking in :D
How would this quickie occur?
Easy... Pepa nods off because she's been up al night killing that mafia dude, and ghost!Silvia appears as if from nowhere for a quickie against the kitchen table.
I am such a perv. Gosh!
To the very first poster, the song is called "Picture of Me" by Ben Cocks. You can find a link to it at COM - http://www.coronarseomorir.com/foro/viewtopic.php?f=163&t=386&start=160
I highly appreciate your hard work for translating this serial for non Spanish people like me. I am fan of this series from the time i was in USA and i still follow it in India, which was only possible because of you and your team and Pepsienglish2 on you tube. I am surprised by the way they are turning this good series but i will still continue to watch for Pepa. Thanx again.
Regards from India,
Aw man..I miss the old gang of Pacos..The new faces looks soooo shallow...I miss Silvia!
Thanks for the translation dr.Beke!
But oh! I think Salgado sed "sniper" to Pepa instead of "slipper"..Well..I mean sniper would be more make sense..:)
And Salgado..What a bitch!! ARGH!
Well, reading comment after comment I realize y' ll are so gay! You really are. Are there quickies in Heavens? Or sex of any kind, though I have perv thoughts myself, like Pepa regretting obeying Silvia the night before the wedding, at least she would have memories of a fantastic pre-wedding sex night but a Ghost having sex is too much for me, their love is spiritual as well as physical. And you think Pepa is all that hot? Really? I always thought I have this fascination for the love story but I am not gay
Re-visiting...about that not gay statement. I have no gay experiences of any kind but once I met a woman who did something to my feelings, SHE was not interested in me, though and that was the end of my gay inititation.
Also my love for Marian Aguilera is difficult to explain, I know it is not sexual, at my age, it s more like motherly pride, I could be her Mom easy but since I have no children I can't know how a mother feels but I guess I love her as if I was her mother. Also, if it was'nt for her Silvia...I am not sure I would know anything about her. So maybe it is Silvia Castro I love more. confusing.
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