Una Llamadita Inquietante (A Little Creepy Call)
With commentary by Angie005, MPep
Medical opintion by Dr. Acid Burn, MD
Additional snark by Piper
Mariano does the introductory speech. He talks about faith and how the most legendary man in medieval Spain,
El Cid Campeador, managed to win a battle and liberate Valencia from the Arabs, just by riding his horse after he had been killed. DL, Reyes, and Deker are in the briefing room talking to big wigs from the Defence Department who can’t just believe the crimes due to “supernatural reasons”
(They’re right, because I don’t either). Then Mariano talks about St. Joan of Arc
(Translator's comment: which IMO is the first famous lesbian; Piper's comment to Translator's Comment: She also happens to share my birthday). At the same time, Paco is going completely mental, kissing a crucifix and praying. The Defence Department deputy secretary is questioning Paco’s supernatural report, but Deker defends him, and DL kicks him (Deker) out of the meeting. The deputy secretary blames them for having provoked chaos in the country. Spaniards have gone amock: old people are being thrown onto the train tracks, religious symbols are burned, supermarkets are looted, monuments are peppered with molotov cocktails...
(Piper's snark: In other words, just like North Philadelphia on a Friday night. How one precinct can cause all that is beyond me... For a Catholic country, its citizens seem like an easy prey for evil)
Mariano continues his monologue:
Because when one embraces faith, no one can separate him from it. Paco is in the interrogation room and has put up all the images of the cannibal and the murders. Kinda like a creepy shrine. Then he looks at the mirror. And in the reflection, he sees Silvia.
Paco is still looking at Silvia on the mirror reflection.
Paco: Silvia, what do I have to do? Tell me, please.
Mariano walks in.
Mariano: Paco, what’s wrong, Paco? Paco, are you all right?
Paco: Hug me, hug me tight.
Mariano: That’s it. Enough.
At the precinct hall, the whole staff is going towards the meeting table. Rita and Curtis are looking funny. Reyes asks Rita about her health, and about Dani, who seems to be doing great in hospital
(Translator & Piper in unison: Ha ha!]). Reyes tells all of them that Lis is her daughter.
(Piper's snark: And the long tradition of nepotism at San Antonio continues...)
Paco is at the bar, having a whisky at 6pm. Mariano tries to talk some sense into him. Mariano says that he’s always going to be there for him
(now I’m sort of expecting a badge-handing moment...). But Paco is reluctant to tell him what’s going on in his head. He shows him the notebook - Satan’s notebook given to him by dead priest.
Reyes tells the staff they don’t have the case anymore. DL walks in the lab, planning to scold Deker, who alread expects it, so he’s prepared. DL surprises him by asking him for a hug.
Awww. Deker sheds a tear. DL says he can examine the priest’s corpse, but not cut it open.
Multi-action. The precinct needs to find more details about the priest’s death. Deker is analysing the corpse. Paco says the priest wasn’t a virtue. Asi? So what was he? A filler? He thinks there’s a second triangle. Whatever triangle it is, we know that Aitor is one of the vectors. Deker finds out the priest met the cannibal somewhere else via the stuff on the sole of his shoes.
(Piper's note: Or soul of his shoes, because he's dead. Haha!) At the bar,
Paco finds out where and when the dead priest met cannibal guy from some Latin text in the notebook. The priest's shoes have stuff from the cemetery, and salt. SALT? Yes, the one used on the roads during winter. And found near the traffic camera which is situated up a hill, where cannibal guy made a cameo.
Reyes gives them all homework to do. Paco refuses Mariano’s help. Deker insists on performing an autopsy. The priest has a 14 cm cut in his foot. Rita and Curtis enter the lift, and they “have to talk”.
At the AV room, Paco shows Mariano a traffic camera recording, the one used to tag speeding vehicles, in which the cannibal shows up. Paco says
“Every day, I am closer to the shadows” and then the power is cut off. The entire San Antonio is blacked out. So now we know that the priest was with cannibal guy up in the hill because he had salt on his shoes.
Salgado is sitting on a table at Lizarrán.
Salgado: Thanks.
Redhead waitress: Do you want a tapa until the power comes back? Come on, they’re really nice.
Salgado: Thanks.
RW: You’re welcome.
Pepa: Hello, motherfucker! [¡Hija de la gran puta!] May I sit down, or should I go down on my knees? [Well, if you want to, I’m not gonna say no!!! Haha!]
Salgado: Pepa, please.
Salgado gives her a giftwrapped box
Pepa: I didn’t buy you anything.
Salgado: Today’s the day you carry out your part of the deal.
At the precinct, the black out is bringing a clusterfuck of problems. Goyo treats Lis sarcastically because he is mad that she didn’t say that Reyes was her mother.
And why would she? But then Amaia says that Curtis is her uncle. Goyo is now very pissed off.
Pepa opens the box. It contains bullets.
Salgado: There are 22 bullets, they’re clean. Change of plans, you’re not going to need the Snipper anymore. They’re going to come pick you up and they will leave you a car. In the boot, there’s a can of gas – when you’re done, burn it all down. There’s a blueprint of the Insituto Niemeyer. You will enter through the service door with the card provided. From the car park use the service lift, floor 17, door 36. It’s up to you how to get through. The guy has a bodyguard who’s also his chauffer. His office is the only place where he is alone. Well, that’s everything.
Pepa: The chauffer... carries a weapon? Don’t fuck me, Marina. Does he carry a weapon or not? He’s a dead man.
Salgado: That’s not the plan.
Pepa: So I execute a bloke in floor 17 while a guy with a weapon is waiting for me downstairs? You deal the cards, but I am the one who’s playing. You show up, sister-in-law, and everything fucks up. How are you and my brother doing? You can tell me some other day.
Marina is visibly perturbed by Pepa's words.
@ the Lab, Deker is examining the body, but there’s apparently nothing wrong with it - no obvious sign of trauma or cause of death. Win-E’s power is running low. A phone rings... it’s inside the priest’s body. Apparently just beneath the subcutaneous tissue since the phone light is visible from the outside. That or Fr. Sistiaga had translucent skin. Mariano is still spooked by cannibal guy on traffic monitor and says he’s going to call the SWAT, but Paco tells him that they have all the information to solve the case in the interrogation room. They argue about it.
Paco: I am continuing the priest’s job, and I’m afraid it is I who has to defeat Satan. Are you going to help me?
Mariano storms out.
Paco: I guess I’m gonna have to fight this battle on my own. [Turns to Ghost!Silvia ] But I need your help, because I don’t know how to do it.
Win-E offers to scan the victim for a possible bomb. Rita and Curtis talk at the elevator... So they have had sex!!! Or at least Rita has given Curtis a BJ – bleeeeuuuuggghhh! Too much information!!!

Paco: I would like to close my eyes and delete everything. That everything was a product of my imagination. That it was all a lie.
Silvia: What, Paco? What, the cannibal thing? The "being the chosen one" thing? Or that you’re talking to a dead woman? You’re going to go crazy if you don’t trust in what you really believe. Why are you thinking of me?
Paco: I don’t know. I guess it’s because you always knew how to find the truth. Of all of us, you were always the most practical. The scientist.
Silvia: And do you know why I knew how to do it so well, Paco? Because I went from the back to the front, and when I stumbled on something that I didn’t understand, I’d go back and then forward again. And I’d do that a hundred, a thousand times. As many times as necessary, until I found what I was obviating. Because all things have an origin.
Paco (goes to the phone): Peñuelas, leave whatever you’re doing and listen to me.

Deker finds out that the mobile phone was placed in the priest’s stomach through the big-ass incision in his foot.
And how is that physically possible? Please see medical opinion at the end of this lecture. Mariano walks in and says the cannibal is alive and they have a video to show it. He also warns them about Paco losing his mind. DL goes with him to talk to Paco.
I guess they don't need shoes in heaven
Aitor and Reyes are playing in the roof. She is talking about how she always had to be mature because of her military family.
And that's her excuse for acting like a totally deranged teenager? Aitor tells her he’ll go everywhere with her, but just as her consort.
Translator's question: So, is he actually asking her to be her boyfriend? Because that’s how I apparently asked my last gf, so I’m curious.
Rita and Curtis are still in the lift. Goyo phones her to tell her that he’s going to tell Amaia how he feels. Madrid is still in chaos from the seemingly supernatural killings. Goyo goes to talk to Amaia.
DL, Mariano, and Deker go to the interrogation-turned-asylum to confront Paco. Ghost!Silvia is still hanging around.
Now, this is just a ripoff of Medium, Ghost Whisperer, Ghost, etc. Silvia sighs and closes her eyes as her father walks by her.
DL: What does this mean?
Paco: The cannibal is alive. Resurrected. For his third time. Or fourth. I don’t know.
Mariano: Resurrected... or not, we don’t know that, Paco.
Paco: And what the hell do you think it was, Mariano? A hologram, a fucking hologram?
Silvia: Don’t lose your temper, Paco. You’re right, you have evidence... tell them what you know.
Paco: Don Lorenzo, he went for the priest, and now he’s coming for me.
Silvia: Mariano’s inscription.
Paco: When they wrote on Mariano’s back, I was the first to read the verses. It said: “You will close the circle of evil”.
DL: For God’s sake, Paco, why would he refer to you? How would he know that you were going to be the first to read it?
Silvia: Show him the notebook.
Paco: It’s here. The priest wanted me to have it so I could fight him.
Silvia: Give him what the priest wrote to you.
Paco: It’s there. I’m the chosen one to continue his work. It’s there. In the corpse... There has to be something. In the priest’s body. An inscription. Another symbol. Did Deker find anything?
DL: Deker has nothing.
Silvia: He is lying, Paco.
Paco: Are you sure, Don Lorenzo?
DL: I’m sure.

Silvia: I know my father, he looked away, he’s hiding something.
Paco: Has Deker found something? There’s got to be something in that corpse. All of them have something, that’s his game. What does Deker have?
DL: Paco, I told you, nothing.
Paco: Why don’t you tell me?
Silvia: Paco, calm down.
Paco: Believe me. Believe me!!!
Silvia: Calm down, you’re not gonna get anything.
Paco: That’s the speed camera recording.
Silvia: Leave it, say the video has been edited.
Paco: No!! Why don’t you believe me, why don’t you believe me???
Silvia: Paco, calm down!
Paco: Why not?
Silvia: Calm down, Paco! Drop it, trust me...
Goyo goes to find Amaia to tell her how he feels, but he doesn’t find the words.
Pepa starts preparing for her mission. Voice over of her reading a letter she wrote for Paco which she leaves in one of the drawers of her dresser.
Pepa: Paco, if something goes wrong and I never come back, when you pick up my stuff you’ll find this letter. You were right, you were always right. I killed El Gordo. On the 25th December 2009, in Genova. Whatever they say to you, Aitor has nothing to do with it. It was I who tricked him into it, I lied to him. Please, take care of him. Now I’m in a mess, on a dead-end street. They’re making me kill someone I don’t even know. Once you have processed that your sister is a murderer, I’d like to ask you one last favour. In the second drawer of my dresser you will find my old boots, the ones you always tell me to throw away. There’s 3,600 € in one of them. Take them. It’s not much, but those are your crazy sister’s savings. You’re always saying how you’d love to go to Argentina and meet the Perito Moreno. Promise me you’ll go. Take your girlfriend and indulge yourself. I love you.
First time we saw Pepa look at the mirror,
a pelirroja was behind her giving her smoldering looks
Deker extracts the phone from the priest's tummy but his laptop runs out of battery, so Win-E offers to charge it for a couple of minutes. At the roof, Reyes confesses she’s in love with Aitor. Whatever. They then go back to the precinct. It’s chaos. Lis goes to talk to Aitor and he breaks up with her. In the lift, Rita is still going on about sex, but Curtis is almost green. Turns out he had some nice Madrid cocido, and of course his body is dying for number two! This is vintage LHDP.
Goyo has prepared some pictures to show Amaia how he feels. But Amaia knows what he’s about to say, so she tells him that she is in love with Blackman.
I feel so sorry for him.
Paco and DL are still arguing, but Silvia is not there anymore
(Fair enough since she was told to shut up!!). Lis brings Paco the belongings of Fr. Sistiaga. DL tells him to go home and get some rest.
Win-E only finds one number that has been programmed in the phone extracted from dead priest: Paco's cell phone number. Win-E also asks Deker to be reconnected. Pepa leaves the house in disguise but can’t bring herself to kill the target so she goes to the storage unit.
Deker asks DL why he asked for a hug. He says their nature is welcoming. Silvia is back on screen. Deker thinks Paco is crazy.
Piper's theory: I too think he's crazy and everything is taking place in his head. I won't be surprised if he's the one doing all the murders, since that plotline has been very popular lately. Bloody phone rings again, but nothing is showing up on the caller ID, so Deker traces the call. The caller's number appears one at a time on his super-duper computer screen... and it's the number of Paco's house phone!
In the lift, Curtis is dying for a crap. So he uses Reyes’ bag... Now it's just gross humor which is not humorous at all.
Gasping for comedy straws, ATPP?
Pepa decides to burst her knee open so she wouldn't have to go. She was about to smack it with a hammer but Aitor gets there on time.
Pepa: Aitor, I’m sorry. It didn’t have to happen this way. They played with me. They let me kill El Gordo. I did the dirty work for them and now they have me from the balls.
Aitor: How can they have you from the balls?
Pepa: They’re blackmailing me. They have ordered me to kill a man. In two hours and a half. And if not, they’re taking us both.
Aitor: Who the fuck is blackmailing you, Pepa? Pepa!
Pepa: The CNI. I don’t know what to do, Aitor. I just wanted to win some time. But it’s no use.
Aitor: You know that lately you get into too much trouble, you know that?
Pepa: And I get you into every single one.
Aitor: I’m sorry, Pepa.
And he smacks her wrist against the shelf!
Paco and Mariano get home and the house is empty. But someone has been browsing through Paco’s photo albums and ta-dah, the Satanic cannibal is in a picture of Paco and Sara on her first communion.
Wait, was that the day of the plunging breast and the pot-induced wet kiss? I guess so!
Paco is browsing Satan’s notebook. Pepa walks in, her arm in a cast.
Pepa: What’s up, Paco?
Paco: What’s with the arm?
Pepa: A stupid fall. What happened at home? I saw the CSI guys coming out.
Paco: This son of a bitch was in the house.
Pepa: Don’t worry, brother. I’m sure we’ll solve it. No matter how dark you see the sky, the stars will always be above it.
Silvia, in all her ghostly hotness appears. I am sooooo loving this.
Silvia: You only need to know where to look. I showed her that. Pepa thought that you could not see the stars in the city. So I broke all the streetlamps by hitting them with stones, so we could be in the dark.
[Flashbacks from the night they were looking at the stars]
Silvia: We laid down on the car’s hood to see the sky, and that day I asked her to stay with me in San Antonio. She was gorgeous. [Silvia is trying to kiss Pepa, in a very Ghost way. Pepa is definitely feeling her] I wanted to hug her, kiss her... but I didn’t dare do so. She reached for me with her wee finger and I moved my hand away.
Silvia then touches Pepa's pinky finger, the same finger that reached for her when they were looking at the stars...
Silvia: I’ve never been so in love with anyone in my entire life. And I will always be.
Silvia is crying, a tear falls from her eye into Pepa’s finger. Pepa is like
“oh my God, she is here!”. But she can’t see her, damn it!! Paco stands up, touches Pepa’s face, and he’s still looking at Silvia.
Apparently, they also have waterproof mascara in Heaven
Paco: Thanks. Thanks for being here.
Pepa and Silvia: You’re welcome.
Yeah, I know. I am crying too.
Mariano breaks the moment and comes in to tell Paco that Amadeo de Cannibal's mama is here. The mother is a complete mess, but I guess that’s expected since her son is Satan.
At the bar, Lis tells Reyes that she’s fine because she knows she will marry him. Reyes confesses that Aitor is with her. Lis is all heartbroken and leaves. Aitor walks in and hugs Reyes. Goyo, Rita, Amaia, and Curtis are having a beer and having fun. I’m guessing Curtis already did
number 2 on Reyes’ purse.
Pepa gets a phone call.
Pepa: Hello?
Salgado: Pepa, how’s your arm?
Pepa: Fine.
Salgado: I’m only calling to tell you not to worry. You’ll have another chance. Now the only thing that matters is that you heal quickly. We’re preparing a new mission. Maybe next time it will be easier for you.
Meanwhile, two CNI big fellas are taking Aitor, apparently arresting him. What a whore!
The cannibal’s mother confesses that at the age of 8, Amadeo came back from church camp being completely different. I am betting all my money on the fact that he’s got an evil twin. And ta-dah, episode is over.
For old times' sake, here's the song that was playing when they were looking at the stars:
I Will Survive (NOT the Gloria Gaynor version)
Next week: Pove, Lis, Dani and Paco in a
House on a Haunted Hill rip-off. Meh.
Angie, MPep's Commentary
No doubt in my mind the brief PepSi scene in Episode 109 will be forever remembered by Pepa and Silvia fans. Since July 15, 2009, it’s been 8 months and 2 days since Silvia has been in a new LHDP episode. 8 months and 2 days since Pepa and Silvia shared a scene together. And now, here they are. Fans from all over the world held their breath to not miss a word that came out of the redhead’s mouth. We prayed that Pepa would turn her head to kiss her Pelirroja’s waiting lips. Our lips quivered as we heard “I’ve never been so in love with anyone in my entire life” behind the somber instrumental music. A single tear falling from Silvia’s eyes, landing on Pepa’s slender fingers equals a memorable PepSi scene. We are reminded of the old times of Pepa and Silvia. How the simplicity of two people’s love for each other can hold even after death. That a thought - a feeling that can calm everything.
But what was the intention of the creators and writers of Los Hombres de Paco? Was it a patch work solution to the cries of the angry PepSi fans after the death of Silvia? We will never know what was going on in Alex Pina’s mind and Globomedia when they received the thousands of postcards, phone calls and whatever else for the Save Silvia campaign. To make amends for angering a part of their audience, did they feel they needed to pay homage to why we love PepSi so much? To give the fans a closure after the mess they created? Yes, Silvia is dead and now Pepa is suffering. But here is Silvia as a ghost to share a moment with Pepa. A moment that Pepa could feel her redhead as well. That was their patch work solution to give us closure. I will admit, it worked for me.
Or was it a desperate attempt to draw back the audience they lost? Take a minute to think, Alex Pina was promoting the “Wedding of the Century” and the guest appearance of Hugo Silva for Episode 104 for audience ratings. Their numbers were steadily decreasing in Season 8 and they needed then back. The numbers reflect that Alex Pina’s promotion worked! Episode 103 had 16.9% audience ratings where Episode 104 drew 27.2%, a 10.3% increase! (Figures are only approximate).
Now was Alex Pina praying that because of the success of the ending of Season 8 that Season 9 would find them at the top ratings as in their glory days? Was Episode 104 enough for fans to wait for the premiere of Season 9? After news of a whole new cast, different story directions and rumors of current cast members leaving, it was evident that LHDP was changing. This could be the factor of their mediocre ratings for the opening of Season 9. But soon ratings were dropping to the point where they reached their worst ever. So Alex took a gamble to bring back a beloved character to draw back the audience. The one thing he forgot to do, promote that fact that Silvia was going to be in Episode 109. Did anyone know she was going to be on there? All we saw was a brief glimpse of her staring at Paco at the ending credits of Episode 108? But I heard nothing after the fact, did anyone else?
Maybe it was a desperate attempt for ratings but their Marketing Department needs a slap in the head. For now it seems plausible that Silvia’s appearance and the PepSi scene was a solution to calm the PepSi fans. In a way, the Save Silvia Campaign worked. It didn’t resolve the fact that Silvia is indeed dead but they gave us Silvia for an episode.
Will we see Silvia again?
by Dr. Acid Burn, MD
It's highly improbable that the phone was placed in Fr. Sistiaga's stomach through the incision in his foot. ATPP and the writers seem to be under the impression that the human skin is all loose like those footie pajamas when in fact it's closely adhered to the muscle and fascia layer underneath. You can't just make an incision and kinda slide the phone under the skin to where you want it to go. I suppose there is a way to make it easier, say if you had an older person whose skin tends to be more loosely adherent or if the guy was really fat and you starved them for a few weeks to make the skin loose enough (very Silence of the Lambs).
Even then, it would be extremely difficult to get the phone from the foot all the way to the abdomen without damaging the skin particularly with an object as large as a cellphone. If you did manage to do it though, it would be fairly obvious which path the phone took underneath the skin from the foot to the leg to the abdomen because the skin will be all floppy, loose and all bruised up if he did it fairly close to the guy's death (or worse while the guy was alive). He would have probably done this fairly close to time of death as rigor mortis will make the process even more difficult and the skin will be more pliable the closer it is to TOD. Also with all the bodily fluids involved in the whole process, the phone wouldn't be working anymore by the time it got to the abdomen (unless it was some sort of super waterproof cellphone with really long battery life).
And clearly, I have spent too much time thinking about this. I suppose I should stop picking at the medical details on this show since this is the same group of writers who thought it was believable for A DOCTOR with a gunshot wound to the liver to operate on herself.
Incidentally, the whole cell phone in the abdomen thing was such a rip off from The Dark Knight. Only the joker made it easier on himself and just made a big ole incision in the guy's abdomen and closed it up.