By Dr. Piper
(with translation by Dr. Bekelauer)
If you want to watch the episode without downloading it, the link is at the end of the post)
Short screen time for Silvia, so the next episode will be posted shortly.
Rita and baby are coming home with Silvia in tow. Jose Luis is so happy to see his daughter for the first time. (And for the first time in 3 episodes, he's not wearing a blood-soaked shirt).
Rita: “Hello, look who’s here… Sabinica… Look who’s here, yeah… What do you think?”
Pove: “I had pictured this moment so many times that… having her here, home and warm…”
Rita: “Speaking of which, you know what they told me at the agency? They said that we’re not gonna be able to live in the flat for at least two months and a half. Now, tell me where am I supposed to go with the baby?”
Pove: “Sweet Lord, two months and a half…”
Silvia: “Hey, why don’t you come live with me?”
Rita: “At your place?
Silvia: “Yes…”
In the absence of DL, who's under investigation for Ruth's murder, Paco is the temporary Comisario of San Antonio. So when Silvia comes to tell him that the Interpol will be meeting with him, he is flabbergasted.
Silvia: “Paco! Is there something wrong?”Paco: “Yes. No. No, never, I mean nothing. It’s nothing, Silvia, just the coffee from the machine, it turns my stomach upside down, that’s all”.
Silvia: “Okay, my dad told me I have to update you about the meeting with the Interpol”.
Paco: “The Interpol what? Your dad had just told me it was a small meeting, nothing too important, you know”.
Silvia: “Well, yes, but it’s with the Interpol. He told me you were handling the case”.Paco: “That I… was handling the case?”
Silvia: “Yeah, I was surprised myself (Translator's Reaction: LOL), but that’s what he said”.
Paco: “But your dad never told me anything, you know, handling cases or anything and… yeah… and… and… not to mention with the Interpol, cause that’s big words we’re talking, too much. Me and the Interpol… and… but I… hummm… I just came to save his spot* … It can’t be with the Interpol”
Silvia: “Well, look, I don’t know, that’s what he told me. Here’s the dossier… so you can study it”.
*Translator's Note: Given it’s LDHP we’re talking about, the reference “calentar su asiento”, which would mean “save his spot” in a figurative sense but “to warm up someone’s chair” literally… Hummm, I am unsure – maybe Paco says it literally, you know, that he went to the meeting to warm up DL’s chair, and not only to save him a spot. LOL. I don’t know.
Andre Salazar, Allison Morris, Philippe Mignon (Really? That's his name? Why, because "Filet" is not available?), Monsieur De Gaulle, Superintendent Smith, and other players in the El Kaiser case are introduced in this episode.
Povedilla goes to visit Curtis in the hospital, and of course, secret BF Quique is there. He tells them that Rita will stay with Silvia while waiting for their new flat. Pove is pretty proud and happy about Silvia's offer, but the two dumbasses tell him that it is a mistake to leave the baby with Silvia, because she just had a "uterus problem" and lost her baby and might keep Sabinica for herself. Pove of course listens to them and tells Rita of their suspicion. They decide that Rita and baby will stay with Pove in his tiny flat because Silvia is simply too dangerous. Yeah, that's it.
That evening, Silvia lets her self into Pove's flat where Rita and Sabinica are staying. She's carrying a big teddy bear that I think is the same one she's hugging at Rita's after the mobbing episode.
Silvia: “Hello! [whispers to a sleeping] Rita… Rita… [walks to Sabinica crib] Hello, hi, hi gorgeous… Look what auntie Silvia brought for you tss tss… Come here, what’s up? Here… Hello… What’s up, what are you laughing about? What are you laughing about? [picks up the phone] Hello? Yeah, this is she… Hi… Give me a second. [leaves, voice off] At eight o’clock? [on screen again] Can I have the address? Just a second, I need pen and paper, hold on”.
SPANISH (because Silvia is so cute): ¡Hola! Rita [susurro] Rita… Hola, hola, hola guapa… Mira lo que te ha traído tu tita Silvia tss tss… Ven aquí conmigo, qué pasa?... Ven aquí, hola… ¿Qué pasa, de qué te ríes? ¿De qué te ríes? [cogiendo el teléfono] ¿Sí? Sí, soy yo… Hola… Un momento. [se va, off] ¿A las ocho? [en pantalla] ¿Me da la dirección? Un segundo, que voy a por un papel y un boli, no cuelgue.

Silvia: “Okay, good. Fine, I’ll be there. See you. [to Sabina] What are you looking at?”
Lola: “Oh, sis, it’s you! I thought somebody had broken in”.
Silvia: “No, I just had to write down an address and I needed a pen”.
Lola: “[to Sabina] Aww, my little girl. Where’s her mother?”
Silvia: “She’s sleeping. Hey, where’s Sara?

Lola: “To be fair, I have no idea where Sara is. I’ve been phoning the airport, they have problems with the air traffic in Berlin, really, I don’t know what else to do. Do you mind closing the bar?”
Silvia: “Not at all! Come on, take your apron off and run off to get your child. [to Sabina] That’s it, Sabinita, you and I are going to close the bar, okay?”Lola: “You sure you don’t mind?”
Silvia: “I said no! Let’s see, the gas tap… switch everything off, and lock the door”.
Lola: “That’s it”.
Silvia: “Okay”.
Lola: “Thanks”.
Silvia: “Come on, clear off!”
Rita wakes up and panics when she cannot find Sabinica. She and Pove go outside when they see Silvia with their baby. Rita is ballistic and immediately confronts Silvia.
Pove: “Inspector for the love of God…”
Silvia: “What’s the matter?”
Rita: “That’s it, honeybun, it’s over, sweetie. Don’t you ever touch my daughter again, you hear me? Because my daughter is mine, not yours! It’s not our fault if they killed your baby! If I see you coming any close to the baby, I’ll kill you, I swear to God I’ll kill you”.
Pove: “Come on, it’s enough. It’s over, everything’s fine”.
(Translator's reaction: I really feel like pulling Rita’s hair out after this speech! No need to be so damn cruel with Silvia here – B*TCH!)
Silvia is in tears as she ponders Rita's very sharp accusations.
Other stories: Full episode starts with sexy time between Paco and Lola interspersed with scenes of Sara all alone in Madagascar with 20 Euros in her wallet. (Piper's reaction: Still HAHAHA!). Paco is overwhelmed with everything and calls his shrink every 3 minutes, who then tells him to breathe into a paper bag. DL is staying at Paco's place and trying to hide from the world. Mariano is still so in love with Lola and starts semi-stalking her by following her around town and "accidentally" bumping into her. When he asks her if she can ever love him, she says NO because she loves Paco. Sara is mad at Lucas for not showing up at their Madagascar tryst (Haha!) The Interpol briefed Paco on Allison Morris, who apparently robbed 3 casinos in Atlantic City, NJ, along with many other crimes. Undercover agents are needed from San Antonio since one of the Morris associates is in a jail nearby. Pove, because he fixed the Interpol guy's slide show, is now deemed a computer expert and is volunteered for the operation. Gonzalo attends Ruth's funeral.

Piper's Note: Aside from wanting to bitchslap Rita in this episode, I wanted to bitchslap Mariano as well. He's totally besotted with Lola and, against his better judgment, pursues her, even though Lola is married to his best friend. Maybe because this is the first time since he lost Bernarda that he feels happy with another person so he wants to hold on to the feeling. And when he asks Lola if there's any possibility that she could love him back, I wanted reach through my computer screen and yell: "MARIANO, IF YOU THINK FALLING IN LOVE WITH A MARRIED WOMAN IS BAD, WAIT UNTIL YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH A NUN!!! THEN YOU WOULD REALLY WANT TO MOVE PERMANENTLY TO BOGOTA!"
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tsk..tsk...Rita I really like you, but if you ever talk to Silvia like that again I swear I'm gonna bust your ass...
Poor Silvia's face is so heartbreaking :(
P.S. Sara alone in Madagascar -> BWAHAHAHA
Seriously? That's what Rita said to Silvia??
When I first watched it I thought Rita was upset because she had no idea where her baby was. I would totally understand if it happened to me and I probably would freak out, but no way would I ream someone like Rita did to Silvia. AND to hit a spot where it hurts the most with Silvia - shame on the writers!!!
I can't believe it!!
It is an outrageous reaction from Rita, and it made me want to punch her in the face, but at the same time the look in her eyes is so damn scary that if I had been Silvia, it would have scared the bejesus out of me! It is a very sad scene, specially seeing the look in Silvia's face, just like when she holds her tummy in the changing rooms in season 5 after breaking up with Pepa.
I am glad to know that Rita was stirred up by the guys about Sivia,even though it doesn't take her off the hook. But how sexist and insulting it was!
All of my protective instincts come out in this scene..don't mess with my Silvia. Imagine if Pepa had been there to protect and defend her woman.
Qosmio18: Great recap. I always wanted to know exactly what Rita told Silvia when she found her baby. I got the jest of it but dang, that was COLD! Not cool dude. Not cool.
Rita's words are harsh, but a new mother is very sensitive. She's probably got a touch of the baby blues. My partner's sister was a real nervous wreck about anyone else holding her baby boy for the first month or so. Even when I tried to calm him for just 2 minutes when he was crying whilst she was in the shower, she came down and told me never to do that and to always go straight to her. She was ok after that though. Just needed time.
This scene was so tough and out of place. Very dissapointed with Jose Luis, the sensible guy said nothing either. But maybe it was designed to show: 1) new mothers can get paranoid crazy. 2) How good Silvia Castro is, so forgiging and understanding. They became good friends after this.
And Marian Aguilera AKA Silvia Castro has the sweetest, tenderest smile in the whole universe.
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