By Dr. Piper
(with translation by Dr. Bekelauer)
(with translation by Dr. Bekelauer)
If you want to watch the episode without downloading it, the link is at the end of the post
The season premiere picks up where the last episode left off: the aftermath of the hostage situation. Silvia is in the jail cell cradling Don Lorenzo, who is in desperate need of insulin. She asks the paramedics for help, who are there busy working on Ruth (who was shot by DL before she could shoot him) as a bloodied Montoya looks on.
One of the Samur guys gives DL the shot. The others are desperately trying to resuscitate Ruth while Montoya looks befuddled and shocked. Silvia is still focused on her father.
The paramedics take Don Lorenzo to the garage which has been set up as a temporary triage unit; it is also where the ambulances are. Silvia sees Paco:
Silvia: Paco, do you mind staying here with my father? I need to go back upstairs.
Silvia runs back just in time to catch Gonzalo trying to revive an already dead Ruth, all in vain of course. She and Lucas rush to stop him.
Silvia: Gonzalo! Gonzalo!Silvia then comforts an obviously upset Montoya. Later on, when Montoya has calmed down a bit, Silvia tries to talk to him about getting help, while Lucas plays forensics and tries to determine the angle of the shot that killed Ruth. (Note: What happened to old-fashioned chalk mark to trace a body?)
Lucas: Gonzalo, that’s enough!
Gonzalo: Leave me alone!
Lucas: That’s it, it’s over
Silvia: They have set a field hospital in the car park. And there’s a psychiatrist… I think you should talk to him.
Gonzalo: I don’t want to, I don’t want to. I don’t want to talk to a psychiatrist. The only thing I want is to see the motherfucker who killed Ruth.
Lucas: They shot her from here. And this was Don Lorenzo’s position.
Silvia: My dad shot her?
Silvia runs back to the garage to ride with DL in the ambulance. Actually, she does a lot of running in this episode, which would have been great because, you know, she was supposed to have taken her sujetador off from last episode. Nipples Alert? Uhm, no.
Silvia: Blood pressure is 120/60, and heart rate stable at 70 .
Doc: He’s stabilizing
Silvia: Wait, wait. Dad… you’ve been in a diabetic coma. You all right?
As he is being transferred to the bus, DL starts regaining consciousness and mumbles something to Paco. Silvia and unknown doctor hear his confession.
Don Lorenzo: Paco… I’ve… I’ve killed… Ruth. I’ve killed Ruth .
Silvia: Dad, don’t force yourself too much .
Paco: Calm down, Don Lorenzo, you’re confused. That’s what comas do, they make you groggy. But you’re gonna be fine, don’t worry .
Silvia looks apprehensively at Paco as they both try to digest what DL just said. She rides in the ambulance with him to the hospital.
Curtis is also in the same hospital with his secret BF Quique holding vigil at his side. Some misunderstanding about an unplugged monitor, and then fantasy MUSICAL NUMBER!!!
AGRADECIDO (Download song)
Déjame que pose para tí
Eres tú mi artista preferido
Déjame tenerte junto a mí
Prometo estarte agradecido
Prometo estarte agradecido
Fuera yo capaz de conseguir
Tenerte alguna vez entretenido
Hacerte por lo menos sonreír
Prometo estarte agradecido
Prometo estarte agradecido
No te lo pienses más
Baja la guardia y mira atrás
Nadie te va a cazar
No tienes rival, no tienes rival
Dance number, then Curtis' ass. Again.
DL has been discharged and is talking to Lola @ Cachis when Silvia walks in.
Don Lorenzo: You don’t know what a hard time I’m having here, daughter, really She had a gun, she was going to kill me, it was either me or her, you get it?
Silvia: Dad, I’ve been trying to reach you on your mobile but it’s switched off! Portillo and the Policía Judicial are looking for you, you have to file your report… about the whole Ruth thing
Don Lorenzo: For the love of God, I’ve just been in a coma, I’ll go some other time…
Silvia: When? (Translator's Note:: Silvia – you asked for THIS comeback! LOL)
Don Lorenzo: Whenever the fuck I want, daughter! (Translator's Note: Literally means "whenever my santos cojones want." This doesn’t lend justice to the awesome sentence in Spanish – it’s a vintage DL line) Sorry. Today is your niece’s birthday, right Lola? It’s a miracle we’re still alive and we’re gonna celebrate it properly, okay sweethearts? Behave.
(Silvia looking all beaten in this latest tit-for-tat with her father)
Silvia: Well, do whatever you want but first go home and take a shower… look at you.
Don Lorenzo: You’re one to talk…
Silvia: Hey Lola, where’s Paco? He’s gonna have to file his report too.
Lola: Paco? Honestly I have no idea, well no no… I… I haven’t seen him, I haven’t even talked to him, so you know.
Silvia: How come you haven’t talked to him? What’s the matter?
Lola: Sister, I have to tell you something… horrible… While you were held hostage… well... I was kissing… a man.
Silvia: What man?
Lola: Well… a man… who cares, just a man… Mariano, several times, and one of them particularly deep. (Translator's reaction: LOL!) I know, I know I should be worried about the hostage situation... about dad, about Paco… but I can’t take the whole Mariano thing out of my head .
Silvia: Did you sleep together?
Lola: No no no, we haven’t slept together. We just kissed. What’s the matter, should I only be worried when I sleep with a man? The thing is I can’t sleep, I can’t eat and I don’t even want to celebrate my own daughter’s birthday. And the worst of all is I don’t know how I’m going to be able to look Paco in the face when I see him again.

Silvia, the guardian of family morals, is mortified by yet another confession from her immediate family: her father just killed someone, then her sister almost committed adultery. Not feeling like giving any absolutions, Mother Confessor Silvia is not going down without a fight! So she goes back to the comisaria to confront Mariano.
Silvia: Jose Luis! Where is Mariano?Pove is already in deep shit by now, because his wife gave birth and he wasn't present. He's also still covered in fake blood from when Eva was shot several hours ago! Couldn't he have simply gone to the bathroom and cleaned himself? No, because in LHDP world, it wouldn't be as funny.
Pove: In the shooting gallery... I think
Silvia: Mariano! Lola told me everything… Do you think it’s normal to be kissing her around? (Translator's note: Literally translated as "round every corner")
Mariano: No, no, it’s not normal, Silvia, it’s not normal. But it’s not unusual either. I don’t know, Silvia. Have you never fallen in love with the wrong person?
Silvia: What the hell are you talking about?
Mariano: Silvia, I can’t help it .
Silvia: Stop it, stop meddling. Get away from there before you screw up something that you won’t be able to fix afterwards.
Later on, the familia is celebrating Sarah's 18th birthday, complete with cake and champagne. There are no Silvia lines in the last scene; she just joins in singing happy birthday to Sara.
Sara announces to everyone that she’s leaving for Madagascar with Lucas. First, Lola doesn't know where Madagascar is and DL says it's in Africa.
Lola gets all worked up and starts yelling the hell out of her until she calls her own daughter a spoiled brat (Translator's Note: Ugh, not pretty). Silvia looks on all perturbed.
Sara raises the insult bar and tells her parents that they’re jodidos because she is happy but they are not anymore. Paco slaps her in the face. (Translator's reaction: Take that!). Silvia remains seated on her chair for the whole of the scene, really not knowing where to hide her head given it’s a very awkward family fight.
Other plots: Mariano takes Silvia seriously and decides to move to Bogota. (Bogota? Why Bogota? Because it sounds funnier than Panama?) Lucas and Sara are already at the airport to go to Madagascar when they see Mariano waiting for his own flight. Lucas thought that he was there to stop them from running away (because you know, it's always about them) until he sees Mariano's plane ticket. Mariano told him how he fucked up and had a "little affair" with Lola, to Lucas' shock. He says he's moving to Bogota so he doesn't have to face Paco. So Lucas lets Sara go ahead to boarding while he talks to Mariano, who admits that he is totally in love with Lola. Lucas goes ballistic and starts yelling and then slugging him until the Guardia Civil come in to break the fight. They have to hold an out-of-control Lucas down on the floor while he yells "Sara!" very dramatically, like Ben yelling "Elaine!" from the movie "The Graduate". Sara ends up in Madagascar by herself. (Piper's reaction: Hahaha!)
Paco starts seeing Dr. Montejo, the police shrink. Montoya is devastated by Ruth's death and was going to jump from the roof of the precinct, but Pove, and later DL, both talk him down from the ledge. Internal Affairs are already investigating Ruth's death.
Piper's Commentary: Silvia is running around a lot in this episode, maybe to show us that she is back in control - the voice of reason for her family, the protector of the family honor, the Silvia who has gone to hell and back and is stronger for it. When Mariano asks her if she's ever fallen in love with the wrong person, she is mortified that such a question would even be asked of her! I don't know if this is the writers' way of showing us that she's already free of the demons of her past and can now totally progress to her next reincarnation as Silvia 4.0.
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Los Hombres de Paco, Marian Aguilera, Silvia Castro, LHDP
Wow, the extra translations do make a different! Thanks Bekelauer!
Dr.P - I think this episode shows how much of an influence Silvia is with the people around her. She saved the savable, she was calm during and after the ordeal, and she's still working!! Many people would have taken a leave of absence after that craziness.
With the start of this season premiere, it different foreshadow changes in the show.
thank you, dr piper. I love that these are back.
I enjoy the fact that Silvia had air time. It does make you wonder how Silvia was able to clean her face, but Povedilla couldn't or wouldn't?
welcome Beke!
All I'm thinking about while seeing Silvia running here and there is "Did she put her bra on or not?" - I'm such a Baywatch-style perv! LOL.
Awesome DL vintage line "cuando me salga de mis santos cojones" to poor I-should-have-thought-better-before-asking-and-I-can't-believe-my-dad-said-that Silvia. She kinda earned that comeback. Too funny hehe.
Great lecture, boss :D
Dr. P! I'm so glad you're back! I missed your wit! Aside from Silvia saving the day (yet again. seriously, they're screwed come S9), I love this ep. b/c:
a) Sara got called out for being a spoiled brat by her mom. I miss Lola! :(
b) Sara got bitchslapped by her dad!
c) Sara ends up in Madagascar alone!
d) Priceless Silvia facial expressions courtesy of MA - those are full of win :)
Is it weird that I think Silvia looks extra hot with blood stains on her face (even if said blood stains really look more like red paint stains)?
Pove WAS present for Sabina birth, Sara and him did the delivery, why so poignant Rita delivered Sara's son in awful S9. What happened, they were taken to hospital and that guy wouldn ' t allow Pove to leave.
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