Silvialogy 3x24

by Dr. Pied Piper 

LHDP 3x24

(If you want to watch the episode without downloading it, the link is at the end of the post)

Silvia is released from the hospital and she comes home to Lola's to convalesce. Everyone is fussing about her, to Silvia's annoyance, who keeps saying "Estoy bien" as they help her from the wheelchair to the couch.


DL sits right next to her and says it's better if she's in the hospital where doctors and medical professionals can keep an eye on her. Silvia says, "Papa, soy medico" (I am a doctor) and adds that she's okay.


Paco asks if she needs anything and she asks for a glass of water. Meanwhile, DL takes a folder out of his briefcase, smiles at Silvia, and asks her if she's sure she wants to see it: it is about HER shooting. Silvia nods in agreement.


DL takes out the ballistic report to show to Silvia; the bullets match the ones in Caso de Uriarte. Silvia reads the report.


Lola protested questioning whether this is really the right moment to bring all these things up. Silvia turns to her ands says, "this is work, it is not personal. I cannot sleep without knowing"


Then Silvia turns back to DL and asks for the bullet they fished out of her. She looks at it reverently with flashbacks of that fateful night, knowing that it took away from her much more than a piece of her intestines.


The door bell rings and outside is a flower delivery guy. Paco teases that Silvia hasn't been home for 10 minutes and someone's already sending her flowers - until he looks at the card: the flowers are for Lola (who actually sent them to herself because she's been feeling neglected and wanted to make Paco a tad jealous). Silvia snaps out of her momentary reverie and correctly (and rather proudly) tells DL that the bullet came from a 22-calibre gun.


Extra scene of Pignoise singing Nada Podra Salvarte at Cachis while Aitor & Sara are enjoying some PDA, Lola and Mariano are dancing in another part of Cachis (exactly how big is this place, anyway?) for pretend date night, and Lucas and Paco conducting surveillance on Uriarte and his men.


Later on that night, Silvia is getting something from the refrigerator when she hears movement from outside...


...and sees a shadow lurking towards the house.



She stealthily moves towards the door and reaches out for the gun that she carries in her wheelchair.


As the doorknob moves, Silvia points her gun at the door and screams, "FREEZE or I'll SHOOT, cabron!"


It was Lucas who says "Silvia, soy yo!" Silvia looks to make sure it is truly him before she puts down the gun.

Silvia: Joder, Lucas! Don't you know how to ring the doorbell?
Lucas: Sorry, Silvia. I'm here to fetch Carlota. I didn't want to wake anyone.

He walks towards her then looks at Silvia's gun.

Lucas: What's going on? Do you usually keep a gun in your wheelchair?
Silvia: In this family, you eventually have to.
Lucas: I'm sorry for what happened, Silvia. I'm really sorry.
Silvia: You did not "officiate" over what happened.
Lucas: You only wanted to protect me... and you were the one who got shot. You lost your child and it's my fault.
Silvia: No, Lucas, a 22-calibre bullet went through my stomach. You're not responsible for that.

Lucas looks at his ex and kneels in front of her and takes her hand.

Lucas: I will not rest until the sonofabitch who did this to you is behind bars. You know that, right?
Silvia: Okay, my caballero, get moving.
Lucas: You're good?
Silvia (nods as she pulls her hands from Lucas' grasp): Go see your sister.

Lucas gets up, kisses her forehead, and leaves. Silvia, still in her wheelchair, stares at nothing.


Then she cries as she finally realizes that she has paid a very high price for a love that is never coming her way...


Caso de Uriarte update: Lucas and Paco's surveillance paid off when they got the man himself, Uriarte. They want to know who his mole is from within the force, so they took his mobile and dials the last number. It rings and who picks up but doesn't answer? Ruth Montalban. She's the mole.

Watch clip in HD

Piper's Commentary: For some reason, this has always been one of my favorite Silvia episodes, maybe because this is when Silvia is finally freed from the (imaginary) chains that bind her to Lucas (albeit she willed that chain upon herself).

We all do that sometimes - hold on to an illusion that somehow, somewhere, our love makes a difference. That maybe by loving someone long enough and hard enough and true enough and honest enough, they will somehow eventually love us back. Silvia learns the truth in the most painful way. She paid a very high price for the right to dream. In one clean sweep, her past (Lucas) and her future (the baby), both of which meant more than life itself, were taken away from her.

When she finally took her hand away from Lucas', she's affirming her intent to move on; that she has already lost so much and doesn't have anything more to give. And when she cries silently in the dark - away from Lucas and away from anyone's view - when no one else except herself can see the tears - she knows that she's crying for what could have been and what had come to pass. For a dream that's taken her a lifetime to build; for a sandcastle that she has created and nurtured and in one instance was swept away by that single wave from the sea.

So this is the end of Silvia 3.0. In this episode, Silvia version 3 died to give way to Silvia 4.0. And it can only make us appreciate how she, despite her despair and unimaginable pain, managed to pick up the pieces of her broken dreams and again allowed herself to believe that love can still prevail.


booker said...

Wonderful job, Dr Piper. I love this episode tooand I never got all of the Lucas dialogue, so thank you for that. At least he took some responsibility, even though it was one of the stupidest acts tha Silvia has ever done. And you are right, Silvia has that moment of acceptance of her life..and it is not a pretty picture.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding lecture Dr. Piper. Yes, this scene was a turning point in Silvia's life. I believe that she realizes that she has sacrificed so much for empty hopes. Although she still has her ties to Lucas.

I also see this moment as a test for Lucas. Perhaps Silvia was hoping that the lost of her baby would have Lucas come running to her with love. Yes, Lucas was sincere in her lost but still did not share the same feelings as Silvia. As you can see when he leaves her, she appears pained that Lucas doesn't stay with her long or say the words she needed to hear.

This definitely shows Silvia's strength as a person. Yes, despite her despairs and pain, she manages to heal her broken heart and more on.

Wonderful lecture!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent lecture! you always nail the essence of Silvia.

I do believe that silvia 4.0 is a much prefered version, but I think Silvia had to go through all this growth to prepare for Pepa. I think she grew up a lot after what happened with the baby and maybe prioritised what was important. I'm not sure an earlier version of Silvia would have entertained a PepSi.

Anonymous said...

Poor Silvia. It cost her a lot, but she was finally able to let go of that pipe dream of being with Lucas. Thank goodness because he was never good for her anyway and never would've or could've loved her the way she deserved...the way Pepa loved her. *awww*

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