LHDP 3x21
(If you want to watch the episode without downloading it, the link is at the end of the post)
Flashback of what happened the previous episode in case we have forgotten: Silvia told Lucas she was pregnant, they were both happy, Lucas went to see the bad guys, Silvia went all Rambo on them and ended up getting shot.

Strange that Unknown Redhead Gunshot Victim is transferred twice - first when Samur brings her in (to a hospital stretcher), and then at the ER to whatever hospital bed/stretcher.
They hook her up to all sorts of ER gadgets.
She flatlines so they shock her.
And again.
Lead ER doctor called for Dr. Villar of Internal Medicine, although we never see him. They realize Unknown Redhead is pregnant and they need to terminate the pregnancy.
Meanwhile, the whole comisaria is wondering where she and Lucas are. Mariano volunteers the information that he saw them hugging the night before and maybe they ran away to hook up again.
Rita and Montoya go to Hospital Central to look into Unknown Gunshot victim. They can't see her but are informed the she was pregnant and lost the baby. Afterwards, Montoya enters the room and he is shocked to see that Silvia is the Unknown Gunshot Victim.
Other back stories: Lucas is being held in a barn by the bad guys. Mariano helps him by assuming the identity of a bad explosives expert Mexican guy who died enroute to Barajas. Don Lorenzo is still milking his injury so much that Paco put him under surveillance to prove that he can get up and walk just fine. Another LHDP episode that perfectly blends drama and comedy.
Piper's Commentary: In Silvialogy world, this is a filler episode. Silvia did not utter a single word, she was naked under the sheets the whole time (and not in a good way), she was one of the props. It's amazing that her makeup remained impeccable after lying on the ground, wounded, for who knows how many hours. The ER doctors, especially the female one, looked so incompetent. When she asked for Dr. Villar, female doctor was dabbing Silvia's entry wound with a gauze the same way you would dip donut into your coffee.Watch clip in HD
But a convincing prop she was!
In my opinion, this is one of my fave episodes of the Pre-PepSi era. It was humorous with the Paco/DL backstory but also had it's dramatic intensity. You're still pissed off at Silvia for pulling a stupid unorthodox stunt and getting herself shot. But at the same time, you're praying her to live and then saddened that she lost her child.
And you can help but feel for badly for Montoya. He never got to experience the "I'm going to be a Dad" moment but the "I lost my child I never knew about" *sniff =(
Would things have been different with Silvia's storyline if she still had Montoya's baby? Yes, but I still think Pepa would have been introduced, thus still giving us PepSi.
"I really don't know which hospital it is, but I was hoping that Dr. Maca Fernandez would show up."
I don't think there would be a Pepa if Montoya and Silvia had their baby..
Lesson for the day, doctors in LHDP dont know how to treat bullet wounds, sadly for all us even beautiful redheaded ones.
Oh and thanks a million Piper for all the work your doing here at the university, love learning more about Silvia pre-pepsi!
silvia under a sheet....
I love the comment about the donut. just perfect.
the scene with montoyo...she actually looked sick, pale and yellow. that was such a shock.
the only weird thing: at the end when he puts his head down, he lands right her wound. Badda bing!
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