This is one of the many random posts I write, but I really wanted to put it in words. I was walking down Byres Road to the Kelvin Hall, and this subject popped in my head behind the Kelvingrove Museum. And I walked all the way home thinking about it, and what to say, so I guess I gave it a lot of thought.
I also want to say that I know Pepa is a fictional character. But it is the character itself the one that sticks to me, and not gorgeous Laura Sánchez. So apart from a thing or two, this is all going to be based on personality aspects.

When I first saw PepSi, I was immediately drawn to Pepa. Like a moth to a flame. I thought she was the one who sold the character better, the one that looked properly gay, and therefore the one I fell for at the very beginning. I have to say, very straight women, or women who look very straight are not my type at all. There are so many hotties in this world that I would never put my eyes on just because they look so straight to me that I wouldn't even think of it. It's physical, I can't help it. That's why I never considered Silvia until much later. When I realised I was a Pepa.
Lately, my world has been crumbling to pieces and, even though I was only a Pepa for certain things, it is true that I am developing some features, as some sort of reaction to the problems, as a survival mechanism, that draw me even closer to the character. I am just going to list them, and illustrate them with some examples.
1. Pepa's biggest love story began when she was 18. She fell in love with a straight woman, and converted her. I did the exact same, even tho I did not run away for my parents for 8 years. My most important relationship to date happened when I was 18.
2. Pepa moved to Madrid to be with the woman she loved. I moved to Brighton to follow the woman I loved. I should add, we both ended brokenhearted.
3. Pepa is drawn to people because she is social and always open. I am always surrounded by my friends, and they are my most valuable treasure. Still, I get to meet new people very often and I socialise with random strangers.
4. Pepa's girl-counter is allegedly at #40. It is likely that by the time I'm 30, my girl-counter would be around that number too. There's a map on Dr. Piper's refrigerator that illustrates that. (Piper's note: It's true, a diagram of Beke's complicated love life is on my refrigerator door, delicately held by a single magnet)
5. Pepa's first reaction to something that's against what she wants is an angry face, a storm out and a solution to the problem following the "por mis santos cojones" rule. Me, ditto.
6. In pick up artist mood, Pepa is unstoppable. With some obvious physical handicaps, I am difficult to stop as well.

7. Badassness. All the way.

8. Vests.

9. The want-a-piece-of-me look.

10. The commitment to one's family and friends above everything else in the world.

And some randoms.
11. The thousand watt smile. I know it's a sin to even compare it, but I've been told.

12. We both own a Cookie that is probably being tracked down by the CNI.

Leaving so soon - Keane
Except Pepa is at least a foot taller than you! Haha!
Here's hoping that you find your Silvia, minus the dying part.
Jess: Hear, hear!
Ack, well, the foot taller, the blondness and let's face it, the hotness. I said that besides the vests, there was nothing physical in this comparison... For a reason! HAHA.
Maybe it's like a quest and I won't find Silvia until after #40... LOL.
You remind me of Shane on the L word
grrr gay girls that look straight have the worst of it :/ *sigh*
i'm not giving up my heels damnit good thing i have no problems making the fist move >:)
nice lecture Dr Beke. I have realized I'm a Pepa too... but I'm also in total love/lust wither her so i guess that also makes me a bit of a narcissist!
I'm not a Pepa. I'm a Silvia
Beke, it will be all the sweeter when you meet your Silvia. Just keep your whistle clean and eyes wide open.
aww, you're really cute. Love your translations, thanks!
You're so pretty the way you are. Cranberries
Well, it sounds to me a bit narcissistic.
But, yes, we can relate ourselfs to these lovely characters. End the funny thing is that a lot of Pepa-like girls fall in love with Pepa, not Silvia :) And I love Silvia.
hi pepa and silvia
The pp ( princess pelirroja) had me at hello. Honestly, I like Pepa because she loves Silvia so much. I wish I was Silvia and find me my Pepa.
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