By Dr. Bekelauer
Picspam and additional snark by Piper
Translator's note: If you watched 9x10 (and I’m saying IF because it was crap and we had only one short Pepa scene), you will know that Pepa can’t be in this episode because she is “away to get over everything that has happened to her and move on”. Which in my world means she’s going on a 3-day trip to a spa place to reconnect with herself and probably meet (and do) #42 or #43. We don’t know. She is, anyway, not showing up in this episode so feel free to skip reading until next episode. (Piper's note: And picspam will be sparse because, well, no Pepa)
Don Lorenzo is doing the intro speech. He says that being a cop is not a job, it is a way of life, and the worst way of life there is, because you face horrible things every day and weapons and bullets and other terrible things become normal because you see them every day. He is writing his resignation letter.
At Mariano’s, Paco, Povedilla, and Aitor arrive to tell him what they saw during their dope-induced dreams, but Mariano tells them that Marina has been shot and that she confessed that she had been blackmailing Pepa and Aitor. DL walks in and tells them he is quitting and that all of them should as well.
LHDP Intro
Curtis and Rita are at the gallery doing target practice. They talk about the embarrassing hair spitting session. Curtis tries to convince her that it’s only been a peculiar way to start a relationship, but she says everything’s been pretty ugly. They start arguing, because Curtis thinks she wants to be with a gentleman, or with someone more handsome but she doesn't. Names are called – oops! He tries to apologize but she starts firing her gun and the noise shatters his hearing and he collapses.
Deker is taking pictures of the dead novice and grabs her hand and starts talking to her. Seriously? Reyes walks in to tell him that relevant information has leaked to a website, and now all the media are reporting about it. The novice has no eyeballs, so Deker puts a pair of funky sunglasses on her – that’s much better, thanks.

Paco asks Deker to explain to him what his dopey dreams mean, but Reyes interrupts them. Paco conducts the briefing, saying that DL is quitting, and that now he knows that the Satanic case is going to destroy everyone, so he encourages them to leave as well. Nice. But then vintage LHDP: and all of them say that they’re going to stay and help Paco – very much like a badge-handing moment. DL walks in and receives an ovation. DL is astonished and feels a mix of sadness and incredulity.
Goyo and Amaia get home and she confesses that she has discharged herself from the hospital because Blackman may come to see her. Whatever.
At the briefing, they are discussing the case and how to plant a false leak to the media. Since Junior did not kill the novice - he just cut her wrists so she would bleed out - they think they can still catch him by letting him think that the novice is still alive and in a hospital somewhere. Paco is skeptical and Reyes starts to scold him.
In his office, DL is picking up his stuff and oh, there’s a picture of Silvia and Lola... I start to get teary eyed. (Piper: Me too!) He drops some stuff on the floor and as he crawls near the door to pick them up, he overhears what they say about him outside the briefing room. They are all saying that he is a great man, Mariano gives the example of DL being cool with Aitor and Sara. They say he is a tolerant, but what about the beginnings of Pepa and Silvia, huh?

DL's girls
Reyes scolds Paco big time and she is close to using some DL vintage language to make him believe that they can catch the assassin. DL is still overhearing everyone, and is getting sentimental.
Rita and Curtis go to a hearing aid clinic to get his ears checked. The rather hot lady tells her that he might be only pretending not to hear. Meanwhile, Curtis starts to feel guilty about everything that he’s told Rita.

Deker and Reyes are trying to research the significance of the cut eyeballs, but he is far more interested in Paco’s opium dream. Reyes scolds him then leaves for coffee. She goes to Lizarrán and finds DL at the bar, reading the paper. In a sort of condescending way , she complains about having to do his job and says her mother is also retired and wonders how is it possible to “shit on somebody’s fucking mother” (Translator's lost in translation note: How sweet, nice, and Spanish that sounds!) every five minutes and still be treated like a father. She ends up saying: “But well, you have to be ready for everything in life. And if you’re not ready, I recommend you resign. Resign from retiring”.

Goyo is in a patrol car in the frisking garage and sends out a radio message for Blackman. An injured agent. Too bad Blackman does not reply, but the whole back up does and everybody is coming to San Antonio. Funny!
Curtis is getting his hearing tested. He is alone in the test room with Rita and they both apologize and say how much they love each other... but neither one can hear the other. Which is pretty pointless, if you ask me. It is very nice, tender and proper LHDP.
All units are in place at the hospital. Lis and Aitor are flirting in the room. Lis is supposed to be the novice, just so you know. Aye right, novice my arse – that was my first thought, sorry. She’s becoming unbearable. She says that if she picked a ball out of a big lottery drum, the lottery ball would have Aitor’s name on it.

Goyo is about to enter his flat when Blackman shows up and they chat at the door. Goyo says he’s tired and that they (Blackmaia) have to be together, otherwise it would be like treason to love. He leaves Blackman and walks in but Amaia is gone, and so is Blackman.
At the hospital room, Aitor has little pieces of papers with Reyes’ and Lis’ names to find out what destiny says. Deker is in the lab with Reyes and he finds that cutting eyeballs is a 15th-century Inquisition technique inflicted on witches as they were being condemned to walk in limbo eternally. They argue about why she has sent Aitor and Lis together in the mission. She replies saying that “No, do not make excuses, you’re the first one to throw himself in the arms of a lesbian to avoid anything real happening”. I don’t know if she means something happening with her or with Pepa but I have the feeling they (Reyes and Deker) will hook up in the end. Why not? Deker phones Paco to tell him that the chess game and the eyeball cutting are related: since the devil couldn’t beat the monk, he cut his eyeballs to play chess with him eternally. Paco interprets this as a sign and gets Deker to find him a psychic so he can talk to the wandering-in-limbo novice.
Aitor picks up a few pieces of papelitos. Lis keeps flirting. Aitor picks up a paper with Lis's name on it maybe twice.

Curtis and Rita talk again, and this time, they could both hear each other. But they don’t say the same thing. Curtis says he is worried about not being able to listen to rock music again, Rita says she pities him if that was true. They agree to go out to a concert in the pub.
Paco goes to the interrogation room and Reyes tells him this is the last supernatural act she is going to allow. The psychic has a French accent and can sense the evil in the room – these two things, French and evil, were not meant to be connected, hehe. She can see that the evil is in the hospital, but Amadeo also has a message for Paco – using psychic voicemail? “Man the strongest and most powerful living being there is. Do you remember, Tivi?”. Paco doesn’t know what it means, but Deker is on the walkie and says it’s him – he was nicknamed Tivi when in high school.

At the hospital, there’s a false alarm, and they still think they’re going to get to catch Junior. Then there is a lot of action. Two people with black hoods are walking about the corridors. At the precinct, Deker realizes that Junior is not going to get trapped because he doesn't leave anything to chance – he sliced the novice’s main arteries to make sure she died. Now he wants her corpse to show the world he has killed her. At the hospital, Aitor, DL, Dani, and Povedilla arrest the two hooded men but see they’re only Satan’s followers. Or Hamburglars, not sure. Then two hospital workers wheel a covered stretcher towards the exit, but DL is sharp and arrests them. They pull the cover off the body on the stretcher and it's not a corpse, it's Lis. One of the fake orderlies looks like Uncle Fester, shaved eyebrows and all.

Amaia is out in the dark in a backstreet alley trying to find Blackman. And of course she does. They try to fight The Force, but Amaia is very convincing and they end up kissing. Somehow Goyo is also there to witness it – that hurts, ouch. And again, “Lo que no ves”, but at least the band has changed clothes.
At the pub, Rita and Curtis hold hands. He declares his love, and asks her to marry him! Oh good God! At the alley, Amaia passes out but she is taken (flying?) by Blackman. Like Superman taking Lois Lane for a ride.
Deker runs to the frisking garage and sees that the agents that were moving corpse of the novice have been killed and Junior in his classy suit, is there to take him. Seriously? You'd move the cadaver while you're in the middle of an investigation? Really?
Next week!
Deker with 15 kg of explosives attached to his body, Pepa telling him, “Maybe you will end up falling in love” and him replying, “Back at ya”. Not liking it but Pepa is back. Then also Aitor breaking Lis’s heart and Povedilla asking Rita to marry him instead of Curtis.

Because Reyes is sort of hot
meh. i have totally stopped paying attention to s9. how many more eps left? 2? whatevs.
I've been looking back throuhg the fantastic collection of Silviaology clips collected here! :D ahhh good times! Dr Beke would it be too much to ask to get some translations of these? pleeese?
Thanks Dr.B, Piper & Pepsienglish for your hard work.
I think that once season 9 is over, we'll be back to the PepSilogy lessons, starting at season 4/5. It's not been discussed yet, but I think it's the natural flow of the Pepsiverse - to be back to the good old times :) You'll be able to check them out over the summer, Shay ;)
Same feeling as Shay but thank you anyway.
At least it seems to have a lot a Pepa time in 116 !
Thanks Dr. B, Pepsienglish and Piper for all of your hard work. I will watch the final episode only because it is the final episode. I will check the PepSilogy lessons over the summer. All I can say is "Adios LHDP" with teary eyes.
Jess: Uncle Fester... LOL... Classic! Thanks for all the hard work... :o)
Thanks Dr. B, Piper and PepSiEnglish for continuing to translate and work your lil' butts off for us Spanish impaired ones! :D And, especially for continuing to recap and translate the relevant part of S9 since I gave up watching a few eps ago - tho I probably will watch this week's ep and cry for the ending of LHDP and what could have been.
Yay! I'm so happy you'll be continuing the PepSiology lessons over the summer! I'm ready to enroll right now! :D
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