By Dr. Bekelauer
Additional comments and snark by Piper
Voice off: In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone and with it, the possibility of connecting great distances. From that moment on, man has always tried to make that connection more immediate. Paris, London, Hong Kong... they come closer in fractions of a second, thanks to fiber optics. Internet, videocalls... they allow us to be simultaneously connected with anyone any place in the world through invisible cables, in the same way that stars are connected by imaginary lines... (cue in the voice of various characters interspersed with various scenes)
Pepa: ...creating constellations. But above all, there are - travelling through time and space - umbilical cords that tie us to the people we love...
Deker: silver ropes that belong only to the kingdom of extrasensory...
Reyes: ...that make something stir inside of us when others suffer, or when they are happy, like a palpitation or a shiver down your spine...
Aitor: ...and that make us do marvellous things. Or terrible things. Simply because we are connected.

We’re back to Paco being given a hickey by Satan (let’s call him Satan, because who the hell is he anyway?) – right before kissing time, Satan tells Paco he’s too early. We thought so too. Some twelve hours before, Satan walks into a geriatric residence ran by nuns to see his father, whose name is also Damián (let’s remember, he was the guy who paid for all the bills in the school).

LHDP Intro
We see Paco et al ready to leave for the secret mission (from last episode). At his house, Mariano is having breakfast when Pepa knocks at the door.
Pepa: Morning!
Mariano: What happened?
Pepa: I... fell down the stairs.
Mariano: How did you fall down the stairs?
Pepa: Yeah, is Aitor in? (Piper's reaction: HAHAHA!)
Mariano: Yeah, he must be in there. He must be running a little late, we finished a bit late last night in the precinct, we had a riot.
Pepa: Paco left early this morning.

Mariano’s phone rings. Paco insists on making everybody take communion. The wind blows open a window and all the copied pages from Father Sistiaga’s notebook fly. Mariano picks up the one showing Kashber, Satan’s father. On a multi-action, we see Damián's father lying on a hospital bed. Mariano is having a mental connection. He tells Paco he trusts him.
Pepa: Mariano, Aitor is not here, and his bed is made.So Pepa is having a mental connection, and Aitor is being interrogated in a white room in a very Matrix-style by the big CNI pimps. But remember, despite the Matrix decor, Aitor is NOT the Chosen One.
Mariano: He’s not here. Sure he’s not here? Maybe he’s at the precinct. We have to go too, Pepa. I need to tell you something important.

CNI Jackass: Where were you on the 24th December, 2009, from 10pm?Deker is in the lab brushing his teeth while comparing and contrasting giant fingerprint films. DL walks in asking for Father Sistiaga’s body – the cannibal made him drink liquid nitrogen to freeze his lungs to death. Sarcasm: And since his lungs are now frozen, it's so much easier to slip a mobile phone through his skin without leaving any bruises. Yeah, that's it. Deker has just solved the mystery of the fingerprints... Then Reyes walks in and he tells them all that there are two of them – Two Cannibals, Amadeo and Damián Jr. Since I want to look all pro, the exact name is monozygotic twins, aka as identical. Interestingly enough, I solved this mystery on the first episode. (Piper nodding her head: Yes, you are awesomely awesome.)
Aitor: I had a date. But I cancelled it because I felt sick. So I went to bed early.
CNI Jackass: So then how is it possible that you rented a car in Chamartín Station at 12.30? You better answer, otherwise I can assure you, you won’t get out of here in quite a while.
Salgado: Let’s cut the formalities. (She takes out the surveillance pictures. Then they play a recording of his conversation with Pepa at the storage room. Aitor realizes that either he or Pepa or both have been wired unknowingly.)
“They have ordered me to kill a man, in two hours and a half. And if not, they’re taking both of us? [Aitor] Who the fuck is blackmailing you, Pepa? [Pepa] The CNI, I’m sorry. They played with me. They let me kill El Gordo, I did the dirty job for them and now they have by the balls”.
Salgado: You’re trapped, Aitor.

Salgado: It’s very praiseworthy what you’ve done to agent Miranda, but it’s not enough. Do you think that a broken arm can erase the charges we have against her?
Aitor: No. But maybe I can, killing that man. I will do it.
CNI Jackass: Understood. The subject is planning on leaving Spain in the next 48 hours, so we have no time. Male, white, 38 years old. You don’t need to know anything else. We’ll tell you how and when. You’ll go, execute him and you will be free. Make sure to finish off the job.
Aitor: You mean to kill him?
CNI Jackass: I mean that if you don’t do it, the El Gordo incident will still be in your expedient and in Miranda’s. So this is your only chance.
Aitor: I want to sign a confession. Right now.

So Deker has it – DNA codes are identical. Amadeo killed himself in the precinct, but Damián Jr. has been walking around killing people. A high case of situs inversus in monozygotic twins – I have no idea what it is, but Chilean boy says so and I believe him. But the mother didn't say anything about having twins – so DL asks them to bring the mother to the precinct.
At the Matrix, Aitor is about to sign his confession. There must be a misprint because they refer to Pepa as Josefa Miranda, and that isn't right, even if Pepa is traditionally a nickname for both Maria José and Josefa. Let’s not change the names please.
Salgado: You’re ruining your life, Aitor. Tell me, tell me why you have changed your mind. It is not even true, Pepa is guilty but you’re just her accomplice. Tell me what you’re trying to pull here. Aitor, this is not a videogame. Here you don’t skip a level and you start again. Tell me, tell me why the fuck have you changed your mind!
CNI Jackass: Don’t worry, Commander. The boy is confused. The day after tomorrow we’ll send this declaration to the Italian Anti-mafia Prosecutor, and they will send a commission. From that moment onwards, he will be under the laws of both countries. Agent Miranda and yourself will be judged by an international court, and you’ll be convicted. Which means you have 24 hours to change your mind. If you do, call this number.
Aitor: Thanks, agent, but I don’t change my mind about things. (His phone rings; caller ID is "Pink Panther")
Salgado: Pink Panther again? Curious nickname for Inspector Sanchez-Bilbao. She's been so insistent so we had to track her calls, you understand that. Say hello for me.

At the precinct, Reyes phones Lis and leaves her a message saying she’s the most important thing in her life (yeah, right!). DL is interrogating the Holy Mother again, shows her a video of the Cannibal. At the same time, Damian Jr performs a homemade Ouija on his living father to find out what to do with the Holy Mother. Damian Sr’s reply is “Mátala” (Kill her) – pretty obvious, huh? Deker plays the wanker and when Holy Mother says she only had one kid, he interrupts her to say they have the DNA of them both. He becomes so pricky that DL asks him to leave the other room. So he storms in and when DL asks him what the hell he is doing, Deker goes “I am abandoning the other room”. Translator finds this funny. Discussion gets very heated up and Holy Mother ends up confessing she was raped at age 18 but she only had one kid. Really.

Paco, arrive at the school. Amaia is completely gone thinking of Blackman. Urgent meeting.
Aitor drags Pepa to the restroom and writes on the mirror. “We have microphones. They have interrogated me. We have 48 hours”.Mariano: Probably the worst is still to come, this is why I’m asking you to organize this small express mass.Curtis: Mariano, here at the precinct?Mariano: It’s a Code Red, Curtis. Anyone who has been involved in the Cannibal case is in danger.Pepa: Mariano, where is Paco?Mariano: Paco has taken communion, now it’s our turn. Rita, holy water. Goyo, a crucifix and an altar. Amaia, holy cup and hosts.Rita: Who’s gonna officiate the mass?
Mariano: Curtis, get me a priest, a bishop, a chaplain, whoever... And we pay him with the precinct budget.
Aitor: Good morning.
Mariano: What’s wrong with you?
Aitor: Today is a super motherfucking day. Come with me.
Pepa: What’s happening, Aitor? What are you doing?
Paco phones Mariano. Everybody has to take communion willingly. Because he thinks has already saved the brats from everlasting damnation - he has given them communion. Piper still has doubts about the "validity" of this gesture.

Reyes is scolding Deker for taking it too far with the Holy Mother, who has been left alone in the interrogation room with a video of her Satanic son killing himself (seriously?). Reyes tells Deker he knows nothing about being a father or loving someone. “Since you don’t know what loving or grieving is, you don’t understand that that woman is not lying but suffering”. DL tells her not to mix the personal with the professional. Reyes asks him if he could separate those when his daughter (Silvia!) worked with him – there’s a special link, a kid is always carried in a parent's heart with a rope that cannot be torn, not even by death. Reyes says “it’s all about affection in this precinct”. And the Holy Mother keeps watching the video until she starts crying blood. Yeah, typical.

What happens when you use red, not-waterproof mascara
Aitor is still writing on the bathroom mirrow. Salgado is still listening from the Matrix Headquarter. Scenes from both places.
“Do you trust Deker?”Because Salgado has a Paco connection.
“What’s going on?”
Salgado: I told you. I told you that trying to manipulate Miranda was a crazy idea. But now with Carrasco, we’re totally out.
CNI Jackass: Easy, Commander, we have them in our hands and they will do what we say.
Salgado: No!
“We’re gonna blow up the CNI”
Salgado: We don’t have them. They know too much. And do you know what’s gonna happen? Now they’re gonna start running faster than us, like with Lucas Fernández.
Pepa: You and me? It’s a crazy idea, a fucking crazy idea. What are we gonna do?
Aitor: You’re not gonna do anything.
Pepa: Aitor, I can’t let you do it.
Salgado: You also thought you had Lucas and now he’s one of the best agents of the international division.
Aitor: You’re not gonna do anything. Anything. When the moment comes, you’ll know. It’s a favour from a fucking crazy girl to a fucking crazy boy.
Salgado: Miranda and Carrasco have the same DNA as Fernández. And this time there’s two of them!
CNI Jackass: And why do you care about it so much this time?

At the precinct, Goyo, Rita and Curtis show up with a crucifix, holy cup and guitar. Very LHDP-stupid. DL tells the precinct the news about the twins. Aitor tells Pepa to go to Deker to find the microphones. Aitor tells Reyes he needs to talk to her. Deker storms in the lab to see Pepa trying to tear her arm cast. She is HARDCORE. And she starts stripping off – yeah! Then she sees Silvia’s lab coat and wears it. Very tender moment. Deker is half aroused, half fascinated. She types on his laptop.
“Help me, there could be microphones and GPS trackers in these clothes. Can you please find them?”
She kisses him on the cheek and leaves.

Mariano gets a Paco connection. He convinces DL to let them hold a mass in the precinct and pray for Paco. Amaia has lost the Holy Mother - she took her to hospital and now there’s no explanation for her disappearance. DL tells them to go to mass.
Aitor and Reyes are at Lizarrán. Aitor tells her he needs help, to get the address of the dude he has to kill. He doesn’t want to go into detail. She says “Something has happened with Pepa Miranda”. Then he tells her that they killed El Gordo. “So you have the CNI chasing you” – Reyes is not only hot but total ace for guessing correctly.
Amaia tells Goyo she’s dying because she feels empty without Blackman. Poor boy.
Reyes finds the address. I said she is a total ace.
At the precinct, Curtis is struggling to find a priest while the gang is fashioning a chapel in the shooting gallery. Curtis and Rita talk about embarrassment. Still don’t know if those two are gonna end up together.
The birth certificate of the twins says only one was born, so Mariano asks Goyo to find the OB-gynecologist who signed it. Curtis didn't find a priest - he has only found a Mexican Evangelist pastor. Seriously? So mass begins with songs and stuff – not really Catholic huh? Deker walks in and sits next to Pepa, and gives her a report.

Deker: You had a nice technological arsenal in your clothes.The Mexican pastor is "consecrating" the hosts when an earthquake occurs. Everything starts shaking and that pushes Pepa to Deker. The cross falls on the priest leaving him unconscious. Pepa and Deker are hugging.
Pepa goes to make a photocopy, but the copier is not working so she starts kicking it. Classy. Deker follows her.
Deker: If you need anything, you know where my lab is. I’ll try to have a thicker lab coat.
Pepa: Deker, you’re not gonna ask me who’s spying on me?
Deker: It’s not plugged (referring to the copier).
Deker: It was just a shake. A little earthquake, a 4.5 in Richter magnitude scale. Can I ask you something? Would you sleep with me some time?And they start kissing. Too bad they’re next room and the whole precinct gets to see it. Very LHDP.

The earthquake made a mess of the shooting gallery - unconsecrated hosts are scattered on the ground, wine spill all over, and the biggie: the cross is now upside down. A quick lesson for non-Catholics: The upside down cross is normally associated with St. Peter who elected to be crucified upside down because he didn't think he was worthy enough to die in the same way as Jesus. In the 1960's, it became associated with the satanic church founded by Anton LaVey - they started using the inverted cross as an upfront to Christianity. Which still fails, because the upside down cross reminds us of St. Peter's humility.

The Petrine Cross
And yeah, this is the part you don’t want to watch. My comment is: If you do manage to watch it, note that Pepa is so completely not in there mentally. She keeps looking up and crying. Thinking of Silvia much? I think so. Face it, we’ve all been there. Maybe not with a boy, but we have. (Piper's comment: Pardon the Translator for projecting again. Hahaha!)
The song on the background keeps saying “You teach me that you can love what doesn’t exist”.

Reyes and Aitor are talking at the bar. Reyes says that the guy’s phone has been tapped for eleven years and they can’t just burst the CNI. But Aitor kisses her and convinces her. So much for the strong woman. Hahaha.
Pepa and Deker are lying in bed smoking.
Deker: I know why you're doing this.
Pepa: Did what?
Deker: Sleeping with me. You think I’m the only island in this place. An island you can stop by and hide for a while... Because everything will remain the same tomorrow, huh?
Pepa: An island to hug.
Deker: An island in which you were looking for water, for affection. Because affection is like water. Necessary to live. But be careful, because sometimes islands stop being islands. An earthquake like the one before occurs, and they become peninsulas, and then continents.
Pepa: I’m a lesbian, Deker, I’m not gonna come for water to your island again.
Deker: If that was a valid answer, the most important story of your life would have never happened. Because she was heterosexual. And I think I am too.
Pepa: Are you going to try to seduce me?
Deker: A little bit.

Pepa's phone rings - it is Aitor in need for back up. He is already in the building of his intended target and storms in the guy’s apartment. Reyes is downstairs in the car.
Aitor: On your knees to the floor, come on!He shoots a pillow.
Guy: Please don’t kill me.
Aitor: Come on!
Guy: Please, please don’t kill me.
Aitor puts on the silencer to his gun.
Aitor: I have no option. It’s either you or me.
At the precinct, Mariano is getting the truth out of the doctor. Apparently, Satan’s father aka Damián Sr. raped the Holy Mother and then paid the doctor so he could take one of the babies. Despite the doctor's resistance, Damián Sr. managed to convince him with his evil tricks. Namely, money.
The CNI unit arrives at the flat. Reyes is holding a little video thingy so she can follow what they're doing.
Reyes: Here they are. It’s three subjects, two of them are going up.
Aitor: Why do I have to kill you? Tell me!!
Guy: I’m a Nuclear Engineer. In 1995 I was selected to participate in a secret mission to develop atomic weapons in Spain, with three other physicians.
Reyes: They’re going up Stairs C. First floor.
Guy: The Falcon project.
Aitor: What the fuck are you telling me?
Guy: I swear! In 1998 we got out first results, a missile with a 600km range and a 140 megaton nuclear head.
Aitor: And what happened?
Guy: If the project comes to light, the UN and the Nuclear Council would hunt us down. Nobody talks about the three nuclear heads that Spain hides somewhere in Tarragona since 1998.
Reyes: They’re in floor three, just one from aim. I repeat, just one from aim.
Guy: Since November, everything has changed. Three of those scientists have died in strange circumstances. I am the fourth.
Reyes: They’re in floor four. They’re coming to the apartment. I repeat, they’re coming to the apartment.
Guy: You wanted to know why they want to kill me? For something they already have, my silence.
Reyes: They’re going in. In five, 4, 3, 2, 1...
Aitor: Lie down. For me.
Reyes: They’re in, Aitor.

Agent one: Freeze, to the floor. Drop your weapons. Lower your weapons now.
Aitor: Go and shoot and we all die here.
Reyes (to CNI Jackass, who's still on the ground floor): Freeze, Police!
CNI Jackass: I am a Colonel of the CNI.
Agent one: Lower your weapons.
CNI Jackass: I have priority of action, Amadeus code.
Reyes: Your hands on the car.
Pepa (Yeah that’s my top agent!): Freeze! Police!
Deker (grabbing CNIJ from behind): You’re not listening to what the Inspector says?
(He came with Pepa and stayed on the ground with Reyes)
Pepa: Drop your guns and on your knees. Now!!!
Agent one: This is a mistake, we are CNI agents.
CNI Jackass: I am a CNI agent, you’re getting into trouble.
Pepa: Hands on your head, or I’ll blow your brains up.
Deker: I really wanted to do this again. You were right.
Reyes: About what exactly?
Deker: About affection. Five years ago my wife and two kids died in a car accident and I survived. It’s about time to come out of the hole. Thanks.
Reyes & Aitor: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. You have the right to not declare against yourselves or not declare yourselves guilty. You are under arrest.
It’s apropos how it is called the Miranda Warning. Yussss!!! Salgado, who is still listening in at the Matrix, at this point wants to kill herself.
The doctor says that Damián Sr. was present when Holy Mother went into labor and after the kids were born he searched them looking for a birthmark, a mark one of them had on his shoulder. Damián Sr. has the same mark on his wrist - three half moons.
Next week!
Pepa and Aitor against the world. Funny how they are protecting the nuclear geek but as it seems, Pepa knocked him out with the back of her magnum. And a bit of a creepy line from Aitor to her saying, “Maybe you’re going back to the closet?”. I’m hoping this is only a joke.
Piper's commentary:
I think it was KC who said that ATPP® should have focused on the CNI case instead of this 66.6 thing. And I agree - it's much more interesting.
So we have illegal nuclear reactors, a murdered army psychologist, a guy who thinks he's satan, and Paco who's losing his mind. Unless the show has turned into a paranormal thriller and we were not informed, I say there should still be some logical explanations to everything. And now we have it: ATOMIC / NUCLEAR REACTORS which can produce radiation waste (from unstable particles, a by product of the fusion itself). That shit is deadly and can cause unimaginable reactions, inluding genetic mutations. Maybe it is still connected to the degraded uranium soup from last season, since uranium is required to produce nuclear energy. Interesting that Salgado appeared right around the time of Bravante. She wasn't really after El Gordo, she's only protecting the CNI's secret! And the 4 dead? Maybe the CNI placed them under witness protection! Because as long as ATPP® is around, they aren't safe.
What about Damian Sr. and Jr.? Well, Senior probably was one of the nuclear scientists. Because while he too had the "mark", which means he should have been the chosen one, there he was, dying under a cross in a Catholic hospice with proper nuns to take care of him! And why does he want Junior to kill his Mama? That, I don't have any conjectures yet, but whatever the reason(s) is/are, I'm sure it's connected to the nuclear reactor clusterfuck.
The precinct mass was utterly pathetic. A communion host, by itself, will not save anyone, unless they've led a righteous life. Shows like this are giving us Catholics a bad rap. The Mexican pastor was a funny turn, but any 3rd grader Catholic child can tell you that only ordained priests can say mass and consecrate the Eucharist! Even if there wasn't an earthquake, the wafers would still be only wafers and the wine still wine even after the pastor "consecrated" them (not the actual Body and Blood of Christ).
Which brings me to the earthquake. I know they needed to have something dramatic happen to bring about all the scenes that they showed: cannibal mama drama at the school, Peker in a hug, and the cross turning upside down (please see earlier explanation of its significance). But really? After the devastating earthquakes in Haiti and Chile? I think it was just the writers being lazy LHDP writers, to use a poetic earthquake to bring about whatever, despite its seeming insensitivity and apathy.
I have nothing to say about the Peker hookup. I'll leave that to my passionate lecturers and their passionate disapproval of this storyline. But I feel bad for the actor Benjamín Vicuña, because he moved all the way to Spain for this gig, and it wouldn't even last a whole year. Okay, not so bad because he gets to do sexy time with Laura Sanchez.
And Reyes, despite being an excellent cop, is still defined by her relationship with Aitor (and several barf-worthy moments). But her support for him and Pepa in nailing the CNI was awesome and redolent of the comisaria's basic DNA - that of being there for each other, in spite and because of who and what they are.
Thank you for translating this episode as well. I dont know why i am still watching this show as it is turned into something else beyond my imaginations but i will continue till end of season and see what happens. I hope 4 are really in witness protection program or this is all a big dream.
Appreciate your hard work.
Regards from India,
I am sitting with my hands resting on the keyboard and I just cannot type the words. I have no clue about how to express how I am feeling, except sad and disappointed come to mind.
We can go around and around about this, and there will be a variety of opinions, as there should be. But this is basically about men sitting around saying how do we get Laura Sanchez in bed and naked as much as possible? We need to have sex in the show and we are fools to not use Laura.
And so they pair her with men...Pina is doing a great job of copying America. For many years, lesbians were always dabbling and dipping their toes in both sides of the ocean. Once again, on television, there is a "lesbian" sleeping with men. And life goes on...
Thank you Dr Beke and Piper for all of your work, my unhappiness is no reflection on all that you do.
many thanks for the translation! i needed help on the post-coital bit. The sound of my dry-heaves prevented me from concentrating on the dialog ;) heheh.
anyways like everyone has said before, this "lesbian" sleeping with men thing is nothing new... its a familiar disappointmet. The only upside is the fabulous ms Sanchez is just brilliant with this crap material...
But still...seriously... the same story could be told with a woman instead of Decker. though the disappointment is familiar it still just sucks.
Thanks for the translation...since I'm not going to watch any of the Peker scenes, I was relying on this recap so that I could at least get the dialogue. So, gracias!
Let me just say, I'm not impressed. They've done a bang-up job of hurting and disappointing so many fans with this particular plot development. Good job, Pina and Co.! Way to destroy the tiny bit of goodwill left on the part of so many PepSi fans. Go ahead and pat yourselves on the back and smoke a relaxing cigarette...job well fucking done.
Dr. Beke - thanks, as always, for the translations to fill in some of the holes. And for reassuring me that I wasn't imagining things when I heard Reyes/Aitor giving out Miranda rights.
Dr. P - very interesting analysis, boss! If you're right - that these two plots are connected - Alex Pina may have redeemed himself a little to me with regard to the overall theme of the season. I love the CNI plot and while it's still a bit far-fetched that normal (well, normal for San Antonio) cops would be pulled into some kind of intelligence cover-up, at least it's a lot closer to the premise of the show than fighting Satan.
Right now though, I feel like I'm watching two different shows - a cop-related show and a supernatural show and I'm starting to think that the reason why Pol 3.14's "Bipolar" was chosen as the song for the season was b/c that's what the show has become - bipolar. It's just like in S6 with El Kaiser, which I've said many times before is when I think this show really started going downhill. Alex separated his hombres into two groups: Lucas & Sara vs. everyone else. Lucas and Sara got to deal with El Kaiser on their own (and failing miserably at it every week) while the rest of the hombres dealt case-of-the-week crimes or things that made the El Kaiser situation worse due to the "L&S vs. them" mentality of that season.
So Dr. P, if it turns out that you're right and all of this supernatural bullshit is actually more about nuclear war than Satan himself (and perhaps Damián is just another mad lunatic who thinks he has unnatural powers) then the show will have won me over a little. But that only makes up for the storyline. It still doesn't change my attitude with regard each individual character.
So many thanks my dears!!!!!!!!
Pffff.....About the Peker thing...I don't know what else I have to say!!? Me and other PepSi fans have tried a lot with our comments to stop this but...I am really afraid... :-( Even I tell myself to stop watching this..I can't! I can't resist to see the most beautiful creation in the world-MY BABY PEPITA-!!!
But it hurts more and more...Why the fuck she shouldn't be at least with a woman???
And something else...Deker says that the "I am a Lesbian Deker" is an invalid answer....Why the fuck is invalid??? He says that Silvia was heterosexual!! No way!!! She thought she was till she met Pepa! Silvia had told that she was unhappy till she met Pepa!!! So...she never was really straight actually! A lesbian once is always a lesbian! (Unless she wants to panish herself....!!!)
So...the conclusion is that the writers' brains are INVALID!!!! AGRRRRRRRR!!!! Don't they understand that they lost thousands of fans???
It would be way more better if Pepa was stil alone and talking every night to a Silvia's picture or ghost...than being with a man! It's too painfull...
P.S. But we are still fighting for a happy ANTI-PEKER BUT PEPSI ending! <3 Thanks again!!!
Jess: Thanks for the recap.. The whole mini mass thingy was SO typical LHdP that it gave me a little smile to see that hilarious scene.... And the whole CNI takedown case was a WAY better storyline than the 66.6 case. Why can't they come up with THAT in the first place? Sheesh!
I also have to admit something....It was the most touching-moving and tender scene ever in this last episode when Pepa was getting undressed and suddedly she stop (and the action music changes magicaly!)cause she had a kind of a Silvia's flashback in her lab and then she wore Silvia's coat and felt her!!!...Really...I cried again for this subtle meaningfull PepSi scene! And in addition...
...At least we know she was not thinking about Deker when they had sex, you can see that in her eyes indeed.She had tears in her eyes... She was really thinking about Silvia and their soft moments of tenderness in her lab.(That's a very good and hopefull thing for all of us!)
It's just grief and a desire for affection as a friend says and I agree too! But still...things still are posible to change and MUST change to the honor of PepSi and all of their fans!
P.S. When my baby Pepita says:"Freeze! Policia!" OMG I can tell she is MY woman! Me muero por esta muger!!! The princess of my dreams... <3
But even if it would be possible for me to be with her...I would stil give her again to her pelirroja for ever and ever!!! :-*)
I don't know where the show goes on it's shocking i mean how pepa sleep with deker.. i Just Only know that we want silvia Back in the the show please let her come back... both are look So good with each other god what type of chemistry they are having with each other....I'm waiting for the next Episode I hope it would be better then before
Thank you so much for the translation.
Without you guys I couldn't watch the series so emotional like this. ^_^
This episode absolutely not what I want it to be but what can I do, right?
Anyway, Could you tell me the name of the song that play in this episode? I very love it even I can not understand it. It stuck in my head for more than a week now. If anyone know the song please leave the answer to my e-mail :
Let's argue that Silvia WAS heterosexual and then became Pepasexual, remember her chat with Rita: only Pepa excites me. That' s not my beef. My beef is who told Deker SHE was heterosexual? I can only think of Mariano. And Pepa explained to Aitor, sex wth guys is not emotionally involved like with women and Pepa is bi sexual. Really. And she broke down crying missing her pelirroja.
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