Rip-off: Paranormal Activity

LHdP spin: Paco has brought the novice he discovered in Amadeo's school back to his house. Along with Don Lorenzo, Mariano, Pove and Dr. Felix, they decided to monitor her while she sleeps by setting up a camera in Paco's bedroom. During the novice's slumber, they hear her making odd, incoherent noises that suggest paranormal activity.
Epic fail: Aside from the same old "this rip-off fails because the premise of the show is not about paranormal activity," the other reason why this rip-off fails IMO is that it fails to fit into the actual "66.6" storyline itself. Paco et. al. don't need confirmation that this girl is possessed - they saw it for themselves at the precinct during last week's The Exorcist rip-off (take 2). I saw no reason for the novice to be at Paco's or for them monitoring her while she slept. They learned nothing new and never had the opportunity to learn anything new, because Paco proceeded to take her away, so it didn't further the plot in any way. The end result - Paco helping her escape - could've occurred at the precinct without the need for this rip-off.
Theme: Mind control

LHdP use: While running away with the novice, Paco begins to experience paralysis in his hands and legs. Eventually, his entire body becomes paralyzed to the point where he can no longer operate the car, and the novice has to pull the brake in order to prevent them from crashing. Once the car stops, Paco can see another car pull up behind him and a figure emerge, but he still can't move. The figure eventually reveals himself to Paco, and it turns out to be Damián Jr. (aka Satan), who kidnaps the novice while Paco is forced to sit there helplessly before passing out.
Analysis: I'm not sure if Paco's paralysis is the result of Satan's general ability to control his mind (you know, one of his powers as evil incarnate) or whether his power comes from whatever "link" he and Paco might share like I mentioned in the last rip-off lecture. Either way, Paco's paralysis and state of helplessness is a clear message from Satan to Paco that he can't do anything to stop Satan from carrying out his evil plans. Either that or it's Alex Pina's message to Paco Tous (and viewers) that he (we) can't do anything to stop this train wreck that is S9. I'm just playin'. Kinda.
Theme: Crucifixion

LHdP use: After Don Lorenzo, Pepa and Dr. Felix find Paco (alone and without the novice), Mariano informs them that a group of teens have gathered at one of the spots that form a point on the pentagram on Paco's map of the city. Upon arriving at the location, nothing seems Satanic or out of place (other than the teens who seem to be Satan worshipers). Dr. Felix notices blood leaking from Paco's car and, upon examination, Paco discovers the body of the novice tied underneath with her arms outstretched so that her body forms the shape of a cross.
Analysis: Judging from the novice's bloodied and mutilated corpse under Paco's car, I think it's safe to assume that she died while being dragged underneath it from one location to the next. Thus, her death was a slow and painful one - a really fucked up, modern day version of crucifixion if you will. Additionally, it served as another message from Satan to Paco that he can't be stopped - that if he wants someone to die, they will.
Theme: The Bat-signal

Theme: Elephants

LHdP use: Shortly after Paco discovers the dead body of the novice underneath his car, a spotlight appears next to it and subsequently flashes the image of an elephant onto the ground.
Analysis: As Dr. Piper pointed out, the use of an "elephant-signal" doesn't appear to make much sense, although it could be an elaborate way to challenge to Paco to a game of chess like our wise Founder suggests. However, it could simply be a way of calling out Paco in general. If elephants are a symbol of peace, strength and gentility (things associated with "good"), and if one believes that they are the closest animals to God, then perhaps the symbol was Satan's version of throwing the gauntlet. Much like Batman's enemies would use the Bat-signal (or alter it) to call out Batman, maybe this is Satan's way of calling out God by telling him, "Send the best guy you've got to do battle with me." Apparently that guy is Paco, which worries me a lot. I'd rather take my chances with someone else, like Pepa or Don Lorenzo. Not that I don't like Paco, but he relies too much on his hanky, which doesn't do much to reassure me that he can handle himself alone with Satan. Then again, if the elephant is interpreted as being an angry one, it might've been Satan telling Paco, "I'm here!" , because it would represent violence, rage, etc. (things associated with "evil"). Either way, it's a message that challenges/dares Paco to try and stop him.
Theme: Seven virtues
Summary: The seven virtues are a list of virtues that are direct opposites to the seven deadly sins. They consist of humility, kindness, temperance, chastity, patience, charity, and diligence.
LHdP use: Thus far, the victims involved in the "66.6" storyline have included a philanthropist, an army psychologist who served as a negotiator, Father Sistiaga, and a novice. The philanthropist represented charity, the negotiator represented temperance, Father Sistiaga represented humility, and the novice represented chastity.
Analysis: I figured it was about time that we took a look at the overall plot we've been involuntarily sucked into. As I mentioned in the very first rip-off lecture, the entire "66.6" storyline seems like an inverted rip-off of Se7en, where the victims are chosen because they represent examples of the seven virtues instead of the seven deadly sins. But in actually thinking about each victim (and the circumstances surrounding their deaths) this entire clusterfuck actually started to make sense to me.
The first victim - the philanthropist (charity) - was killed and his body was placed in a way that resembled the image of a person who represents justice. Thus, the hombres believed that the judge visiting the precinct was the intended second victim. In actuality, the second victim was the negotiator, whom they later discovered was the epitome of soberness (temperance). Her autopsy revealed that she was forced to take communion prior to her death, and the host given to her was supplied to Father Sistiaga's church. This led the hombres to believe that Father Sistiaga was the killer, when really, he was the third victim (of humility, which is associated with reverence, a term often associated with priests). The phone in Father Sistiaga's body led to Paco discovering that Amadeo has a connection to his past. In turn, this led Paco to believe that he should learn more about Amadeo's past, which led him to the school, where he learned about Damián Jr. and discovered the novice (chastity) - the subsequent fourth victim. When she was eventually killed, the elephant signal appeared to Paco and the hombres, so perhaps it really is a clue to the next victim (like Drs. Piper and Beke also suggested). If an elephant is a symbol of peace, the next victim could be someone who represents the virtue of patience.
So, we've got four episodes left and and three more potential victims to complete the seven virtues, which would theoretically mean that there will be one victim per ep. culminating in a battle between Paco and Satan in the series finale. It could also mean that Paco represents one of the seven virtues and the final obstacle in Satan's plan to unleash evil/chaos into the world, which is also a nice set up for a final battle.
Here's the thing though. As much as all of this kind of makes sense to me now, I still don't care. At face value, I have to admit that it all sounds intriguing. Then again, so did Se7en, and again, the difference between the movie and this rip-off is that Se7en didn't need to rely on Satan or paranormal activity to be a success. It was about a psychotic guy with a warped sense of reality who believed he was doing God's work. I think this whole storyline might've been more successful if it were about some whack job who thinks he's doing the devil's work by killing virtuous people. Alex Pina would get the mystery thriller he so desperately wanted while still staying true to the DNA of his show: honest yet bumbling cops who solve crimes. Real crimes (a serial killer), not paranormal-related crimes (Satan). And maybe if he stuck to the format he built his show on, it might've been renewed for a 10th season. Maybe not, because the declining ratings might have more to do with the absence of beloved characters than the storyline itself, but I think that if he had just left out the Satanic bullshit and given us a straight up reverse-Se7en rip-off, he would've had a fighting chance. And at least that way he could've used S10 to finally figure out a useful role for the newbies.
Feel free to add any other rip-off you may have spotted, as well as your thoughts in agreement or dissent.
*The title for this lecture is based on lyrics from the song "Smoke Two Joints" by Sublime