Testigo de Ultratumba (A Witness From The Grave)
By Drs. Pied Piper and Bekelauer
(If you want to watch the episode without downloading it, the link is at the end of the post. The screencaps are purely blog candy and may or may not correspond to the narrative)
Sara comes home running and Lucas is already there [Supersonic powers?]. Lucas tries to calm her down and tells her they’re going for a picnic and asks her to forget everything (when Lucas pulled a gun on her but she didn't know it was he) and that they're in this together. “Si tu saltas, yo salto y si a mí me pegan un tiro, yo sangro” [“If you jump, I jump and if they shoot you, I bleed”].

LHDP intro, then Lola does the monologue. She talks about the different kinds of breakfasts – in company, all alone... Scene of PepSi: “Breakfast in company, all excited about new things that are just beginning”.
Silvia: Look, I hit the target!Lola finds Aitor waiting outside Lucas’ door like a lost puppy. She asks him to help her get the laundry from the clothesline in the courtyard. (Piper's note: I've always found it charming when people dry clothes outside instead of using a dryer. Clothes smell nicer and fresher.) They talk about Carlota while he has Sara’s underwear in his hand. Paco sees him through the window, takes the undie off his hand, and talks to Lola in private. He tells her to keep her underwear out of public view given Aitor is a subordinate. Lola tells him off sarcastically since they live in a very small flat. He leaves “to go to the dentist” and Aitor asks Lola for the keys to the storage because he needs to find something to fix his scooter.
Pepa: I don’t believe you!

At the precinct, Quique and Curtis imitate DL and DeGaulle, who are outside arguing animatedly. Lucas, Mariano, and Paco enter and Mariano starts picking on Lucas because he’s got a hickey. Pepa enters the room.

Pepa: Good morning!Silvia immediately becomes self-conscious when Pepa compliments her hair. Awesome facial expressions, MA. Montoya ambles by still thinking he's got a chance with Pepa. I start feeling a little sorry for him. Just a little.
Silvia: Good morning!
Pepa: Hola guapa! Did you do something to your hair?

DL starts the meeting with the news of Mr. Smith's death and the circumstances surrounding it. Lucas is back in the case. Paco wants to handle the investigation but DL asks him if he really thinks he’s got the resources to do it, so Mariano also steps up and DL decides to give them the case. They have to go all CSI to reconstruct what happened at the observation deck.

(Sweet PePaco scene)
Meeting is adjourned. Pepa asks Silvia for coffee. Montoya thinks he's also invited. Now I feel a tad annoyed at him. Just a tad.

The hombres are at the observation deck, arguing about what is head and what is tails. Paco is on the ground and steps on Smith's leftover brains. Blug! Up at the deck, they’re trying to reconstruct the scenes from the night before and they end up playing what looks like a stupid cop version of twister. Lucas is in the truck with Salazar and friends. Salazar is threatening him with throwing somebody else off the building if he keeps on not responding to them. At the observation deck, the Pacos are still going CSI and they’re thinking of throwing a dummy off the building to calculate angles and vectors, but they end up discussing whether Superintendent Smith was fat or not and of course Mariano feels offended. Again.

At Laureano Vicuña (Translator's note: Just so you know, that’s the address of Paco’s house) Aitor, like a wet and cold kitty, is still waiting at the door for Carlota when Lucas arrives. They get into some argument, because Aitor thinks Lucas wanted to separate them like he did with Sara. Of course it's always about you, Aitor! They fight and Lucas allegedly breaks his tooth. At that moment, Silvia and Pepa and Lola appear and separate them. Then the Tooth Fairy also appears and gives Aitor a big kick in the ass.
Lola (to Lucas): Did you just lose your mind? There’s a first aid kit in the bar [along with bottles of tequila, of course!]
Pepa: Let’s go.

At the dentist, PepSi are doting on Aitor.
Aitor: Hey, I’m not eight...
Pepa: Eh?
Aitor: I said I’m not eight, you can wait for me outside, if you do me that favour, no?
PepSi: No!!
Pepa: No, otherwise you skip the revision, I know you too well. Plus I want to see the tooth they put in your mouth, I don’t want them to make you look like Nosferatu.
Silvia: Hey, and why do you get into fights with Lucas? Oh well... Next time I see him, I’m going to kick his ass [Translator's note: She says “I’m going to slap him and break his teeth fillings!!” literally... so sweet!]. What an animal... He broke your tooth...

Pepa: What you have to do is what I learn at Las Tres Mil [Translator's note: I thought it was a track and field event but NO! Pepa is tough! Las Tres Mil (The Three Thousand) is a neighbourhood in South Seville, 40.000 inhabitants, the Bronx of Spain: poverty, drugs, vandalism, prostitution – you name it, they have it! Honestly, I think this brings a new side of Pepa – we knew she was a badass, but this definitely says she's badder than a simple badass!]. When you’re punching with your right hook, you have to cover your face with the left one!
Silvia: Sure, encourage him...!

Pepa: Eh, do not overdramatize, come on, we have all been punched in the face for love once in our lifetime [Translator's note: She says “We have all gotten our faces broken for love”].
Silvia: Ah, maybe they smacked you!
Pepa: Well yes. Maybe it’s because I always fall for the wrong person.

Doctor: Hey, good afternoon!
Pepa: [inaudible] You’re arriving at the right time.
Doctor: Let’s see that tooth.
Aitor: Don’t hurt me, please?
Silvia: Don’t be such a weenie! They are very professional, they’re gonna treat you very well, they’re not going to hurt you, everything is so sterilized. Plus we’re here with you.

Paco and Mariano are in the house, having breakfast and reading through the dossiers. Aitor walks in because the Pacos wanted to talk to him (about stealing Sara's underwear). Paco and Mariano start sniffing knickers to make Aitor feel "he’s not alone" in his "fetish" but he just looks shocked and perturbed. I would too. Paco and Mariano have definitely crowned themselves again. Lola comes in and asks them what the hell are they doing sniffing dirty knickers.

At the lab, the seance session with Mr Smith is about to begin. His cadaver looks relatively okay given he’s fallen off a 80m building. Curtis asks Quique to cover the empty eye socket (apparently, Mr. Smith also lost an eyeball)... Quique uses a post-it note (so professional!). They start the ritual and Lola knocks at the door, giving them all a fright. Lola wants to talk to the late Bernarda.

In the meeting room, they are all getting ready for Paco and Mariano's presentation. Silvia and Pepa walk in, they say hello and assume their roles of looking gorgeous. [Translator's horny plea: Are they not working and only making out and we can’t see them? I need fanfic fillers here! :D].

Mr Smith begins to speak via the medium lady, but he’s speaking in English so the junk patrol does not understand him and Curtis goes to find Pove to translate.

Sara goes to Lucas and tells him it’s the last time his name is not among her last ten calls. *BARF!* So he phones her to ask her out and she refuses cause she has a meeting.

At the lab, everyone's all lining to talk to their dearly departed friends. Smith keeps speaking English... and SO IS POVE! Queen’s English actually! Translator is stunned... Because she obviously does not know that the actor who plays Pove is really from Murcia, which she backhandedly maligned in 4x06.

Paco and Mariano realise that the file is missing from the laptop. Paco tries to distract DL and goes to get Pove... who was serving as translator at the seance. Paco goes ballistic when he sees what the Junk Patrol is up to but the medium lady shouts and says that Smith was on his way to meet someone. Paco and Mariano relay this information to the people at the meeting (who have no idea that John Edwards - the medium not ex VP candidate and philanderer - is at the comisaria).

Silvia: If Smith was meeting someone at the observation deck and didn’t say anything to anyone and didn’t take precautions, it’s because he knew the person.
Paco: Silvia’s deduction is a deduction of our deduction [Translator's snark: WTF?], I mean, that’s what we think.

End of PepSi scenes, but we know you care so much about the Kaiser case and cannot wait to know what will happen next, so we're telling you the rest of the episode anyway. Plus we still have a lot of screencaps to plaster all over...

At Los Cachis, Paco and Mariano are having a pity party for no real reason. Paco says Lucas is a good cop (Hah!) and can be anything he wants to be but he’s wasting his time in San Antonio with them, the awful cops. You think? Quique arrives with Smith's mobile phone log and they realise it’s Lucas who was at the observation deck with him.

Lucas is doing some shooting practice, feeling like crap when Sara comes in carrying a bag that would make James Bond so jealous: GPS trackers, mobile phones, network connection devices... the whole enchilada!

Aitor is pretty much determined to find out where the hell Carlota is and breaks into Lucas' flat Mission: Impossible style.

Lucas meets with Mariano and Paco who tell him that he is the principal suspect in Smith's murder. Lucas asks them to cover for him, because he’s innocent, and that they have to trust him. Paco does trust him and swallows Smith’s SIM card. WTF? Mariano wants to do someting similarly honorable and tries to swallow a Lithum battery, but they stop him.

Aitor finds Carlota's passport implying that she did not go out of the country. He doesn't trust Lucas anymore. The End.

Watch clip in HD

Piper's commentary:
Not a lot of PepSi screentime, but I didn't really understand their little exchange at the dental office. Why would Pepa get offended with Silvia's allusion to getting emotionally smacked, and why did she answer her with "Pues sí. Será que siempre me fijo en la persona equivocada" and gave her that loaded look? I thought that they have agreed that they're just friends, they had coffee that morning and bonded over bagels and bullets, then this exchange? Did something happen or was said between coffee and dentist? Or the writers got lazy again and wanted some dialogue that shows PepSi's road to coupledom without regard for the rest of the storyline?
And then there's the never-ending stupidity of the cops at San Antonio. Never. Ending. Stupidity. If they were going to hold a seance, they did not really need the physical body of the deceased; they could hold it in the safety and privacy of their own home - of course "privacy" is relative in Spain. But not where the precinct captain could catch you. Then there's Smith's missing eyeball. For some reason, this reminds me of the Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head commercial, where Mrs. Potato Head's lips fell and she replaced it with Angry Eyes. But that's just me. I'm sure this is not funny to a lot of people.
Jess: I am droooooling at the screencaps! Oh, and I kept laughing as I read the whole lecture. I don't think I need to watch/understand the episode since the write-up is that good! Kudos, Dr. P and Bekelauer! *standing ovation*
Hi there, glade to see the new update. Love every introduction, analysis and screencap. Helps a lot people like me who don't understand spanish. Million thanks and million kisses~~
Nice recap and awesome screencap...I found their little interaction at the dentist strange, too and I still haven't figured it out what they were trying to get across...maybe to show that Silvia has deeper feelings for Pepa.
But I liked their interaction in that short scene a lot for some reason.
Well yeah, Translator is stunned by Povedilla's Queen's English, honestly. Never seen something so formidable since Lucas survived his latest (but not last) gun shot. I wonder how he ever learnt it... Do Murcians have super powers? Is he really San Antonio's new James Bond? Blows my mind. LOL.
And my deduction to the weird Pepa remark is that Silvia is questioning Pepa's lifestyle by scolding her for teaching Aitor how to fight back. Pepa is offended and replies with a reproach, veeeeery feminine - I'm sure we have all done that at least once! ["Yeah, cause I am not like your ex", "Because I can't leave you alone at a party, can I?", "Since all you wanted to do last night was sleep"... Stuff like that, you know!]. I don't think Pepa is over the whole I-tried-to-touch-your-hand-but-you-took-it-away incident when they were watching stars. Therefore the remark. But that's only my guess.
I remember when this episode aired, that on the spanish forum, they discussed the "hint" of Pepa had been abused in some way by a former lover. That dentist scene and her reaction to the bare butt guy in the stake out scene...but nothing ever developed on that subject.
thanks, Dr Piper and Beke.
Pepa seems too fearless and fierce to abused by anybody, she would kick their ass. However I think she has a dark story they decided not to touch, being a comedy and all. She was a rebellious child who escaped from home and lived at the dangerous neighborhood, I see a gang of petty criminals, drug use, maybe even prostitution to survive. But she said she was a secretary so she went to some school and love sent her to police work. I always presumed it was following on big brother' s steps, her becoming a cop
I think Pepa s the type to fall in love easily, she even said " when I meet a chick and get along fine with her I think I am in love", and Silvia, during the autopsy noticed how Pepa looked at her reminded Pepa she doesn't like girls, and Pepa went along but that doesn't mean she had feelings for Silvia, hidden and being Pepa, sooner or later she was going to let them out, that's the: I always look at the wrong person looking at Silvia in a way that left no doubt what and who she was talking about. Too bad their story was second bananas to useless cops, more of that give and take would have been fun. The writers fixed it with Silvia talk to Lola: I follow her around, I think I am ligando with Pepa.
Yeah, think about it. Silvia was the " straight" pun not intended, guy in this comedy of errors, just like Povedilla was too plus the butt of all the jokes, only Silvia was the center, the voice of reason, always saving the day seriously. I wonder WHO, WHERE HOW the idea, after Sara got Lucas and Silvia let him go, to make Silvia a lesbian inclined girl with not just any girl, someone from her past, someone familiar VOILA—Paco has a sister! That was pure genius!
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