Vivir Tapando (To Live Covered)
By Drs. Pied Piper and Bekelauer
(If you want to watch the episode without downloading it, the link is at the end of the post. As usual, the screencaps do not correspond to the narratives. They're purely for aesthetic purposes.)
Felix does the intro monologue. He speaks about his professional record as a psychiatrist. He doesn’t remember most of the patients, but he does have an affection for los hombres de Paco. He learned in med school that you should not throw stones if you live in a glass house. I didn't go to med school but I learned that too. Maybe in kindergarten?

Lucas gets home to his flat in shambles (Translator's note: Like Hiroshima after the bomb, as my mother would say). Alison is there to welcome him, he points his gun at her. But she has the upper hand since she has Carlota. She phones Salazar (Translator's comment: The “He’s not a happy bunny” line kills me”) and through a video phone (really high tech for San Antonio!) Lucas sees Carlota crying, kidnapped. Alison tells him he’s got to cooperate with them and not to tell anyone.

(Silvia has a nipple ring! On the outide!)
Aitor is looking for Carlota and Lucas tries to get rid of him, Aitor gets superbratty and insists on talking to her. Alison tells Lucas that the Kaiser wants him alive as an inside informant. She then asks him to get her a detonator (for what?) and then get all the info that the police has about the Kaiser gang– Lucas tells her that CNI (Spain Intelligence) has all that info and he doesn't have access. She says “How much you do love your sister?” and kisses Lucas and tells him “You’re gonna have to be nicer, even if it’s not out of love” – she is a horndog! (Piper's comment: Just like our Translator. I guess it takes a horndog to know one. Hehe.)

Next day, they’re all having breakfast and Lucas downplays the cabin shootout. He tella Paco that he was just in the middle of a gang war and that he was not attacked by Salazar’s men. Paco scolds Mariano cause he’s eating too much. DL leaves to scold the Interpol about the gang war he didn’t know about. Sara gives Lucas a toastie with “I love you” written in jam on it because they're still secret lovers? Yeah, right. Lola asks Paco if they can open the bar because it was closed down by the police during the DDR bomb fiasco. Paco says yes, because otherwise they can’t make it (Translator's snarky Spanish insight: This leaves me wondering – is Paco working free of charge for the police? They live in a suburban neighbourhood, they have two incomes, and they have very few expenses because they live modestly – so where does all the money go?).

Curtis: If you have any doubts, ask Uncle Curtis. In this precinct there’s nothing going on that we, the people, don’t know about.
DL: Wow! So, Miranda, watching how your colleagues work, huh? Did you come here to work or to watch?
Pepa: I was just...
DL: Do you want me to get you a little rocking chair? Or a couple of beers? What do you think?
Pepa: I was waiting for you to get me a partner to patrol with, Don Lorenzo.
DL: A partner...

Montoya: Don Lorenzo, if you want I can go with her and show her the procedure and... well, I volunteer to be her partner.
DL: Volunteer when you’re asked, you goose. Take an unmarked car immediately. Go to the warehouse where Olmedo was found. I want that surveillance car there, record any kind of movement. You understood?
Pepa: The warehouse?
DL: Yes, the warehouse.
Pepa: But the warning neon lights exploded the other day, courtesy of us.
DL: So?
Pepa: So even an idiot would know that police has been there.
DL: Even an idiot...? I don’t care, young lady, I don’t care! That’s your mission.

Pepa: Don Lorenzo? Is that a mission or are you fucking me over?
DL: Excuse me?
Pepa: Is it a mission or you just want to fuck me over?
DL: Are you the Captain here? Answer... Are you the Captain and I have not been told?
Pepa: No, sir.
DL: So then do as you’re ordered. I have far too many problems to... How did you say?
Pepa: Fuck me over.
DL: Fuck you over. [Turns around, sees Silvia] Oh, hi honey! How you doing?

All along, the precinct is listening, with jaws dropped, to this exchange (except for Lucas and Sara because they're doing the chiki-chiki in the bathroom) and now they all know how much of a badass Pepa is.
Silvia: Papa? So if you’re not trying to screw her over, seeing that Pepa is going to need a partner, I am going with her, that all right?It's DL's turn to keep his mouth hanging while Silvia glances quickly at Pepa who smiles all knowingly. And now we know what the little trinket thing hanging from her boob is - it's a special love amulet from Pepa to be worn only on the left boob and contains special herbs and spices that act like catnip. She gave it to Silvia under pretense that it's got a microphone in it for their next undercover gig.

Lucas receives a call from Alison and he then goes to DL’s office and tries to get the Kaiser case files but they’ve changed the password for security. At last - something was done RIGHT in this dysfunctional comisaria! DL’s catches him and tells him he’s out of the case and of course Lucas goes ballistic. He barges into the room where Smith is talking to Paco and Mariano. He yells at Smith and tells him he’s not getting off of the case. Then Paco’s line KILLS the Translator... or maybe it’s the way he says it: “Si esta gente solo hablan inglés y nosotros no pasamos del We are the champions” Translation: “These guys only speak English, and we don’t go any further than singing We Are The Champions”. Mariano sees an envelope from Lucas that reads “Paco and Mariano” so he grabs it and leaves.

Silvia: Here tonight... I think we’re not going to see a damn thing.
Pepa: Not even the stars... That’s what I like the least about Madrid, Silvia. You can’t see a damn star in the sky.
Silvia: But there are stars, huh? It’s just that these streets are too bright. But if we were in a dark alley, we would be able to see them. I can spot Ursa Major. [Pepa laughs at Silvia's adorable geekiness] What?
Pepa: Nothing... Do you want me to start the wave? [She means an audience wave. Loaded silence. Then a car passes by]. Write down: 8125 CMJ, grey Peugeot. You got it?
Silvia: Yes.

Aitor is looking for Carlota and leaves another message for her. He's now really pissed because he thinks she is avoiding him. Yes, it's all about you, isn't it? Fortunately, the scenes cut back to PepSi. Yay! Since nothing is going on and the air is getting really hot, Silvia turns the radio on and a song plays which obviously unnerves her and amuses Pepa to no end. I'm guessing it's one of the songs at Sara's communion party, maybe even the one they danced to. Silvia's apprehension was so palpable she couldn't even sit still.

Silvia: Did you know that you were my first kiss? [Pepa laughs]
Pepa: No.
Silvia: Yes.
Pepa: I don’t believe you. They say one never forgets the first kiss, no?
Silvia: Well, I remember it more because of the racket it provoked than for the kiss itself!
Pepa: You do, don’t you? [Fakes being offended that Silvia remembers the kiss less than the mess it provoked]

Silvia: No, but you know... I mean...
Pepa: Yeah, I know, it was silly, I know.
Silvia: No, but we were just kids.
Pepa: I know.
Silvia: We were only 18.
Pepa: I knoooow, Silvia, I know. If we kissed now it would be completely different. We’re not kids anymore... and it wouldn’t be the first time! I know, I agree with you, it was just a silly thing.

Back at the lesbionic undercover surveillance truck, Pepa and Silvia are still basking in the afterglow of flirting when a car pulls up next to them and starts talking nonsense.
Guy: Hey, you. Hottie! You, hottie! Fuck, if you’re that sexy on the outside, I can just imagine how yummy you are on the inside! [Translator's note: Not the nicest of things to say to a woman. He uses the fruit comparison. Literally “If you look that yummy and you’re only green, how yummy would you be when you are ripe”. My guess is “If you are this sexy all dressed, you sure are a hot bitch when you’re naked”. Word by word.]
Pepa: Get lost.
Guy: Look, brunette, you’re getting me all hard. [Translator's comment: “Palote perdido” is one of the most vulgar expressions ever. Palote means big and hard stick. Beke pukes]
Silvia: Tss, tss, get lost.

Guy: Oy, oy, what’s wrong, brunette? What’s wrong? What happened to my little pussy? Is my little pussy sad? Huh?
Pepa: I’m not going to say it again.
Guy: What’s wrong? What’s wrong with you?
Pepa: Go away.
Guy: What’s wrong, brunette, you're going to spank me or something? Let me make it easy for you.
[Starts mooning them. Wrong move, douchebag!]
Silvia: What are you doing? What the hell are you doing?

Pepa: Police! Get the fuck out of the car, you too and put your hands in the air. Come on! For what do you want me to press charges against you, eh? Sexual harassment? Vandalism?
Guy: I’m sorry, fuck!
Pepa: I’m gonna blow up your brains!! [Translator's note: “Reventar” is just “to blow up”, even “to break”... But when you “reventar” somebody, it’s pretty much to kick their asses big time]
Silvia: Pepa, what are you doing? Leave him, Pepa!
Guy: I’m sorry, fuck! Fuck, I’m sorry! Get this thing off me, fuck...
Silvia: Leave him!!

Pepa: Get the hell out of here... NOW. And next time you want to talk to a chick through the car window... [make sure you use] “excuse me” and “please”.
Guy: Okay, okay, okay.
Pepa: Eh? How?
Guy: Excuse me and please.
Pepa: Get the hell out of here now!! Go! [Translator's note: She uses “humo!!”, which means “smoke”... It’s another ‘nice’ way of sending somebody off] You two!! Start the car!!
Driver: I’ve told you a million times, fuck, you always messing around!!!

Silvia: Pepa...? What the hell are you doing? Who do you think you are? Dirty Harry?
Pepa: You need to teach this scum a lesson.
Silvia: Oh, yeah, while we're on an active investigation? When we’re undercover? Maybe my father is right and you’re just a lunatic! [Translator's note: “No tener dos dedos de frente”, literally “To have a forehead shorter than "the length of two fingers". Very idiomatic Spanish. It means not to be too intelligent, and it’s mostly used with people that do things without thinking first. The "two finger" thing indicates that one’s forehead is “short” therefore there is less capacity for your brain, so then that means smaller brains. And Silvia uses the typical gesture for the expression, tapping her forehead with two fingers]

Silvia: Hi!
Julián: Hi!
Jimmy: Hi Julián! You bringing me good “material”?
Julián: A first class leg of ham, Jimmy – the kind that makes you lick even your knuckles!
Jimmy: Cool, so shall we have a beer and we try some?
Julián: Of course.

Pepa: I’m sorry about last night’s scene.Montoya walks over and in one of my favorite scenes ever, Silvia turns around to give him The Look and he quickly retreats because he knows what that look means. You don't mess with the pelirroja.
Montoya: Hey, Lola, don’t charge them for whatever they’re having. And, I want a coffee.

Silvia: It’s just, hija, that with your magnum and your hot blood... you’d be a perfect match for Lucas!
Lola: Don’t give her ideas, don’t mess the family even more, or we’ll end up being on a La noche temática TV special!! [La Noche Temática is a reality TV show]
Silvia: Well, it wasn’t my night either [Translator's note: “No estar fina” is to “Not have your day”, more or less], we could say. Plus that was not a mission or anything.

Montoya: Eh, Lola, if they want anything more... I’ll pay for it. Okay? Hey, listen, that... Do you want to grab a bite or...?
Silvia: No, Gonzalo, can we have a moment alone?
Pepa: It’s not the stakeout, Silvia. It’s just that I know that in two days everyone is gonna have a grudge against me like your father does.

Lola: Well, a grudge-grudge... I think the whole thing is just tepid. Well, I’d say it’s cold.
Pepa: It’s cold turning into freezing cold [Translator's note: Glacier-like, literally]. And no... I don’t find... No, I don’t have a reason to stay here.
Silvia: You don’t? Well I have one. Yes! The other night, when I went to bed...
Pepa: What...?

Silvia: ...And I remembered the guy with his butt naked... I couldn’t stop laughing, and I’m not a laughing person... And also, I have to show you something tonight.
Silvia then looks at Pepa adoringly, like a little kitty cat.
Pepa: Shall we get out of here?
Silvia: Okay.
Pepa: Eh, wait, I’m going to the toilet.
Silvia: Okay...

And of course, we have to leave it to Lola to call Silvia on her blatant flirting display.
Lola: Hey, sister, what are you doing? You're like El Risitas... [Translator's note: A popular Spanish TV character famous for his contagious laughter] You’re not flirting with Pepa, are you?Bwahaha! Silvia, you are so busted on your crush!
Silvia: Ay, Lola, don’t be absurd.

Pove tries to talk to Rita but she rambles that if having a “white marriage” is what Pove wants, then let it be it. He grabs her and takes her away. Quique tells Curtis that he thinks Pove is going to propose to Rita, so they listen in. Hay, Dios mio! Absolutely no privacy in this stupid TV show!

Silvia and Pepa are lying on the hood of their lesbionic truck, looking at the stars. The not-Gloria Gaynor song "I Will Survive" plays in the background.
Silvia: Thousands of stars. You only need to know where to look.
Pepa: Yes. The truth is that this place is... perfect. It’s so weird, there are no working streetlamps! It’s like... as if somebody had been throwing rocks to break them all! [Laughter] I used to do this in Seville. I would go to the airport and lie at the end of the runway. Planes fly by 5 meters away from you and you can fell how they... suck you in. And the smell of kerosene, the air, the atmosphere... the sound. I love that feeling.
Silvia: Pepa, you have to show me all those things.
Pepa: How to be a badass?
Silvia: Yeah, that too.

Paco thanks Felix for what he has done for them and tells him to go home but Felix is still high on police emotions and wants to stay so he can get involved in more action. Pove and Rita talk in the police car, while Curtis, Quique, and eventually the whole precinct are listening in. WTF?!! Pove’s speech is really emotional, and he tells her that he loves her and that he’s not a hero for the police but for her. Paco tells them to switch the radio off, but when Curtis is about to, Pove says “Honey, they raped me in that prison”. Everyone hears this confession and their faces look like the moment you heard Princess Diana had died. (I was in Washington DC with my parents and we were at the hotel and they were asleep but I was watching SNL and then they broke the news... Ah, never mind!)

Lucas tells Smith that Salazar has his sister and he needs the password. The Kaiser phones him and tells him his sister is in the blue van. He leaves Smith alone – a bad idea since you almost strangled him earlier. At the precinct, Pove comes back inside and everybody is looking at him. Paco tells him they overheard everything and apologizes. Everyone hugs and congratulates Pove. Dr. Felix resumes his narration with “The people I’ve treated normally live covering their problems so they can get a few night’s sleep, but they really are all alone”.

At the viewpoint, Lucas goes down and tries to look for the blue van when something crashes against the ground with a loud thump – Mr Smith. He gets a text message saying “We warned you”. We see that the building cameras have recorded everything, including Lucas choking Smith – but it is edited so we don't really know who threw the poor chump out to his death.

Watch PepSi clip in HD.
Piper's Commentary
How on earth did Dr. Felix get to do the monologue? He's not even a regular cast member! Silvia, on the other hand, despite the fact that she's been on the show from the beginning, did not do the monologue until just before she died. So not fair. Little things like this can tell us why, in the end, Marian Aguilera chose not to return to the show, and who can blame her? When you put the little things together (e.g., screen time), you get one big reason for quitting. So again, fuck you Alex Tiny Penis Pina.
And I know LHDP is supposed to be a black dramedy, but the methods by which the writers choose to show humor are sometimes totally irresponsible. I have a very big problem with drugs, legal or otherwise. Not when real people have died because of drugs, like Enrique Urquijo, who as you may have gathered by now, I'm totally crushing on. It's lazy and totally stupid they way the show goes for the lowest common denominator to get a few laughs.
And Pepa... we have had tender and romantic Pepa so it only makes sense that we solidify badass Pepa. In parallel to badass Lucas. Lucas has the printed, grungy T-shirts, Pepa has the grungy vests. Neither of which could escape Silvia's badass radar. (Badassdar?)
Love the episode and this recap! *g*
Funny thing about the song in the car scene: Both Marian and Laura react way too early to the song. Always thought that was kind of strange but if you indeed assume that this song had a prior meaning to them it actually would make sense that they reacted to the first notes rather than the lyrics that start shortly afterwards.
Los Cachis scene: One of my all-time favourites! Just love Lola in this one and Silvia is just adorably cute in her flirting.
the gazing stars scene: So sweet...and what I appreciate the most about all the PepSi scenes on the show - they are simple. So much is said or not said for that matter with the littlest of effort. And it works! Mainly because Marian and Laura work so astonishingly well onscreen.
Thank you for this recap! :)
just brilliant, beke and Dr piper. I love the catnip ring...meow...
for a long time there has been speculation about the street lights--did Silvia break them before she got Pepa? Certainly Pepa suspects something.
Reading this just makes me miss these two even more.
Jess: Love, love, LOVE this recap! Love the snarky remarks too... And yes, love the length of it because of all the random PepSi screencaps. :o)
I really thought Pepa looked gorgeous in this episode...maybe it was because the "stakeout scene" was one of the first clips I ever saw of PepSi, but I have a special fondness for Pepa's hairstyle during these first few episodes (though not the initial severe bangs *shudder*).
Also, I fell in love with Silvia during the Cachis scene. I lost my heart at that very moment she snorted while she was laughing. She's gorgeous, and geeky, and feisty, and snorts when she laughs!! Ahhh, I love her so.
I agree with Dr. Piper's comment how on earth does a guest get to do the introductory monologue and Marian does it till she leaves. Marian was too good for the show in my humble opinion. Maybe she got a hold of what was to come on the new season and decided to jump the shark before the show sank. I will keep an eye on the Pepa storyline for sure but i will miss scenes like these ones between our two sexy sheilas.
Those looks Silvia keeps trowing Montoya so he would leave Pepa alone were priceless, and yeah Silvia does snort when she laughs, something i have always found to be so cute. ahhhh, those were the days my friends.
"You only need to know where to look." "I want you to stay in San Antonio." Could you please write them in Spanish? And do you know the song's name played during the scene?
It's not 8 years. Silvia was 18 year old and now she is edging 30 ( D.L. says Silvia's 32 year old when asking Pove to get the gladiolos for the wedding, roughly 2 years before these happenings, so it's 12 years since they last saw and kissed each other. And I agree with Silvia having one and only monologue. On the other hand I don' t recall D.L. Salgado or Gonzalo having one either. They started out with Paco describing a situation narrating things, then they switched to monologues. Nice touch. O, yes, D.L. had sort of one but at the end of the episode, when the girls returned from the street fair and Silvia decides she has to go to Pepa pronto! That shot was kind of a visual monologue, Marian expressiveness telling all.
I love them so. I wonder, if it was USA, they would have spin off this golden pair to have their show.
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