by Dr. Pied Piper
Silvia is so not into Gonzalo, and Lola witnesses it, so she and Bernarda advise him to leave his metrosexuality behind and start acting like a badass motherf*$%@. In other words, like Lucas. (And Pepa, we just didn’t know it then.)
It works. Even after Lola confesses and Gonzalo is busted, Silvia still goes home with him (but you can tell that she’s already thinking of that certain brunette in Sevilla…)

This is another must see for everyone.
It is hilarious seeing Montoya in his not usual clothing attire (He's trying to be like Lucas and wears casual clothing) It doesn't suit him and he obivously shows that he's not comfort in it.
I do believe he realizes that he's fighting a brick wall. He's so in love with Silvia that he's willing to do anything to please her but he sees that Silvia isn't going to do the same for him
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