by Dr. Pied Piper
Lucas comes home from the hospital and Silvia (who started wearing her wedding ring again) keeps doting on him and showing pictures “to bring back his memory”, believing that he really has amnesia. (We learn that during their honeymoon, SilCas stayed in bed for 3 days and 3 nights, which I bet the PepSi honeymoon can easily surpass) But the ever-perceptive Lola figures out the truth and the gig is up.
Meanwhile, Marquez, now sporting a macho Iberico goatee, breaks up with Silvia after she tries to postpone their wedding again because Lucas "needs her." But not to worry, Montoya is Rebound Boy in waiting.
In this episode, Silvia was like a 3rd order polynomial where she breezed through her 3 hombres - Lucas, Marquez, and then Montoya - all within 2 LHDP hours.
Also, she cries a lot.

(Note: Marquez has the most impeccable timing of all: proposed to Silvia in the lab in front of what should have been a cadaver, and broke up with Silvia at the shooting range – Dude, note to self, next time, don’t dump a girl when she has a gun in her hand, vale?)
Dr. Piper
I like your recap on this episode. You should teach a course to us ladies how not to break up with people.
First Break up Rule # Not at a shooting range.
and How Not to Romance a Girl # Not at a lab with a dead body/morgue or anything that is death related.
love seeing her with a syringe!
isn't there an ep where pove almost kills silvia when kike pops something near him and startles him while he's cleaning his gun? ya, don't mess w/ppl that have guns in their hands!
Silvia looks gooood in pink! And I don't even like the color! And her at the shooting range with the gun *melts*
Having said that..Marquez, Marquez. You ARE dumb. You propose to the girl in her work station, which happens to contain dead bodies and you break up with her in a shooting range...whilst she has a gun in her hand. *blank disbelieving stare* Do you HAVE a death wish or something?? Gods...
Jen, that scene you are talking about is the episode that was the day after Silvia and Pepa first hook up in the Bathroom Scene. Pepa has just giving Silvia the file folder that had the note that said she was dying to kiss her. After Pepa left was when Pove almost shot Silvia... eek!! That was a close one!!
ya i wish i could've seen that. your fanfic was great angie! i can see why they awarded you the degree!
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