
LHDP Extra

by Dr. Pied Piper 

Mi Vida Con Lucas

(If you want to watch the episode without downloading it, the link is at the end of the post)

After the cliff-hanger of Season 2 and before Season 3, Globomedia / Antena3 showed a "special episode" called "Mi Vida Con Lucas / My Life with Lucas" written from Sara's point of view. So in case you feel like barfing or doing your weekly penance (if you're Catholic), this is one of those shows which can induce you to scratch your eyeballs out or cause your IQ to drop a few points.

We find out that Sara has been in love with Lucas since she was 7 years old!
(Sara's 7th birthday party)

Then we go down memory nightmare as Sara relates how she had constantly seduced her ex-uncle. One of Sara's Silvia stories includes Season 1's finale when Lucas drove like a bat out of hell to get to her.

Silvia, being on the passenger seat, could have suffered the brunt of the collision had the race car failed to stop and t-boned their car. (Lucas, you ASSHAT!)
Another Sara memory is of the morning after Lucas & Silvia hooked up. Sara says that Lucas went seeking the embrace of another to avoid her. Didn't it cross her mind that Lucas and Silvia were once married and there was still some love there? It really is all about you, isn't it, Sara?

Next Sara wrote about Silvia's pregnancy scare and Lucas running around San Antonio - either to see her or to meet Silvia, who just got her early pregnancy test kit, at the pharmacy.
Sara writes about when Lucas kissed her and how Paco was extremely angry at Lucas (he's the adult, afterall). And then Lucas faking amnesia and pretending his last memory was walking hand-in-hand with Silvia.
And lastly, she writes of her 16th birthday gift from Lucas (playing hooky in a hotel) and how she managed to get everyone involved and how Silvia put her reputation on the line and tried to cover for her.
Those are only the scenes with Silvia because frankly, I really don't care about the others, but you might want to watch the Beautiful Love Story between Lucas and Sara. (*Barf*)

Of course Season 2 ended with Sara being rescued by both Lucas and Paco. The cliffhanger was Sara's choice: would she go home with her father or stay with Lucas? Yep, she chose Lucas, plunging her mother into deep depression, almost causing her parents' divorce, and resulting in Lucas losing his job. Way to go, Sara!

Watch episode in HD


Jen said...

thanks again piper for all your work! whoa lola with red hair i had to double take to figure out who that was. and paco with a fro and he's a clown sara was really loved by everyone. yea i'm not going to even go there with the age difference i guess love knows no age ::barfs::. there are really some great pics of MA pepsiaddict would tell me when is she not beautiful, i guess she's right.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I didn't realized you were also watching the special episode. I'm a little disappointed that these special episodes were dedicated to Sara and Lucas' relationship. Seeing how this is show is about Paco and his men, it seems more appriopriate for the special episode be about Paco or Paco and his men.

Great job again Piper. I hope you are feeling better today!

dors said...

hi! I'm doc_pelirroha from the COM forum
I just wanted to say you're doing a fantastic the screencaps!

Greetings from Chile ;)

veraa-deliefste said...

Lola looked adorable! Thank you again :).


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